
Marvel : Hyperion (On Hold)

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made opposite to then. The Deviants. Hyperion is by far the special one of the bunch as he has multiple abilities making him the strongest one of them all. After the Eternals separated, he chose to roam around the world to learn new things and blend in but one event turned things upside down. THIS STORY IS NOT MINE. I'm just a big fan. Also this is NOT my story as this story belongs to Monster Zero on Wattpad.

HarHarMahadev · Movies
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29 Chs

Age Of Ultron (1)

[Sokovia : 2015]

It's been a year since the team with Amelia and Konrad have been raiding every Hydra base to look for Loki's scepter. They are now at the last base and hoped that the scepter is located here. We can see Tony in his new suit flying around the snowy forest of Sokovia blasting Hydra soldiers who are shooting at him. Next to him flying is Hyperion who would use his atomic beams to hit the soldiers as well helping Tony.

The other Avengers are on the ground with the two other Eternals facing the soldiers who are shooting at them. Tony then flew closer to the building up the hill and hit a forcefield making him stagger in the air before Hyperion caught him.

Tony: "Shit!"

Steve: "Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

JARVIS: "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor who is fighting multiple soldiers threw his hammer forward and brought it back but dodged Mjolnir and it hit another soldier from behind him.

Thor: "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

Natasha: "At long last it lasts a little long boys."

Clint then shot an arrow that exploded making multiple soldiers fly in the air and landed with a loud thud.

Clint: "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise."

Marc then landed on top of a tank and ripped it in half. He was in a new suit. He ditched the cape and used a suit that the other Eternals wear except it was color black with gold and red accents.

Hyperion: "We could have sneaked in but someone was impatient."

Konrad then flew by as he created multiple rockets and sent them towards a group of soldiers.

Konrad: "I'm not one for sneaking around."

More groups of HYDRA soldiers arrived but were blown away by a powerful gust of wind as Amelia landed and walked towards Marc and spoke on her comms.

Amelia: "You've been doing this every time when we're on a raid. Why do you always act like a child?"

Konrad: "Sis, what can I say. I'm me."

He then flew away to deal with more soldiers as Amelia just sighed and scratched his temples in annoyance. Marc put a hand on her shoulder as he looked towards the other Eternal.

Hyperion: "You guys should talk after this but now, we have a mission to finish."

Amelia: "Right. Oh and you owe me a date after this."

Hyperion: "Okay?"

Amelia: "Thanks. See you after this. Love the suit. Much better without the cape."

Hyperion: "Thanks hon."

She flew in the air to find more soldiers to fight as Hyperion could only sigh. For the time that they spent together, Amelia has grown attached to him. Hyperion knew of this since he is not dense enough to not know her advancements towards him. The cuddling, constant hugging and even kissing him on the cheeks sometimes.

He was reluctant at first to accept her love since he is new to this. In all of his years on Earth, he witnessed what love can do to people. It gives them strength and makes them happy and he's happy he met someone like her in his life. So he took the shot and now the two are dating for a year now. He shook his head as he saw three tanks approaching him. He just floated in the air and sliced the three tanks in two with a swift motion of his atomic vision. He then flew up to help the others.

Tony: "Wait a second! No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"."

Steve: "I know."

He then saw a tank as Steve flipped on his motorcycle before throwing it towards the tank destroying it.

Steve: "It just slipped out."

Hyperion: "It just shows your old Steve."

Steve: "Look who's talking."

Tony: "Yeah old man."

Hyperion: "And I'm proud of it."

Hyperion saw the Hulk rampaging as he would throw and pummel soldiers left and right. He would also throw tanks everywhere as he threw one in the air as Hyperion blasted it with his atomic vision. He then saw missiles going towards the city as a few of them exploded near the people of Sokovia. Hyperion caught and destroyed some of them as he told the team about the situation.

Hyperion: "Guys, the city is under fire."

Tony: "Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion."

Then a few Iron Legions flew towards the city to keep the people safe. Everyone continued to fight as Konrad got hit as he was shot by a bunker. He crashed towards the ground as a crater formed underneath him. He groaned in pain as he was about to blast it with his power but lightning and fire blasted the bunker to pieces.

Amelia: "Sorry bro!"

Amelia flew past him as he grit his teeth in annoyance. He then flew in the air finding more soldiers to beat up. Clint is seen sneakily walked by a few soldiers as he fires his bow at one of them. He fired one more as it was towards a bunker but a blur passed by and caught the arrow as no explosion was heard. He was then knocked down by a white haired teen.

White hair: "You didn't see that coming?"

He then ran away as the bunker shit Clint as it graxed his side. Natasha saw this as she ran towards his best friend. Steve was also hit by a blur as he looked around before running away.

