
Marvel: I'm not Spider-Man, I'm Xenomorph-Infested!

Linan finds himself reincarnated into the world of "Alien," becoming an ordinary mercenary, working for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the dim corridors of a research facility, chaos ensues as the xenomorphs break loose, turning it into a living nightmare. Linan swiftly defends himself against an ambush, but is caught off guard by a facehugger lunging at him. Waking up, Linan discovers he's been transported to the Marvel universe, as Peter Parker. However, remnants of the xenomorph embryo remain inside him, threatening a gruesome fate. To save himself, Linan must ensure he's bitten by the mutated spider before the embryo fully develops. "But, why was it you who was bitten by that spider, Gwen Stacy?!" ... (This is a Translation.) Original Book: 被异形寄生的我,才不是蜘蛛侠! I own nothing; everything belongs to their respective owners. I am just translating the book.

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137 Chs

Chapter 23 Don't Say Sorry


A burst of flame shot up into the sky!

Above the flames, steel roof panels, wood, and shredded paper scattered through the air, while a pungent smell of oil and smoke filled the air.

The entire playground was illuminated as if by a lightning bolt in an instant.

After a moment, the shockwave of the explosion surged outward.

Trash on the playground whizzed by, followed by a blast of heat.

Gwen, who had just gotten out of the car, reached out to try to block the heat wave but was pushed back.

A pungent smell filled her nose, and Gwen's head spun.

What happened next unfolded in slow motion.

She saw flames shooting up in the distance, a burning stage, and police cars in the distance emitting faint, piercing sirens.

And then, entering her field of vision in slow motion, was Peter.

His arm reached out, attempting to grab her.


Peter grabbed Gwen's hand, embracing her as she fell unconscious.

Sparks from the explosion flew towards the two of them, and Peter slightly turned, using his back to shield them.

Looking down at Gwen, who had fallen into a faint, Peter lifted her up in his arms.

Glancing back at Frank, who was already dead, he carried Gwen towards the entrance of the playground.

After everything had settled, the police officers from the New York Police Department finally arrived, albeit too late.

George Stacy jumped out of the car at the fastest speed, disregarding the danger, and ran towards the burning playground.

"Hurry, answer the phone! Gwen! Answer the phone!"

He roared low as he ran, looking down at the phone in his hand.

He had been trying to reach Gwen's phone, but couldn't get through.

Finally reaching the entrance of the playground, he saw Gwen's friend, Gloria.

"Hey, Gloria, have you seen Gwen?"

Gloria, who was anxiously waiting, saw George Stacy, and her suspended heart dropped halfway.

Before she could speak, a deafening explosion rang out.

A wave of heat rushed outward from the playground.

The two instinctively stepped back, avoiding the heat wave that hit their faces.

"Gwen's still inside!"

Coughing, Gloria covered her chest and shouted to George Stacy.

"Damn it!"

Hearing that his daughter was still inside, George gritted his teeth and slammed the phone to the ground.

"Get out of here, Gloria, it's still dangerous here."

Taking off his coat, George draped it over Gloria's shoulders, then kicked open the wire gate, ready to rush in.

But a figure appearing in the flames quickly made him freeze in place.

Peter, dressed in black from head to toe, emerged from the rolling flames, holding Gwen, and walked out slowly.

Behind him were sparks flying everywhere, and droplets of water splashing down.

The crackling of flames, the hissing of fire hydrants, and the distant sirens formed the echo in the playground at this moment.

Gloria stood still, watching Peter emerge from the flames, just as stunned as George.


George Stacy looked at Peter, who was holding his daughter in front of him.

He could never have imagined the scene before him.

Peter held his daughter, walking out of the flames that consumed everything.

"She's fine, just fainted."

Peter lowered his head to look at Gwen's face, his solemn expression relaxing slightly, then he looked up to George Stacy.

Taking Gwen from Peter, who seemed to be in a daze, George Stacy opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But Peter didn't stay, he turned around and left.

Flashing red lights and blaring sirens approached.

Fire trucks and ambulances also headed towards them.

George Stacy held Gwen, temporarily putting aside the idea of stopping Peter.

The most important thing now was to confirm his daughter's condition.


Gwen gasped as she woke up from her nightmare.

She felt as if she were trapped in seaweed, struggling to breathe.

At first, she frantically struggled to tear off the seaweed entangled around her head and neck, but then she suddenly heard a strange sound.

Urgent and sharp noises entered her ears!

A shark with its mouth wide open suddenly swam towards her along the seaweed.

A foul smell permeated her nostrils and seeped into her whole body.

Awakened by the commotion, she desperately tried to sit up, but when she opened her eyes, she saw Peter.

Peter was leaning over her, holding her shoulder.

"Don't move, or the bandage will come off," he said.

A layer of fine gauze covered her right ear.

At this moment, Peter was helping her press down the yellow gauze that had accidentally come loose.

Gwen blinked, smelling the familiar scent emanating from Peter.

"Wasn't I sleeping?" she whispered to Peter.


"Nor was it a dream."

"I don't look like it."

Gwen slightly sat up, leaning her back against the pillow, surveying the surroundings.

White bedsheets and the pungent smell of disinfectant.

She must be in the hospital.

With a mixture of emotions in her heart, Gwen didn't know what to say, so she blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Peter looked at Gwen, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you apologizing?"

"This matter is complicated, and it's all my fault." She said guiltily.

Frank came to the school because of her.

If it weren't for her, there wouldn't have been so many students killed, and she wouldn't have implicated Peter.

"If it's complicated, then don't think about it."

Peter didn't want to inquire further, shifting his gaze to the scenery outside the window. "Just lie here and rest."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"A day."

"What about Frank?"

She was most concerned about the mastermind behind it, whether he had been punished.

Sitting down on a chair beside the bed, Peter said, "He's dead, your blow was quite powerful."


Gwen took a deep breath, feeling a pain in her chest.

The wound here should have been caused by her hitting the steering wheel while driving.

"I think that blow shouldn't have been fatal to him. It was you, wasn't it, Peter?"

Gwen's eyes gazed at Peter intensely, as if trying to see through any secrets he might be hiding.

Peter shook his head. "No, of course not me. Gloria can testify that you drove in like crazy."

Gwen was a bit tongue-tied, but soon she gave Peter a glare. "Do you think I'll believe that?"


"I don't think so, because if I believed in myself, I'd probably be the dumbest woman in history."

Gwen looked at Peter and said, "I know my capabilities. I'm just a lucky girl."

"You're more than just lucky, Gwen."

As Peter spoke, he stood up. "I have things to attend to, so I'll leave first. Rest well and don't overthink."

Gwen lay on the bed, staring blankly as Peter left.

After a while, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Feeling the warmth of the sunlight outside, she lay back. "The weather is nice today."