
Chapter 41: Catching Him This Time


The broken metal pole slammed against the wall of the subway car, emitting a dull thud.

Shattered glass and metal fragments sprayed in all directions like raindrops.

In the clinking sounds, Peter grabbed the strands of silk wrapped around the metal pole with both hands, the metal floor beneath his feet twisting and deforming.

The helicopter entangled in the silk spun downward.

Buildings on both sides of the subway, glued by silk, collapsed continuously.

The powerful pull slowed down the subway, the "Death Train" racing towards its final destination at a sluggish pace.

"What is he doing?!"

Inside the police car, George Stacy looked on in shock at the scene before him.

Due to the subway's deceleration, the police car had caught up.

Seated in the speeding police car, he leaned out of the window, watching the helicopter being spun around by the silk.

Flying debris scattered around, and bricks on both sides kept falling.

"Watch out!"

With George's roar, a huge rock whistled towards the police car.

The police officer at the wheel immediately jerked the steering wheel.

The police car screeched to a halt, crashing sideways into the roadside barrier.

Without checking his own condition, George Stacy unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car.

Gazing at the departing subway, he instinctively reached for the walkie-talkie to call for backup.

But soon he put down the walkie-talkie.


He couldn't do anything now.

Even if he called for backup, what good would it do?

Is this kind of power really within human reach? Who is this mysterious guy?

Somehow, a phrase popped into his mind: "Someone descends from the sky, and the gods cast lightning!"


The spinning police helicopter, dragged by the subway, plummeted downward.

The rapidly rotating helicopter rotor struck a corner of the subway.

Sparks flew as the helicopter lost control, crashing towards the ground.

At the critical moment, the silk entangling the helicopter snapped.

The helicopter pilot, amidst the alarm, gritted his teeth and pulled up with all his strength.

The helicopter's tail barely scraped past a bridge in its spiral descent.


Peter, inside the subway car, stomped his feet on the floor, veins bulging on his forehead, muscles swelling all over his body.

Leaning backward, the black exoskeleton on his arms flowed like fluid.


His heart pounded rapidly, adrenaline surged, and his body's strength burst forth.

Amidst the shocked gazes of the people in the subway, the train headed for its final destination, the New York Natural History Museum.

The train kept decelerating, but a station bridge appeared ahead.

Among the passengers, a Mexican woman held her daughter, praying silently with folded hands for Peter.


Standing outside the Natural History Museum, Gwen watched the subway approaching overhead, mouth agape in disbelief.

The subway collided with the platform, shattering the station's facilities with a deafening noise.

Fortunately, the train had slowed down considerably, only crashing forward a few meters before coming to a stop.

In the first car where Peter was, the overhead and the two sides of the car had disappeared by now.

Clutching his chest, he took two steps forward.

His body was in excruciating pain, and the muscles in his arms felt numb as if they were broken.

His heart raced, and dizziness washed over him in waves.

The glossy black exoskeleton covering his body now looked dull and lifeless.

With a thud, he knelt on the ground.

A void of black consciousness pounded his mind, despite his efforts to maintain his sanity, he still tilted his head and fell to one side.

"No! No!"

Underneath the elevated bridge, Gwen, who was watching everything, snapped back to reality.

"He can surely hold on, he will definitely hold on."

Gwen watched as the mysterious Spider-Man collapsed, feeling uneasy but trying to reassure herself.

After all, he had just stopped a runaway subway.

But seeing him fall, as if he was about to fall from the viaduct, she knew it was not good.

"Oh no, he can't hold on."

With a thud, Gwen grabbed the wire mesh gate, flipped it effortlessly, and hurriedly ran towards Peter.

"I can catch him! I can."

After flipping the gate, Gwen's speed did not slow down. With a sudden leap, she jumped from a car.

As she landed, Gwen felt an incredible feeling inside her.

How did she do it?!

Although she was filled with doubts, she continued to move forward.

Jumping onto the roof of a truck, Gwen jumped onto the fire escape ladder of the nearby museum.

Climbing the ladder quickly, Gwen reached the platform of the museum.

Standing on the edge of the platform, Gwen hesitated for a moment.

To catch Spider-Man, she had to jump forward onto the platform of the viaduct.

Could she do it?

Last time, when she was being chased by the Hand, she tried to jump from the rooftop to the other side of the roof.

She almost slipped.

If it hadn't been for Peter grabbing her hand, she might have fallen to her death.

Would she fail like last time?


Didn't she tell her father that she would definitely win this time?

She didn't win last time, but this time she would!

Gwen thought of many things in an instant, but it was only a moment in real time.

Taking a deep breath, Gwen jumped.

Stretching out her hand, she caught Peter falling from the subway.

The moment she made contact, she felt her arms sink, and a wave of pain surged through her arm.

Enduring the pain, Gwen did her best not to let go.


Her feet landed on the platform, causing a slight tremor.

Gently, Gwen carefully placed the "Spider-Man" she was holding on the ground, leaning his body against the wall.

Then she staggered back a few steps.

Looking at her hands, Gwen couldn't believe her eyes.

"How did I do it?"

How did she jump so high and catch him from the air?

Even though she had just hoped to be a cushion to slow down his fall.

How did her arms not break?!


The next second, she covered her mouth, feeling a wave of nausea rising in her throat.

Gwen desperately suppressed the urge to vomit, glanced around, and ran outside quickly.

On the other side.

Peter, leaning against the wall, his eyes under the white eyelids flickered with a red light.

Regaining consciousness, he looked up at Gwen's departing figure, then lowered his head in thought.

Was it Gwen who caught him this time?

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