
Marvel : Hyperion (On Hold)

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made opposite to then. The Deviants. Hyperion is by far the special one of the bunch as he has multiple abilities making him the strongest one of them all. After the Eternals separated, he chose to roam around the world to learn new things and blend in but one event turned things upside down. THIS STORY IS NOT MINE. I'm just a big fan. Also this is NOT my story as this story belongs to Monster Zero on Wattpad.

HarHarMahadev · Movies
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29 Chs

Hyperion and The Sentry (4)

The two Titans stared at each other as the others went inside a Quinjet with Tombstone and power dampening cuffs. They all flew back towards the Helicarrier as everyone went towards the main control area after locking Tombstone.

Steve: "How are we gonna lessen the damage when they start to wrestle? They are two unstoppable forces."

Pietro: "This will be a disaster."

???: "I can help you with that."

They all turned towards the voice and saw Nyx walking towards them who just suddenly appeared undetected. They all got their guard up as Fury already had his hand on his holster.

Maria: "Who are you?"

Nyx: "Now now children, I came here to help my son. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Natasha: "Son? So you're-"

Nyx: "Yes child. I am the mother of Hyperion. My name is Nyx."

They stood there shocked finally knowing who this woman was. Those who knew of the different kinds of mythology would know who this is. Nyx raised her hand as a dome of purple energy started to appear. Hyperion looked around and saw a huge dome that encased the whole mountain ranges and forest around them. Robert also looked up and saw the dome but he was more confused on what was happening.

Hyperion: (telepathically)"Thank you mother."

Nyx: (telepathically) "Stop him before he destroys all life my son. Be careful."

Robert: "What's going on?"

Hyperion: "Robert, please. We don't have to do this."

Robert stared back at Hyperion but he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine as the familiar voice came back and whispered.

"Don't listen to him. We are the strongest. We do what we want."

Robert: "S-Stop it!"

Hyperion: "Robert?"

"Let's show the world our destructive power."

Robert: "T-This is wrong! Just stop!"

"I have no choice then. You are weak."

Robert's eyes suddenly glowed crimson as he screamed in agony letting out a shockwave that pushed the Eternal back and making the dome vibrate from his power. Nyx flinched a little but Steve saw this and walked towards the Primordial Goddess.

Steve: "What happened?"

Nyx: "He became even stronger than before and... No."

Rhodey: "Uh oh."

Sam: "I don't like the sound of that."

Nyx: "This is impossible... How can this be..."

Steve: "What-'

Nyx: "The fight has just become harder."

They turned back back towards the done as it stopped vibrating. Hyperion saw Robert on his knees as he floated towards the blonde man and put a hand in his shoulder.

Hyperion: "Robert? Are you okay?"

The man then suddenly grabbed him by the neck as he slowly looked up. Hyperion saw that his eyes were glowing red and he had a sinister smile on his face. He was blasted by Robert's beam sending the Eternal crashing towards the building making it crumbling down on the Eternal. Hyperion punched his way out of the rubble and saw Robert floating in the air but he has a dark red aura around him.

???: "Robert is no longer here Eternal. He was weak so I took the matter into my own hands."

Hyperion: "Who are you?"

Void: "I am the embodiment of Evil and Malice. The negative energy inside Robert. Call me the Void."

Void: "I didn't know an Eternal can be this strong. Is that Nyx I sense."

Hyperion: "You know my mother?"

Void: "I see it now. Your immeasurable power comes from her and two other sources. No matter. Once I'm done with you I'll destroy the entire universe."

Hyperion: "I won't let you."

Hyperion tackled Void void creating a powerful shockwave that pushed away all the rubble. The two soared into the sky as Hyperion grabbed Void by the neck and punched him in the face sending him crashing towards the forest uprooting multiple trees and creating a deep crater in the process. Hyperion flew towards Void at supersonic speeds and landed on top of him deepening the crater even more.

He started to punch Void multiple times shaking the very Earth before blasting him with his Atomic Vision as the Void crossed his arms to block it. Void's eyes then started to glow gold as he blasted his own Optic Blast at Hyperion's Atomic Vision. It overpowered the Eternal's blast and sent him flying high in the air. Void got up and flew towards him cracking the ground from his power. Once he reached Hyperion, he punched the Eternal two times before kicking him towards a mountain making him crash on top of it destroying it. Void flew towards him as Hyperion did the same.

