
Marvel: I gained a system through death

I have lost my way in life and made a few wrong decisions and was able to find my way again but in the midst of self discory everything I knew started to shift to unusual path and discovered a whole new world after an accident.

CaiZhenn · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Transformers multiverse

Crowd -> It's the "QUEEN"

Trent's face was in dismay after hearing the crowds assessment

Trent (inner thoughts) -> No, no, that's impossible that person shouldn't be here, she never go to school this early, besides who would believe that queen would be wearing this type of clothings{while looking at her from head to toe}.. She's probably a fake, a look a like or someone who wanted to be famous quick by imitating the school tyrant with a sweet appearance.

The girl pulling the man's arm couple minutes ago has now moved a few steps back, then a burst of laughter was heard coming from Trent that lasted for a few seconds, he then yelled his reason for everybody to hear that this girl couldn't be the queen, Trent then said that he will unmask this persons real persona for everybody to see her real self

The bully Trent immediately went close to Mossie without care and about to slap the girls face, however before the hand made contact with her cheeks, the whole arm flung to the opposite direction and also made Trents body to step back a bit. As the boy couldn't surmise what just occured, he still felt that his pride was stepped on and without thinking he pushed his body forward and swang his arm hinting to hit Mossie with a punch instead of another slap but that's the last thing he remembered before he hits the ground laying on his back

The punch made by Trent was swang very poorly and made Mossie to retaliate by performing a Judo throw, one of the student watching the squable between the two has started recording the event unfold, and there he was mesmerized by the perfect throw made by Mossie.

After Mossie threw him to the ground she went close to his ear and said a few promising words only the two could hear

Mossie -> Bully anyone again and I will do the same to you, with twice the pain and embarassment

Trent's face paled and immediately stood up and left the scene. Everyone was speechless and started to walk away while holding their phones

Mossie -> Sam.. you ok?

Sam -> You didn't have to do that you know..

Mossie -> You could have said thanks, besides it ticks me off

Sam -> Thanks I guess..

After Sam thanked Mossie, he went straight to class

<{ I didn't know your such a good person }>

Mossie -> Nah, it only depends on a situation

<{ What do you mean by that }>

Mossie -> ...

Before I could find my homeroom the bell rang and now I'm late, butting in someone else's affair really has consequences.

A while after, I finally saw my homeroom and knocked on the closed door (took me a couple minutes after the bell rang), slowly opening the door, the teacher who was taking attendance was abruptly stopped as I enter the class

Teacher -> Ms. Edelweiss, late again are you.. I really thought you would change after coming back from suspens... (clear throat) y..your properly dress this time hmm.. very well, only this time I'll forgive you. But don't get this over your head and go find your chair.

The teacher was looking at his clipboard while taking the attendance and saw Mossie's head thru the door glass, as soon as Mossie entered the classroom she was berated by her homeroom teacher for being late after what it seem as suspension but was stopped and had a changed of heart as soon as the teacher had a look at her attire, made an excuse then was told to go to her desk

First thing I noticed was the three familiar faces, each of their own reaction after seeing my face, a mocking smile is painted on my face as I walk toward my spot.

Half of the day went by fast and found out Trent's girlfriends name (Mikaela) and I thought "It couldn't be!!" but was assured as soon as I heard Sam's last name (Witwicky).

Mossie (Inner thought's) -> The same history assignment presentation was held in-front of the class by Sam, the weird thing is Sam got A++ and presented his ancestral background well enough that merited him with that grade.

Also the three actors I knew from the movies was not the same characters here. Sam looks like a very vulnerable short stature four eyed student, Trent has brown hair and has a very beefed-up bod and as for Mikaela, she's way more hotter than her character, much bigger breast and glutes but not as good as mine (self satisfaction), but still as hot as shit and just my type.

At lunch I decided to go to the cafeteria to grab a bite, students after student made way for me to pass and didn't made me wait in line.. They're reaction is way different from what I expected from what happened this morning, in fact it is quite the opposite, I didn't see fear in their eyes but calmness and wonderment.

The day went by fast and school has ended pretty well and there are no other event that are meant mentioning, although everybody still stares as soon as they sees me. I also learned how to not care after all this time and just go with the flow.

I saw my little bro and told him "let's go", I spot my bro looked at me with a new light in his eyes as if looking at his hero

Mossie -> Hey stop that your creeping me out!..

Right after I saw how he looked at me, it came out just like that as if its reflex and little brother seems like he didn't care what I just blurted out and just mildly smiled.