
Marvel: I am Thanos

Lukas reincarnated in the Marvel World after Thanos snapped his fingers! Just after being reincarnated, his head and arm were chopped off by Thor! Fortunately, Lukas brought a Golden Finger with him, a System! As long as he gets favorability of superheroes, he will get exchange points that can be used to buy many abilities and items! Mutants' Abilities, Fate/Zero Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, Magical Spells of Journey to the West, and the Immortal World's cultivation techniques. Well... in order not to be killed by Avengers, I will do whatever it takes! ------------------------------------------- Author: ----------- Translator: 3rdX_M ------------------------------------------- Link of the original fanfiction: https://wap.faloo.com/582116.html Five chapters per week (Friday and Saturday are off days) ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System. (patreon.com/HaOlu) 2- Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System. (patreon.com/Zainal_BL) 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- Coming Soon. 5- Coming Soon. 6- Coming Soon. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. Please understand that you are in no need to do this as we will continue our constant daily updates for free on Webnovel. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Movies
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50 Chs

Chapter 42: Kicking Thor's Ass

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my P@treon to see more chapters ahead.

you can see more than 30chapters ahead of everyone, you can read till Chapter 72 in my p@treon:



"Lukas's defensive ability was so amazing!"

The present superheroes were all amazed. Speaking of them, they still didn't know him enough. Before that, they only knew that he had transformability. He looked so powerful and so terrifying.

A few people can handle one or two punches from Thor and may still have a life. And these people are superheroes, and they are present now. Those people are Hulk, Steve with his shield, and Tony in his suit can deal with him.

However, Lukas didn't use any shields, and he resists it with his arms.

Lukas laughed and said to Thor: "Is that all you got? It didn't even move me a bit."

Thor refused to accept that and said angrily, Don't be arrogant "all you did was blocking two punches."! By the time Lukas was far stronger than he expected, he ignored the previous agreement and threw a third punch directly at Lukas!

This time, Lukas did not only defend like the previous two times. Before Thor's punch was reached him, Lukas quickly kicked him, and his body flew over ten meters away.

"Cool!" Lukas kicked Thor's ass. He finally got his revenge and felt very satisfied in his heart.

Tony said to Steve at this time: "It's right to let them fight against each other. Look at Thor's current state. He's mist up. We can use Lukas to help him recover."

Steve nodded and said: "Yeah, since Thor killed Thanos, he has no goal and rejected everyone includes himself. I originally planned to let him snap his fingers after collecting the gems. Seeing his current state, even Lukas can beat him, and I'm afraid he's not the right person anymore."

Thor was lying on the ground and felt very embarrassed when he heard his teammates whispering to each other.

An idiot kid can't break the strong image that he had!

"Very well, I'm going to be serious!"

Thor got up, this time with all his strength, rushed towards Lukas!

Thor is serious and still very angry. Lukas only has 70% of Thanos's strength and cannot be used entirely. In other words, he did not dare to show his true strength in front of everyone to save himself—what a situation.

Then, Lukas and Thor fought fiercely in this temporary "school field."

Seeing that the two were fighting seriously, Rocket Raccoon opened a bet: "Come here, come here to place bets. Lukas and Thor have lost 1.5 to 1. Who will win all the bets? "Natasha and the others laughed. This little raccoon had a perfect idea. She didn't want to bet, but she proposed: "I think we should give the winner of this battle a little reward. What do you think, Steve?"

Steve also had this idea, which can excite the two to perform better, "But, what Reward should be given to them? With their strength, but it seems that they already had everything?"

Meanwhile, Scott took out a bottle of red Pim particles, and he said: "Reward is a bottle of Pim particles. Our current Pim particles 12, except for the 10 of us, each of whom will go back and forth, there are two bottles left. One of them must be taken. Experiment with the bottle. In this case, there is one bottle left, and this bottle can be used as a reward."

Steve immediately accepted Scott's suggestion, took the Pim particle, and said to Thor and Lukas, ​​fighting fiercely on the field. : "Whoever of you two can win today will get an extra bottle of Pim particles!"

Hearing this, both Thor and Lukas were cheered up and looked greedy.

You know, giving an extra bottle of Pim particles is equivalent to providing one more opportunity to travel through the past. They can use this bottle of Pim particles to travel to any time they want and meet anyone they want to see in the past!

"I'm going to take another look at Mom, Father, Jane, and Loki!" Thor wanted to use this bottle of Pim particles to travel to the time when his parents weren't dead, even if it was just a look at them from a distance.

Lukas also wanted to use this Pim particle helpfully: "Dotti, I must get you!"

He wanted to use this bottle of Pim particle to travel to the 1940s and play with Doty.

With the motivation of the Reward, he and Thor both worked harder.

Thor smiled and said: "I'm sorry, kid, but the victory is mine!"

Lukas smiled. In order to get this bottle of Pim particles, he couldn't possibly lose. 70% of Thanos' strength was released, and he punched Thor in his stomach. Thor knelt on the ground and puked all the drinks he had just drunk...

"Haha, The winner has already been decided. There is nothing else in Thor's body except cheese sauce and drinks. Lukas won. Thor!" Rocket Raccoon said with a big smile.

The others had no objection. Tony mocks at Thor: "I told you, Thor, you should go back to Asgard to your home. and try to recover yourself, if you can go back to what you were in the past. No one can beat you. If you meet your past self, you will be shocked by yourself."

Thor puked for a while and stood up: "I disagree! Facing this kid, I have no motivation at all. This is not my real strength!"

"Then what do you want? "Lukas was a little confused, he beat him up, and he still didn't admit defeat.

Thor said: "Aren't you have transformability? You even know what my mother looks like, and you must also know what Thanos looks like. You become Thanos to fight me. When I see Thanos, the combat effectiveness will be a hundred times stronger. !"