
Marvel: I'm not Spider-Man, I'm Xenomorph-Infested!

Linan finds himself reincarnated into the world of "Alien," becoming an ordinary mercenary, working for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the dim corridors of a research facility, chaos ensues as the xenomorphs break loose, turning it into a living nightmare. Linan swiftly defends himself against an ambush, but is caught off guard by a facehugger lunging at him. Waking up, Linan discovers he's been transported to the Marvel universe, as Peter Parker. However, remnants of the xenomorph embryo remain inside him, threatening a gruesome fate. To save himself, Linan must ensure he's bitten by the mutated spider before the embryo fully develops. "But, why was it you who was bitten by that spider, Gwen Stacy?!" ... (This is a Translation.) Original Book: 被异形寄生的我,才不是蜘蛛侠! I own nothing; everything belongs to their respective owners. I am just translating the book.

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Chapter 97: Embracing is not the theme for tonight


Gwen looked at the panting Green Goblin, then at Harry, who had his head lowered and tears streaming down his face, unable to resist shouting out to him.

Harry slowly lifted his head.

The mask on Peter's face also faded away, revealing his true identity.

"Peter, why is it you and Gwen?" Harry asked, tears streaming down his face as he addressed them both.

Gwen lowered her head, clenched her fists, unsure of how to answer his question.


Gwen stammered, but ultimately didn't say anything.


Perhaps the emotions were too overwhelming; the next moment, Harry collapsed to the ground, unconscious once again.

"Cough, cough."

The Green Goblin coughed, clutching his waist as he propped himself up on the ground. The crimson red in his eyes faded, gradually returning to clarity.

Seeing Harry lying unconscious on the ground, a hint of pain flashed in his eyes.

"Peter, Gwen, I'm sorry, sorry for everything I've done to you."

Norman Osborn, devoid of his demonic persona, blood continuously trickling from his mouth, his eyes filled with guilt, said, "I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention."

Gwen was supporting the unconscious Harry, astonished by Norman Osborn's words.

She placed Harry next to the sofa, letting him lean against it.

Then she quickly walked to Norman's side, intending to cover his wound for him.

Though she had hated this Green Goblin before, that hatred disappeared with everything that had just happened.

The Green Goblin stopped Gwen from bandaging his wound and looked up at Peter, who had been silent all along. "Peter, I'm sorry, I turned into a villain who did nothing but evil deeds. Don't believe the things I said earlier."

Looking down at Norman Osborn, whose life was slipping away, Peter shook his head. "No, I won't."

Peter knew that another demon soul resided within this guy's body, so he wouldn't be influenced by his words. And even though Norman now appeared to be a good person, there was no telling when he might turn back into the Green Goblin.

So Peter remained vigilant.

"Gwen, Peter, I'm proud that Harry has friends like you."

His voice grew weaker, looking at Harry, he said intermittently, "I hope you'll help Harry forget about this, I don't want him to live in regret."

Gwen understood that Norman wanted Harry to forget about killing his father with his own hands, but she didn't know how to do it.

Shaking her head, she said to Norman, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Harry has been undergoing psychological therapy. As long as you say the keyword, you can hypnotize him to forget everything that happened today."

"The keyword is 'herbivore.'"

After Norman uttered the phrase "Tell Harry I love him" with all his strength, he closed his eyes completely.

Gwen supported Norman Osborn's back, watching him take his last breath, and gently laid him on the ground.

Her eyes were red as she stood up and looked at Peter.

Though he was the first villain she defeated, she didn't feel victorious at all. Instead, she felt incredibly heavy-hearted.

Peter walked to the unconscious Harry and said the keyword, "Herbivore."


Harry murmured in response to his unconscious state, "Yes."

"You're Harry Osborn, right?"


Peter hypnotized him, saying, "You've been resting in your room all night, you didn't come to the scene at all, and you don't know what happened there."

"Yes, I've been resting in my room."

After Peter finished hypnotizing Harry, he helped him up and walked outside.

Although he felt no sympathy for Norman, he fulfilled his promise for Harry's sake.

After putting Harry in his own bed, Peter returned to the scene and heard the sound of helicopter rotors spinning outside.

Before he could re-enter the scene, Gwen jumped to his side and grabbed his arm.

"We need to leave, Peter."

The helicopter's spotlight shone into the bullet-riddled room, illuminating Norman Osborn's body.

As the pilot prepared to search for other traces, they only caught a fleeting glimpse of a black and white spider-woman figure.

On the clock tower, Gwen's mood still hadn't calmed down.

Looking up, she noticed the drizzle falling from above.

Exhaling deeply, Gwen put on her hood, feeling dejected as she said to Peter standing beside her, "I messed up, didn't I, Peter?"

"No, you didn't, Gwen."

Peter slowly removed his mask, feeling the raindrops on his head, and said to Gwen, "You're not a god, Gwen, you can't predict all the changes that will happen."

Gwen turned to him, her pale blue eyes filled with sorrow, "I always thought that being a champion of justice would instinctively tell me what's right, I never thought it would turn out like this."

"After taking off the mask, I don't know how to face Harry."

Peter comforted Gwen, saying, "It's not your fault, Gwen."

"I know, but it..."

Gwen suddenly remembered the words about death.

She couldn't help but confide her thoughts to Peter, "Things shouldn't have turned out like this. We are warriors, we should have won, even if it meant paying a price."

It felt like a stone was lodged in her heart, "But the price is too high, everything is shattered."

Peter looked at the distance, silent for a moment before saying to Gwen, "You can never measure the cost of justice, Gwen. When you stand in front of everyone, the cost of justice is always painful."

"I know, but how did you know he was Norman Osborn, Peter?"

Gwen seemed to understand, but she changed the subject, no longer discussing these heavy matters.

"He had people tracking us, but I discovered his henchmen first, and then I remembered seeing those robots at the Osborn Manor, so I guessed the Green Goblin who attacked you was him."

Gwen exhaled, "So that's it? I always thought the traffic accident back then was an accident."

She said to Peter, "Now that I think about it, it must have been Norman's people, I should have realized it sooner."

Gwen was consumed by regret.

Faced with Gwen's emotionally distraught state, Peter didn't speak anymore, just quietly accompanied her.

Gwen sat on the cold ground, suddenly looked up at Peter and asked, "Peter, can I have a hug?"

Peter nodded, squatting down.

Gwen hugged him tightly.

"Although embracing is not the theme for tonight, thank you, Peter."

In the drizzle, Gwen felt a little warmer.

Her black and white uniform was stained with blood and mud, while Peter's black uniform remained undamaged.

She even caught a faint, pleasant scent.

She realized she couldn't escape from this scent anymore.