The two clashed creating another shockwave that destroyed the surrounding area and making everything shake from the two's power. Everyone who was on standby and a few yards away felt the shockwave as Nyx put more power on the barrier keeping it from breaking from their power.

Natasha: "Everyone in Germany started to evacuate everyone because of the powerful tremors they are causing."

Fury: "I hope Hyperion finishes this quickly before they can cause global catastrophe."

Pietro: "T-This felt so unreal."

Sam: "You said it kid."

Wanda can feel all the negative energy coming from Sentry as she winced in pain and grabbed her head. Nyx walked towards her and helped her up.

Nyx: "Are you alright little one?"

Wanda: "Y-Yes. I can feel his energy. I-It's so evil."

Nyx: "He is the personification of Evil my child. There is no stopping him when he wants to destroy everything."

Steve: "You haven't told us about this ma'am? What is he?"

Nyx: "He is known as the Void. I didn't know that he was still alive. Me and my siblings did our best to lock him away. I guess he broke out and found a suitable vessel with a weak mental state and uncontrollable power. This Robert Reynolds has a split personality disorder and Void manifested when he got his powers."

Another shockwave shook everything as they saw from the cameras that Hyperion just slammed down the Void who got back up and chucked a huge chunk of the Earth as Hyperion just destroyed it with a punch. They sent a few drones to survey the fight from outside the barrier and one by one they started to go offline because of the ripple of power the two are causing.

Wanda: "I hope Hyperion is okay."

Nyx: "He will be fine my child. Don't you worry."

Hyperion staggered back in the air as he just received another punch from the Void. Void went for another punch but Hyperion dodged and kneed him on the cut making the Void hunch forward. Hyperion then clasped his hands together before bringing it down on the Void's head sending him crashing once more to the ground. He flew down and went to tackle the void but Void grabbed a tree and used it as a bat hitting Hyperion sending through the forest creating a trench on the ground. Void then stomped down on Hyperion who blocked it creating another crater underneath. Void grabbed Hyperion by the neck as the Eternal used his strength to try and break the hold.

Void: "Struggle all you want Eternal. You are no match for me."

Hyperion: "Don't underestimate me Void. You'll never know the outcome of this fight."

Void: "I already know."

He headbutt the Eternal before charging energy on his fist and gave a nasty haymaker towards the Eternal's torso sending him through a mountain and crashing back down on the ground. Hyperion lifted up a rubble as he wiped out the blood from his lip.

Hyperion: "The guy can fire energy blasts from his fists and eyes. That is not fair."

Void landed a few feet away from him blowing the dust around as he menacingly walked towards Hyperion. He dashed towards the Eternal as the two clasped hands with Void pushing Hyperion back and through multiple trees. Hyperion planted his foot down making the two stop as they push each other using their raw strength making the ground crack from the pressure and the Earth shaking again. The Eternal gritted his trying to push back the possessed Sentry but to no avail.

Void tried to push him back more but the Eternal gave everything his got and blasted Void in the face of an Atomic Vision making him step back in pain. Hyperion then tackled him through the air before slamming him on another mountain before dragging him across the mountains. Void's fist glowed as he started to blast Hyperion with his energy but Hyperion pushed through and flew up before diving back down with Void in hand as the two slammed on top of the mountain splitting it in two. An explosion of golden light occurred as it turned the mountain into dust and also flinging Hyperion into the air hitting the barrier forming a crack.

Void beelined Hyperion as the two broke the barrier making Nyx stagger back before Steve caught her from behind. He sat her down as Wanda went to comfort her. Hyperion and Void went past the Helicarrier with a gust of wind pushing the Helicarrier back a little. The two disappeared from view as Natasha started to push buttons on the controls trying to find out where they were heading only to become wide eyes.

Natasha: "They are heading towards the city."

Fury: "Quick! After them."

Berlin is the largest city in Germany and was also near where the hidden facility was found. People started to panic because of the earthquake and tremors shaking the city. The people of Berlin then heard loud sonic booms in the sky as they looked up only to see two figures falling down. Void crashed towards a building and Hyperion crashed on the ground as he bounced around before stopping cracking the ground. He slowly stood back with his suit a bit damaged from the fight.

He has blood dripping from his head and mouth and a few scratches along his body. He turned to the people and told them to get out of here. A few officers surrounded him confused on who this man is. He raised his arms up but heard another loud sonic boom coming towards him.

Hyperion: "GET DOWN!"