Steve: "We got enhanced on the field."

Natasha: "Clint's hit!"

She then saw the bunker still shooting at them but missed.

Natasha: "Can someone deal with that bunker!"

Hyperion flew down towards the bunker destroying it as he landed on top.

Natasha: "Thank you."

Hyperion nodded and used his super hearing. He flew up and followed where it was and saw the teen running around at high speeds but to him, he was running at a normal pace. He decided to stop him as he landed with a loud boom making the teen bump into him sending the kid flying back and landing on the cold snowy ground.

Hyperion: "What? Didn't see that coming?"

He stood back up and ran towards the under way but Hyperion just appeared in front of him again shocking him. He tried to outrun the Eternal but Hyperion just out-speed him. The teen tried to punch Hyperion but he just dodged and pushed the teen with little of his strength making the kid skid on the snowy ground and stopped when he hit a tree.

Hyperion: "Done running kid?"

He just gave the Eternal a pained smirk. Hyperion was confused at first but he was suddenly hit by something sending him through multiple trees and crashed in a tank denting it. Hyperion looked up and saw a girl probably the same age as the boy as the boy lifted her bridal style and ran away. Hyperion was about to run after them but he has important things to do. He flew towards Natasha and an injured Clint as he lifted the archer and turned towards the spy.

Hyperion: "I'll take him to the Quinjet. You go and calm the big guy."

She nodded and Hyperion flew towards the Quinjet. As the doors opened, Amelia and Konrad landed then walked inside. Hyperion laid Clint in a stretcher and started to help with his wounds.

Clint: "Do you know what you are doing man?"

Hyperion: "I learned this from my travels Clint. I'm sure of it."

Clint: "Okay then."

Amelia: "Can I help? I can use my water to help heal him."

Hyperion: "That would be great Amelia, thanks."

She nodded and started to use her abilities to slowly heal Clint. Konrad not wanting to stay a little bit more flew away saying he needed to finish something elsewhere. The others arrived with the price in hand. Loki's scepter.

Tony: "Mission complete."

Hyperion: "Good. Let's get out of here. But first."

Hyperion got out and flew in the air towards Strucker's base of operation and fired his Atomic Vision tearing the whole place apart.

After destroying the place, he flew back down towards the Quinjet as they all went home after a successful mission. The others were talking with each other as Natasha walked towards a now calmed Bruce who is listening to opera on his headphones.

Natasha: "Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever."

Bruce: "Just wasn't expecting a code green."

Natasha: "If you hadn't been there, there would've been double the casualties. My best friend would've been a treasured memory."

Bruce: "You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear."

Hyperion: "You are a big help back there Bruce."

Amelia: "Yeah. The big guy did a pretty good job."

Natasha: "They are right. How long before you trust me?"

Bruce: "It's not you I don't trust."

Natasha: "Thor, report on the Hulk?"

Thor: "The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims."

Natasha glared at Thor as Hyperion just looked at him while Banner groaned in despair making Amelia laugh.

Hyperion: "Really Odinson?"

Thor: "Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout."

Amelia: "Could've said it better."

Tony: "Hey Banner, Dr. Cho's on her way from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

Bruce: "Uh Yeah, she knows her way around."

Tony: "Okay."

He then spoke to Jarvis as he stood up from the pilot seat and walked towards the others.

Tony: "It feels good, yeah? I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."

Thor: "No, but this.....this brings it to a close."

Steve: "As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"

Hyperion: "Probably knew what the scepter is capable of."

Tony: "The old man is right. That's why Banner and I'll give it the once before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you?"

Thor nods as well as Hyperion as he was curious on how the Mind Stone can enhance someone to gain powers.

Tony: "I mean just a few days until the farewell party. You're staying right? You too old man, you guys are invited."

Amelia: "Of course!"

Hyperion: "Very well."

Thor: "Yes, yes of course. A victory should be honored by revels."

Tony: "Yeah, who doesn't love revels? Captain?"

Steve: "Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA, so. Yes, revels."

Time passes by as the Quinjet finally landed on the Avengers Tower as Dr. Helen Cho and her team helped towards the med bay.

Hyperion and Amelia walked out of the Quinjet with the latter turning towards the other Eternal.

Amelia: "I'm going to find us some clothes to wear for the party. See you back at the apartment."

Hyperion: "Of course.'

Amelia gave him a peck to the cheek and flew towards their apartment as Hyperion walked inside and towards the lab. He can see Clint laying on his side as his wound is getting fixed.

Hyperion: "Well that looks disgusting."

Clint: "Ha ha, real funny man."

