
Marvel: I am Thanos

Lukas reincarnated in the Marvel World after Thanos snapped his fingers! Just after being reincarnated, his head and arm were chopped off by Thor! Fortunately, Lukas brought a Golden Finger with him, a System! As long as he gets favorability of superheroes, he will get exchange points that can be used to buy many abilities and items! Mutants' Abilities, Fate/Zero Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, Magical Spells of Journey to the West, and the Immortal World's cultivation techniques. Well... in order not to be killed by Avengers, I will do whatever it takes! ------------------------------------------- Author: ----------- Translator: 3rdX_M ------------------------------------------- Link of the original fanfiction: https://wap.faloo.com/582116.html Five chapters per week (Friday and Saturday are off days) ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System. (patreon.com/HaOlu) 2- Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System. (patreon.com/Zainal_BL) 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- Coming Soon. 5- Coming Soon. 6- Coming Soon. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. Please understand that you are in no need to do this as we will continue our constant daily updates for free on Webnovel. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Movies
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Chapter 22:  Lukas Became Spider-Man!

According to Tony Stark, Aunt May no longer lives in Queens, NY, but moved to Miami, Florida.

Miami is a good place, especially in the current season. Going to South Beach to swim and surf and see the charming bikini beauties is a pleasure for the body and mind.

Lukas had been to Miami in his previous life, and he came shortly before his reincarnation to watch Dwyane Wade's last performance in the Miami Heat.

Speaking of N.B.A., Marvel World also has it, but because Thanos made half of the universe disappear, and N.B.A. players were reduced by half, there are now only a few teams left, and the ratings are not as high as before.

When he arrived in Miami, it was already 7 p.m., and Lukas took Aunt Mei's address and found Aunt Mei's residence. At this time, he had transformed into the appearance of "Spiderman" Peter Parker.

Ding dong.

Lukas rang the doorbell outside.

Soon, a mature woman wearing an orange shirt, a short black skirt, and long smooth hair appeared in front of Lukas.

She is Peter Parker's aunt, Aunt May!

"Oh my God, she's so beautiful..."

Before she comes, Lukas was a little worried. Aunt Mei is not young anymore, and five years have passed. For these five years, she may become very sad every day because of the loss of Peter Parker. she may not be good-looking as before?

However, Lukas never expected that the current Aunt Mei still has the charm and looks younger than five years ago!

She's amazing! She looks like a woman in her 30s!

Although Lukas was very excited, he still did not do anything but keeping his eyes on the orange mountain peaks. Her sexy body was a lifelong thing. Even if she was old, there were some parts still the same. It was worth looking at.!

When Aunt Mei saw Lukas with Peter Parker's face, she was stunned, then yelled and hugged Lukas!

Because Aunt Mei was tall, but Peter Parker was short, and because Aunt Mei was standing now, Lukas took a step toward Mai. As a result, this hug directly faced Lukas's face. The orange-colored mountain went up...

"This..." Lukas was held tightly in Aunt Mei's arms and couldn't breathe!

Lukas couldn't blame Aunt May, and she really missed Peter Parker too much.

While holding Lukas, ​​Aunt Mei said in a crying voice: "Silly boy, where have you been in the past five years? I thought you were dead!"

Lukas was also a little helpless. It isn't very comfortable to hold, but after another thought, it's also enjoyable. After all, Mei is not his aunt, and he has no relative with Mei.

After being hugged by Aunt Mei for a while, Aunt Mei took Lukas's hand and took him inside the house. Lukas was afraid to see a strange man in her home. After all, Aunt Mei has a sexy body. No matter where she goes, many men are chasing her, but he found that Aunt Mei was still single.

Speaking of the beauty of Aunt Mei, the director of the movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming" actually used two stalkers to let the audience know how beautiful and hot Aunt Mei was. Her body was scarce.

A true fan should know, in Marvel's movies, every line, every scene, aren't just some unimportant or straightforward scenes, like the sentence "ON YOUR LEFT" in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," but this scene also put in "Avengers: Endgame" by the producers.

In the movie "Spider-Man," they actually praised Aunt Mei's appearance twice. The first time happened when she was eating a salad with Peter Parker. The young male waiter showed his good wishes to Aunt Mei, and the other was the store owner. In front of Peter Parker, he said his aunt was really a surprise.

Lukas finally understood the feel of other guys when they saw Aunt Mei, and he praised her beauty a thousand times. It's not an exaggeration!

Aunt Mei grabbed Lukas's hand and didn't let it go. She kept asking where he had been in the past five years, why he didn't contact her, and so on.

Lukas had already prepared out the answer long before he came and dealt with it calmly.

Before they knew it, the two had been talking until one o'clock in the morning, and Lukas was a little sleepy, but Aunt Mei still had more to say and wanted to talk to Lukas.

"Peter, are you sleepy? Talk with Aunt Mei for a little bit. I'm afraid that when I wake up, you will be gone." Aunt Mei begged Lukas like a little girl.

Lukas holds Aunt Mei's hand and put his other hand on her leg, and said: "Aunt Mei, you put your arms around me when we sleep tonight, so you won't be afraid of losing me."

"That's it. It's settled! Go, go to my room!" Aunt May doesn't mind sleeping with Peter Parker, after all, Peter Parker is the one who looks up to her, and they slept together when he was young.

When he came to Aunt Mei's bedroom, Lukas lay on Aunt Mei's body bed and waited for her, which made Lukas the luckiest man, and he was delighted.

"I'm sorry, Peter Parker, but your aunt is very sexy. It's not that I want to take advantage. No man can resist it."

When Lukas was holding Aunt Mei and preparing to fall asleep, the system suddenly made a sound.

["The target character Mei is detected."

"Identity: Agent of SHIELD."

"Character level: Grade B."

"If Mei likes the host, he will get two thousand points!"]

Lukas was stunned. What is going on? Aunt Mei turned out to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent?