
Marvel : I can pick up attributes.

Translated from faloo . com Qin Haisheng traveled to the world of American comics and entered the Mutant Academy as an ordinary person. Originally, I just wanted to get closer to the idol in my previous life. Unexpectedly... When the Mutant in the academy was exercising super-ability, various attribute bubbles would drop. "Pick up constitution attribute 2! (from Wolverine)" "Strength attribute 3 picked up! (from Steel)" "Pick up Fire Elemental Core 5 (from Pyroman, when the Fire Elemental Core accumulates 100 points, the Fire Control Ability can be activated.)" "Pick up space element core 3 (from the Blue Devils, when the space element core accumulates 300 points, the teleportation ability can be activated.)" "Pick up Phoenix force core 5 (from Phoenix, when the Phoenix force core accumulates 1000 points, the instant Phoenix force can be activated.)"

Webnovel_Addicted · Movies
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65 Chs

Chapter 7 It's All Messed Up

Qin Haisheng, who was familiar with the X-Men plot, definitely knew who Death Girl was.

She was Wolverine's nemesis, Colonel Stryker's number one fighter!

She was of Asian origin and her name was Koyama Yuriko.

She had also modified her body like Wolverine.

She had super strong self-recovery ability, her bones were permeated with Adamantium steel, and she had extendable Adamantium nails that could destroy anything.

If Qin Haisheng remembered correctly, this woman would be killed by Wolverine at the Alcali Lake Dam.

Uh … So, the plot hasn't started yet?

But that's not right …

Even before that storyline, Lady Death was not a member of the mutated academy.

How did she end up here?

To be a spy?

Qin Haisheng was still in a daze.

Death Girl had already walked to the lake with sexy steps. She grabbed a roasted fish and tore off a piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Wow … I haven't eaten such delicious roasted fish in a long time. This feels like the taste of my hometown!"

Death Girl closed her eyes and reveled in it. Then, she looked at Qin Haisheng and casually asked:

"You're Japanese?"


Qin Haisheng quickly waved his hand to deny.

"I'm Huaxia. Who are you?

Why haven't I seen you before! "

Death Girl put her finger that was stained with the roasted fish into her mouth. Then, she licked her lips and smiled.

"My name is Koyama Yuriko, a new teacher at the academy …"

What the hell?

She really came to the academy as a spy!

But … in front of Charles, who had strong telepathy ability, who could hide from his telepathy!

An inexplicable lakeside barbecue party ended in a hurry after the arrival of Lady of Death.

After class, the students returned to the academy building.

At this time, Qin Haisheng no longer felt excluded.

Instead, there were always a few girls around him who took the initiative to talk to him.

No matter which world, the strong would always be pursued by the opposite sex.

After Colossus teacher's appraisal, Qin Haisheng's flame ability was stronger than John's. He could be considered a strong person in the academy.

What's more … This Huaxia guy was so handsome and could roast fish well!

Which girl would be able to reject a handsome, strong, and capable young man who could even cook!

Seeing that Pixie Cat and Shadowcat had also gathered around Qin Haisheng, Iceman Bobby's body was constantly emitting waves of cold air.

When everyone returned to the academy's activity room, everyone thought that they forgot to turn off the air conditioner …

However, he was not as brainless as John. No matter how unhappy he was with Qin Haisheng, he could not openly attack Qin in front of others.

But his cold gaze always made Qin Haisheng felt chills down his spine.

However, when Qin Haisheng turned his head, Bobby would immediately turned his head and avoided his gaze.

In fact, Qin Hahaisheng did not have any bad feelings feelings towards person.

Although he was a bit of with that guy!

But … the reason he was a scum was to cover a ''s was was was..

He Guy '''s was a poor guy guy.

But if this guy was always so hostile towards him, then he could not let him get away with it!

Just as Qin Haisheng was thinking about how to find a chance to deal with Bobby, he suddenly heard Shadowcat's cry of surprise.

Qin Haisheng turned his head and saw Shadowcat pointing at the big screen TV in front of him. He was so excited that he was incoherent:

"Mutant gene antibody!

Someone has developed an antidote that can suppress our mutant X gene and return us to the ranks of normal people!

Wow … That's great! "

When Pixie Cat finished speaking, the entire activity room fell into silence.

Other than Pixie Cat, everyone's face became extremely solemn.

A drug that could suppress the mutant gene was developed … For mutants like them who were used to having powerful super abilities, wasn't this equivalent to a fatal poison?

Or … Among all the mutants, only Pixie Cat would be happy about this kind of thing!

Because Pixie Cat's ability was too special, it did not dare to touch others.

Her first boyfriend had been sent away with a kiss.

This made her hate her super ability.

If she had a choice, she would prefer to be an ordinary person.

And the person who was most shocked at this moment was Qin Haisheng.

He was all too familiar with the scene that was happening in front of him.

The Worthing Laboratory used Mutant Jimmy's serum to create a mutant gene antibody.

Jimmy's super ability could make the super ability of other mutants within a range of ten meters lose its effectiveness.

The drug extracted from her serum and injected into other mutants would make their super ability disappear immediately.

This incident completely angered the mutant group led by Magneto, which led to Devil Island's "Last Stand".

But the problem was … At this point in the timeline, Lady of Death should have been killed by Wolverine a long time ago!

Then why would Lady of Death appear in the school today?

Also, if this was the timeline of "Last Stand", then Phoenix and Jean Grey should have died once.

After being reborn, Phoenix awakened her second personality and completely killed Blacken. She also killed Cyclops and Charles.

What the f * ck … The problem was that these three people were all alive and well now!

It was a mess!

It was a f * cking mess!

Qin Haisheng only felt his brain buzzing!

Originally, he thought that he could rely on his familiarity with the plot to perform a few flashy maneuvers and show off to the villains when the time came.

But what was the situation now?

Why was it so messed up that he couldn't find his way back?

F * ck!

Did I transmigrate to a world where the future was reversed by Wolverine?

Qin Haisheng suddenly remembered …

In X-Men · Reversed Future.

Wolverine's consciousness was sent back fifty years by Shadowcat, and then … Charles read Wolverine's memory.

In this way, not only did they solve the catastrophe of the mutants, Project Sentry.

They even changed history, allowing Phoenix and Cyclops to avoid the fate of death.

However, what happened after the timeline was reversed?

In the X-Men series, there was no explanation.

If that was the case, then wouldn't it be over?

His omniscient advantage as a transmigrator … would be gone!