Hyperion: "How are you Clint?"

Clint: "I'm still me if that's what you're trying to ask."

Natasha then turned to Helen as she typed something on the machine Clint was on.

Natasha: "Are you sure he is going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really keeps the team together."

Helen: "There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with a simulacrum."

Banner: "She's creating tissue."

Helen: "If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration cradle could do this in twenty minutes."

Tony then walks in with drinks in hand as he gives Clint one then Hyperion. He put the other drinks down as he stood beside the Eternal.

Tony: "He's flatlining. Call it. Time?"

Clint: "No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic."

Hyperion: "And brittle bones."

Clint: "Hey man, I'm not that old."

Helen: "You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference."

Clint: "I don't have a girlfriend."

Helen: "That I can't fix."

Hyperion: "How about you find yourself one Helen. You're a beautiful woman. A smart one too."

Helen: "T-Thanks Marc but I don't have time for that now. My research has been keeping me busy. Besides, I already have someone in mind."

Hyperion: "Is that so?"

Tony: "Well Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday."

Helen: "Unlike you, I don't have time for parties but.."

She then turns to Hyperion who was leaning on a table with his arms crossed still wearing his Eternal suit.

Helen: "Will you be coming?"

Hyperion: "I am."

Helen: "Well let's see about that."

Hyperion: "Well, I'll be seeing you guys at the party."

Tony: "See you old man."

Hyperion nodded and walked out the lab then towards the landing pad. He jumped down and flew back towards his and Amelia's apartment. He landed on the roof and changed his clothes to his normal ones using his cosmic energy. Be walked down stairs and towards his shared space. Once he opened the door, Amelia was nowhere to be seen.

Hyperion: "Weird. She would be running around the place right now looking for clothes to wear."

He used his x-ray vision to find her not in the apartment. He got worried so he ran back to the roof and changed back into his suit and flew in the air at supersonic speeds. Trying to use his supervision to find her but still nothing.

Hyperion: "Where are you Amelia?"

He was then tackled by something as he was Hyperion and the unknown figure crashed on an abandoned town. Hyperion got up from the crater quickly as he was then whacked by a car sending crashing through a broken down house and came out on the other side before skidding on the concrete road creating a trench. He looked up and saw a figure he didn't recognize.

Hyperion: "Who are you?"

???: "Doesn't matter. You're dead anyways."

Before Hyperion could ask again, the figure dashed towards him ready to punch him. He did a flip and jumped back making the figure punched the ground creating a crater.

Hyperion: 'His strong. Probably as strong as me.'

The figure then created two swords and dashed towards Hyperion who dashed forward as well. He dodged a few swings before grabbing the swords and breaking them. He headbutt the figure as the two then cocked their fist back and threw it forward colliding making a shockwave.

Hyperion: "Who sent you?!"

The figure didn't say anything as Hyperion started to get irritated. He broke the struggle before kneeing the figure on the stomach and punched him to the ground. He then grabbed the figure's leg before throwing towards a few houses before landing on an abandoned gas station making it explode. Hyperion landed on the ground causing a crack as he stared at the figure walking out the flames creating two more swords like nothing happened.

Hyperion rushed once more but the figure threw his swords towards Hyperion who just deflected it with his hands. The figure flew towards Hyperion as the two traded blows that shook the very Earth. With just their power alone, the place started to terraform. Hyperion landed a punch towards the figure sending him crashing towards a car as he got close only to be hit by the car. The figure went for another attack but Hyperion sliced the car in half and punched him on the stomach then to the face.

He went for a punch again but the figure caught it as the pressure cracked the ground underneath them.

???: "He was right. You are strong. Stronger than

the others."

Hyperion: "He?"

???: "He sent me knowing the two would fail on their mission. Typical for a new born Eternal. Not like us who lived for years."

Hearing what the figure said, he already knew who was all behind this. He used his atomic vision as he pushed the figure towards the ground. He then landed on top of him and started to punch him embedding him to the ground as the Earth shook with every punch.

Hyperion: "What did you do with her?! Where is she?!"

???: "Home."

He caught Hyperion's punch and punched him with his own. Sending the Eternal flying in the air and crashing back down on the ground. The figure flew up and then back down as his foot was aimed at Hyperion's chest. Once he landed, he deepened the crater Hyperion was in even more. He then stepped off of him as the Hyperion started to cough from the dust.

???: "I have fulfilled my first mission now on to the next. We'll meet again Hyperion and ready. I won't hold back this time."

He then rocketed out of the abandoned town as Hyperion slowly stood back up. He looked and clenched his fist in frustration.

Hyperion: "Amelia...."



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Also read Marvel+DC : Superman on my profile.