He was then tackled by the Void who is also damaged from the fight as the evil entity dragged him across multiple buildings. Hyperion elbowed the Void on his back kneeing him on the gut pushing him back. The two traded blows that caused shockwaves breaking windows from nearby buildings. Steve and the others arrived in the city as they helped the civilians evacuate. They jumped away as Hyperion was sent flying towards a bus denting it as Void flew towards the Eternal. Wanda using her powers, trapped Void in red energy as the evil entity looked back and locked eyes with the red head.

Void: "Chaos magic."

Vision then flew towards Void and landed blows to the face making them angry. He released his energy causing a shockwave and broke through the restraints Wanda put on him with her powers. Pietro ran around the man landing punches. Void being faster, saw him in slow motion before backhanding him towards a car. Jasmine came in and gave Void a powerful uppercut on the chin sending him flying and crashing back on the street. Natasha ran towards Hyperion who kneeled down.

Natasha: "I hope you still got energy to fight, big guy."

Hyperion: "Please, I can go on for years."

Natasha: "This is the first time I see you hurt this bad. I guess Gods do bleed."

Hyperion: "He is strong. Probably the strongest I faced. How is my mother?"

Natasha: "She is resting after how much energy she used just to hold the barrier. So how do we beat this guy?"

Hyperion: "To be honest, I don't know."

Nyx: "I have a plan."

Hyperion looked beside and saw Nyx teleported. She kneeled down and told her son her plan. Cap jumped in on the fight as he threw his shield towards Void and got hit on the back of his head. He tried to blast the super soldier but he was agile and dodged them all. He grabbed his shield back and hit Void with it but Void just punched the shield back sending Cap rolling on the ground. Wanda came back and blasted her own energy at Void who floated up and blasted her with his Optic Beams. Wanda shielded herself as Vision tackled Void and slammed him back on the ground face first.

Jasmine then wrapped her arm around his neck as she and Vision held him down. Void didn't let up and with a burst of power, he sent Jasmine and Vision away. Void grabbed Vision by the neck and stared at the Stone on his forehead.

Void: "The Mind Stone."

He was about to rip it from Vision's forehead when Vision blasted him using the stone. Void grabbed his leg and slammed him on the ground before throwing him towards a building like a ragdoll. Pietro blitzed towards him again only for the Void catching him by the neck.

Void: "You are becoming a nuisance."

He was about to incinerate Pietro but Hyperion went for a Superman punch sending Void crashing towards a building. In a burst of speed, Hyperion flew towards Void leaving behind a sonic boom that broke the glass windows as he beelined Void through more buildings before flying higher breaking the sound barrier. Hyperion went past Earth's orbit and towards an asteroid belt. Void slammed his fists on Hyperion's back before grabbing his cape and flinging him towards multiple asteroids. He grabbed an asteroid before throwing it towards the Eternal but Hyperion just blasted it to pieces using his Atomic Vision.

They charged at each other as every time they clashed fists, a shockwave was being made. It was so powerful that everyone back on Earth could still hear their fight. They flew around space in super sonic speeds with fists that had the power of a nuke clashed together. Void landed a punch but Hyperion countered with his own but with more power. Void was surprised that it hurt him so bad. That's when Void noticed something. They were in space and the sun was shining so bright in the distance. Void knew that they had a similar power source as they both get their powers from the sun but Hyperion has something that Void doesn't. Cosmic Energy.

Of course the body that he possessed has untamed power ready to be unleashed but if he does that, He will not only kill Hyperion but also leave him drained out even with the help of the sun. He dodged one of Hyperion's punches and grabbed the Eternal into a headlock. He flew towards the moon and slammed him creating a crater on the moon. Hyperion grabbed his arm as he tried to force Void's arm to let go.

Void: "There is no use in fighting it Eternal. You and everyone are doomed. The destruction of the universe is near."

Hyperion: "I. WON'T. LET YOU!"

With a new burst of power, Hyperion let out a roar that created a shockwave that pushed back Void. Void stood his ground as he saw Hyperion his eyes glowed red and blazing with power. He then remembered his mother's plan from earlier.

Flashback starts

Nyx: "Try to injure him until he starts to use more energy to heal. That will give you the chance to strike."

Hyperion: "What should I do after?"

Nyx: "His powers come from the sun itself like you but he doesn't have Cosmic Energy. You should get him out of Earth and to space so that you have the advantage. Absorb as much Cosmic Energy you want."

