
Marvel: I'm not Spider-Man, I'm Xenomorph-Infested!

Linan finds himself reincarnated into the world of "Alien," becoming an ordinary mercenary, working for the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. In the dim corridors of a research facility, chaos ensues as the xenomorphs break loose, turning it into a living nightmare. Linan swiftly defends himself against an ambush, but is caught off guard by a facehugger lunging at him. Waking up, Linan discovers he's been transported to the Marvel universe, as Peter Parker. However, remnants of the xenomorph embryo remain inside him, threatening a gruesome fate. To save himself, Linan must ensure he's bitten by the mutated spider before the embryo fully develops. "But, why was it you who was bitten by that spider, Gwen Stacy?!" ... (This is a Translation.) Original Book: 被异形寄生的我,才不是蜘蛛侠! I own nothing; everything belongs to their respective owners. I am just translating the book.

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Chapter 118: Who is the Top Hunter?

The werewolf, about to take down its prey, suddenly looked around in the dark night. Raindrops fell heavier, enveloping the entire forest in darkness.

Seeing the werewolf momentarily distracted, Kraven seized the opportunity to strike back. Despite facing imminent death and preparing for it, like the prey he had hunted before, as long as he wasn't completely dead, there was still a chance to fight.

Enduring the intense pain, Kraven swiftly pulled out a grenade from his waist and hurled it towards the werewolf as if throwing a cursed frisbee. The grenade smashed into the ground with a deafening explosion, causing a powerful shockwave and sending Kraven flying into a tree trunk.

As he lay on the ground, feeling the excruciating pain in his back, Kraven spotted a sonic gun nearby. He reached out and grabbed the gun, then raised it. A terrifying shockwave formed by the unseen sound blasted outward, sending the werewolf flying despite its tough hide.

"That's it! You son of a bitch! I've seen animals far more ferocious than you!" Emboldened by his shot hitting the mark, Kraven's courage surged.

But the next moment, the werewolf, with its fangs bared and eyes bloodshot, roared angrily and charged at him. The roar shook his eardrums painfully.

"Damn it!" Kraven immediately raised the gun to shoot, but to his surprise, the werewolf was incredibly fast. With a swift movement, it closed the distance between them, its large feet crunching on fallen leaves as it moved.

Kraven raised the gun to defend himself, but the next moment, his body, along with the firearm, was sent flying. Despite wearing the latest shock-absorbing suit, he was rendered completely incapacitated.

Lying on the ground in agony, Kraven watched as the ferocious werewolf approached him step by step. He reached for the knife at his waist.

As the werewolf extended its claws towards him, Kraven exerted all his strength to stab at its chest with the knife, hoping it would hit a vital spot.

Though unsure if it would work, Kraven relied on his experience from countless hunts. "There are many nerves in the chest."

Hopeful that the werewolf shared the same vulnerability as other animals, he stabbed at it. But as he did, the werewolf grabbed his wrist and twisted it violently, causing him to drop the knife.

Despite the excruciating pain, Kraven fought through it and punched the werewolf's throat with his free hand. "The Adam's apple can cause choking or induce vomiting reflexes, and for animals, the throat is also one of the most deadly weak points."

After one failed move, Kraven prepared to exploit the werewolf's weakness again. However, the werewolf didn't give him the chance. Instead, it grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.

His experience was right; feeling a choking sensation, he thought his neck was about to be snapped, but then the werewolf released him abruptly.

Kraven doubled over and vomited, not dry heaves but disgorging what looked like a partially digested sandwich.

Now utterly demoralized, Kraven didn't know how to deal with this monster. It could easily kill him, yet it chose to toy with him, like a cat playing with a mouse, rather than delivering a fatal blow, despite its strength allowing it to do so.

Damn it! The thought of being played with like prey ignited countless flames of anger within him. Although he kept vomiting, internally, he wished to kill the monster immediately.

But he didn't resign himself to fate; instead, he crab-walked sideways like a crab, ready to play the game.

Staggering to his feet, Kraven clutched his throat and fled into the forest, with the werewolf leisurely following him, seemingly interested in witnessing his last struggles.

Meanwhile, the unmanned aerial vehicle remained undamaged, broadcasting this spectacle to viewers worldwide.

Nervously watching the video feed, Liz turned to Gloria and asked, "Why doesn't he just kill Klayven?"

"Animals have a habit of torturing their prey, like cats not directly killing mice," Gloria replied, furrowing his brow. "Hasn't anyone called the police yet?"

"They won't arrive that quickly," Liz replied, pushing up her glasses and looking out at the dismal rainy weather outside. "It takes twenty minutes to drive from downtown New York City to the state park, not to mention the rain and poor weather conditions."

Gloria sighed in frustration. "All we can do is hope he gets lucky. The next scenes might be too graphic; the website might end the livestream."

Liz didn't respond; she picked up her phone and stared at the screen. She had texted Gwen earlier, but there had been no reply yet.

What was Gwen doing right now?!

"Step! Step!"

Treading on the fallen leaves underground, Kravens mouth continuously bled, seeming like he was about to collapse in the next second.

But the strong desire to survive prevailed, even though he was on the brink of death, he still slowly moved forward.


A dangerous aura locked onto him.

As a seasoned hunter accustomed to the battlefield, he was highly sensitive to this kind of danger.

A strong sense of unease rose from the depths of his heart.

It was a shiver of fear that rose within him at the presence of a dangerous beast.

There were other creatures here, and the feeling they elicited was even more terrifying than that werewolf.

The werewolf, who was following Klayven, also noticed this dangerous aura.

It stopped in its tracks, its eyes glowing red as it cast a cautious gaze around.


Amid the werewolf's vigilance, a shadow suddenly appeared.

Without any warning, the shadow, in the rainy night, transformed into a hunter and lunged at the werewolf.

The tall werewolf immediately swung its claws at the approaching figure.

With top-tier strength and agility, it had been genetically enhanced far beyond an ordinary werewolf.

With a dull thud, its muscular arm collided with the shadow, creating a sound that pierced through the rainy night.

Though he exerted all his strength to push back the assailant, his own arm was injured, and blood flowed instantly.

Enraged, he lunged towards the direction the shadow disappeared.

But after the initial strike, the shadow, having vanished into the thicket, completely lost its presence, as if melding with the vegetation.

The restless werewolf licked its wounds, breathing heavily, on high alert for the shadow's next attack.


A blurred figure emerged from the dense forest, the creature that had attacked the werewolf once again launching a surprise assault.

The werewolf reacted swiftly, swiftly turning to face its attacker.


The raging werewolf and the attacking creature collided on the ground, kicking up countless particles of dust.

The two rolled on the ground, claws and teeth aiming for each other's weakest spots.

Lying on the ground, the hunter Kraven watched in astonishment as the scene unfolded before him.

He had thought he was the master of this forest, but now he suddenly realized that, in the eyes of these two creatures, he was probably at the bottom of the food chain.

Meanwhile, viewers watching the live stream through the unmanned aerial vehicle witnessed the scene.

Seeing the terrifying and powerful creature suddenly emerge to attack the werewolf, they were stunned in front of their screens.

The creature, with its exquisite yet ruthless mechanical appearance, exuded a ferocious and menacing beauty, captivating viewers beneath its monstrous facade.

The fact that it could fight against such a powerful werewolf indicated its terrifying level of strength.

Its cold exoskeleton, sinister skull face, and swift movements, coupled with its ferocious fighting style, left a deep impression on everyone.

The werewolf's sharp and terrifying jaws snapped at the creature on the ground, but the creature swiftly dodged, its tail stabbing towards the werewolf's throat.

In addition, the creature, which appeared highly dangerous in the werewolf's eyes, opened its mouth and bit down on the werewolf's claw.

The werewolf's shoulder was injured, but its ferocity was ignited. In a frenzy, it grabbed the creature's mouth and slammed it forcefully into the ground.


The ground shook slightly.

Countless particles of soil soared into the air.

The "Queen", the attacking creature, after breaking free from the werewolf's control, retreated backward.

The injured werewolf also stood up, clutching its shoulder.

The "Queen" didn't choose to engage head-on but instead activated its abilities, melding into the forest, blending seamlessly with the environment.

The "Queen's" healing and defensive abilities allowed it to engage in a tit-for-tat strategy, but it chose not to do so.

The dominance of the alien creature lay not only in its physical prowess but also in its combat skills.

Its slaughter of enemies resembled a deadly art.

Killing opponents in various ways, with precise and lethal strikes, it could kill prey in a single blow, making the battle quick and efficient.

The process of its killings, claws embedded in the enemy's brain, palm strikes shattering skulls, tail spikes piercing through chests, even tearing opponents in half, tongue teeth drilling into the opponent's brain, the enemy's screams, solid impact, and splattering blood, this was the alien's way of fighting.

Meanwhile, Peter, who had inherited some of the alien's DNA genes, was obviously inadequate.

At this moment, Peter had arrived at the scene, accompanied by Helen.

Even before they approached the center of the battlefield, they heard the roars of the two monsters.

"It seems the 'Queen' is in trouble," Helen frowned, about to step forward to help the "Queen".

"No need to worry," Peter looked at the pitch-black forest, saying, "This forest is its perfect battlefield."

"Do you understand it?"

"Probably more than you."

As Peter spoke, he immersed himself in memories of his past life.

The alien was the smartest creature he had ever encountered.

An alien bred through experiments by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, one named "Number 6," even exceeded his cognitive abilities.

The intelligence level of that alien far surpassed its counterparts, and the intelligence it displayed as a juvenile was further perfected in adulthood.

It knew how to disguise itself in darkness, had enough patience to wait for the right moment, knew how to avoid risks, and was adept at utilizing its mobility advantage.


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