Natasha: "Is that enough?

Nyx: "I know this is going to be risky but we have no choice-"

Hyperion: "You want me to absorb the solar energy fueling him so that he will be depleted."

Natasha: "But you'll overload with both energy, big guy."

Hyperion: "We have no choice. I'll do it."

Flashback Ends

With new found power, he blasted Void with his Atomic Vision but this time it was more powerful from before. Void did his best to counter the blast with his own but it was quickly overpowered and hit him. He soared into space as Hyperion flew towards him cracking the moon's surface from the pressure of his jump. He punched Void with everything as Void got sent flying back. Hyperion appeared behind him and hit him with an axe handle. Hyperion chased after him and grabbed him by the cape before flying towards another asteroid field slamming Void through multiple asteroids. Void fired his Optic Blasts at Hyperion but he just dodged and flew behind Void before backhanding him towards another asteroid. Void coughed up blood as he stared at Hyperion with anger.

Void: "How can this be?!"

Hyperion tackled him through the asteroid with Hyperion grabbing him on the face. Void could feel his power being drained as he grabbed Hyperion by the arms but the Eternal just gave him a nasty headbutt before continuing to absorb his energy.

Void: "NOOOOO!!"

Hyperion: "This ends now!"

With that Hyperion kept on absorbing all the solar energy inside Void. He could feel his body started to overload from all the Solar and Cosmic Energy. He gritted his teeth as he whipped back and roared with his eyes blazing red before firing his Atomic Vision up. It shined bright red as everyone saw this and covered their eyes from the red light and held their ground as the entire planet shook from all the power. Once it all died down, Hyperion slowly opened his eyes to see he was still in space floating around. He looked at his body to see cuts and bruises and his suit tattered.

He also saw Void now back to Sentry injured and unconscious. He grabbed him and flew back to Earth. Nyx and the others are back in the Helicarrier and saw Hyperion fly back down and land with an unconscious Sentry. He laid the man on the ground as he went to a knee. Wanda caught him just in time as Hyperion looked up with a smile.

Hyperion: "Thanks kid."

Wanda: "Your welcome Pops."

Hyperion: "Heh."

Nyx walked towards her child and started to use her own cosmic energy and try to heal him. She then turned to Sentry as he held up a hand and a bright light engulfed the man. A red sphere then casted out of Sentry as it gave out an aura that screams evil.

Nyx: "I know where to put you. Mother would be glad to put you away for good."

Rhodey: "What should we do with him?"

Hyperion: "You don't need to worry. I know what to do with him."

Fury: "As long as he doesn't cause more trouble. Then fine."

Hyperion: "Yes sir. Now if you guys excuse me, I need some sleep. My body is aching."

Pietro: "You look like shit old man."

Hyperion: "Ha ha. Laugh it up kid."

Everyone escorted Hyperion inside with Wanda helping him walk as Nyx walked beside them. The unconscious Sentry was also sent in the infirmary as he too took damage from their scuffle.

A Few Months Later

We see Hyperion flying towards a cabin located just outside of New York. It was the same cabin that caused Robert's suffering. He landed outside and knocked on the door. Hyperion looked at himself on the window and saw his reflection.

Unlike the other Eternals, his hair grew longer and in just a few months, he also had a beard which he found bad ass. He was also wearing a new suit that Tony made him.

When Tony found out about who he fought that shook the planet, he asked his "Dad" if he was okay or if he had more injuries that needed to be healed. He smiled at how he worried about him and how he accepted him as his father figure.

The door opened to reveal a blonde man as he smiled seeing his friend came to visit him.

Robert: "Mark, so glad you came to visit me my friend."

Hyperion: "Of course Robert. I just ran an errand that Helen sent me then went here after."

Robert: "Come inside. It's been a few months since we last talked."

Hyperion formed a friendship with him as he told him everything after he woke. Robert didn't remember anything after waking up as the Void messed with his memories. The only thing he remembered is that he stole something and suddenly gained powers.

So his hatred for Tombstone disappeared. Instead of putting Robert in the most dangerous place for criminals, Hyperion talked Fury out and told him that he'll keep tabs on Robert. Robert also said that he isn't going to use his powers anymore, in case they are facing a world ending threat then he'll help. Hyperion walked inside as the two friends and allies talked. And speaking of Void, he isn't going to cause more destruction when Nyx gave him to her mother. Guess who that Goddess is.



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Also read Marvel+DC : Superman on my profile.