

Duke, a young man awakened his X Gene to become the conduit of the Speed Force, a multiversal cosmic concept in the Marvel Multiverse

David_555 · Movies
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56 Chs

Taking first steps

.... 1 Week later....."Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Within a small training room, a young man was fiercely smashing a punching bag with his fists and legs.

The young man was bare chested, was bare chested, with perfectly sculpted and well chiseled muscles. He wore grey sweatpants and was barefooted, as his quasi long dark grey hair was tied into a short ponytail.

He only had bandages tied from his knuckles to his wrist, as his every attack caused the punching bag to sway heavily.

Taking in deep breaths, he got into a sort of 'Bruce Leeish' kind of martial art stance. Immediately his body moved like a blur, as he unleashed several punch and spinning kick combos unto the punching bag which caused it to tear apart, as it was sent flying.

The young man, Duke, immediately smiled and picked up a towel on a seat nearby, before wiping his face of the sweat, as he grabbed a bottle of water nearby and downed everything in one go.

"Samantha. Reassess vital signs." He said as he walked to a a large treadmill before him and placed his towel and bottle down.

"Right away Sir." A slightly female monotonous voice responded to him as he began to do some mild stretches. "Heart and Pulse rate; 700 beats per minute. Respiratory rate; 65 breaths per minute. Metabolic rate has increased to about 80 times the average human." The AI said as Duke nodded.

"Okay, time to take my first steps." He smiled and stood before the treadmill as he stretched his legs. The last thing he remembered since the conversation with the Speedforce was finding him shirtless in a dark alleyway. Ever since then, his body won't stop vibrating, namely, his arms and legs.

" Samantha, assess vital signs after a minute and record final velocity." He smiled and hopped onto the treadmill. Since the Speed Force was a concept that was centered around motion and momentum, it would be foolish of him not to realize that his new powers were mainly centered around speed.

Slowly, he began to walk, making sure to pay attention to every minute change within his body. Soon, the walk turned into a small jog, and the small job turned into a brisk jog.

Streaks of yellow lightning began to dance in his pupils, across his entire body, and soon, the whole room was filled with streaks of yellow lightning that emanated from a simple brisk jog.

As if an otherworldly Force has entered his body, he began to give in to its demands instinctually as his body sped up.

" Wooshhh! Wooosshhh!!" The air itself began to make wooshes, as if a sharp blade was being sliced through it.

As he ran, he felt an immense invigorating feeling running across his body, an feeling of ecstasy and euphoria, almost orgasmic.

It was as if he had grown an extra pair of lungs within his body, he soon began to sense a new energy, something he had never ever felt within his body. At that moment, he felt he could do anything. He felt as if he could smash mountains to dust with a punch and he could rip the sky apart.

" What sort of power is this? It's amazing! I feel great!! I can...I can go even faster!!" He laughed madly, as he leaned forward and increased his speed exponentially. If before he was jogging briskly, now he was sprinting madly.

The streaks of yellow lightning which were flashing around his body seemed to increase, and if anyone was to observe him for afar, they would only see a ghost like blur with yellow lightning streaking all over his body and surroundings in a haphazard manner.

' This shouldn't even be possible! How am I still fine, while running at such speeds? My body should be completely torn off by the momentum and force!!' He screamed internally as he looked around and saw that the room was completely devastated and destroyed by just the excess energy and momentum he was generating from his body.

However he realized that, his body was covered with a gentle, subtle and thin film of what looked like cosmic energy. Even his bones and muscles were tightly wrapped in this film of energy, but the most intriguing part was, every single one of his cells was constantly absorbing the energy, and generating the lightning energy which was in turn allowing him to run at such speeds.

Also he realized another thing. It seemed as if the world was moving so slow to the point of halting in his eyes. In reality, his perception was vastly increased in such a way that, the time flowing around his body was leagues faster than the time flowing in the average world.

" Shit!!" Before he could become even more immersed in the feeling, the treadmill exploded, as several shrapnels pierced his body which sent him flying, as he crashed through several walls, and went unconscious.


" Fuck!!" A few hours later, he woke up abruptly and sat with a groan. Looking at the level of destruction he had caused, he couldn't help but curse as he sighed and stood up.

" I'm fine? Completely fine?" He examined himself and saw that he was completely naked for one, as the sweatpants he was wearing had been burnt off, but there was no scar nor injury on his body.

" Samantha. How the hell did I survive that?" He asked the AI as he left the training room and walked into the shower.

After a few minutes, be came out refreshed and put on the same type of sweatpants he was wearing before and took out a box of pizza from the fridge which he hurriedly microwaved and sat down on his chair and began to eat heartily.

" Well Sir, This should be good news. Your metabolism has far exceeded human levels and is nigh godly levels, hence all damaged cells were quickly replaced. The interesting fact is that, all the cells in your body seem to undergo a state of autolysis and evolution every second." The AI said, as Duke super his mouth with a tissue.

" If my metabolic levels are off the charts, do I have to be eating massive amounts of food everyday to produce enough glucose to fuel it? That's a pain." He complained.

" Well Sir, even though your body requires more glucose then the average man, it isn't so much that it can't be dealt with. Besides the unknown energy within your cells is the primary source of energy for your body now, Adenosine Triphosphate and other nutrient based energies are secondary." The AI said.

" Well it sounds better when you put it that way." He smiled and took a bite from a large slice of the pizza.

" How about my vitals?" He asked. " Well Sir, your heart rate was about 3700 beats per minute. " The AI said which caused him to gawk for a sec. "And how fast was I going?" He shook his head and asked.

" A little close to Mach 2.8 sir." After he heard this, his mouth opened so wide, a whole watermelon could be stuffed into it.

" Mach 2.8? That's faster than the fastest F1 car, although a bit slower than the fastest jet." He smiled in shock. " Even with that, I felt I could go even faster if I wanted. It seems if I have to go test things out." He chuckled and quickly finished his pizza, grabbed and simple tank top and walked out.


Walking outside his apartment, he stood in front of a road, as he observed the people of New York going about their daily activities and minding their own business.

Turning his head to see if someone was monitoring him, before he bent his legs a little and took off. " Booommmm!!"

A massive sonic wave exploded, as every glass structure about 3 blocks behind him exploded, causing several innocent bystanders small cuts around their bodies as they screamed and run away. Thankfully, no one was injured.

Duke himself, had run into a large pole near an alleyway and was currently groaning in pain in the ground.

" Dammnit. I forgot, I'm not able to control my speed." He stood up and saw the destruction he had caused before facepalming and wiping the blood from his lips.

"Hey!" He immediately stopped a taxi and sat his inside with a small groan. " Where shall I take you mi amigo." The driver, a French middle aged man asked as he turned around to which Duke replied with a pained smiled. " Southern Beach." " Okay mi amigo, just relax and 'vrooom'" The driver replied and took off with maximum speed, as Duke was slammed into the seat with force as he grimaced.

A few seconds later, he got out of the car in a rush and calmed his beating heart.

" You are the worst driver I've ever met." He said as he tossed a couple of dollar notes to the driver who had a wide smile on his face.

" Enjoy za rest of of your zay mi amigo!" The driver said as he laughed and drove off, leaving Duke with an annoyed expression.

Shaking his head, Duke walked into the beach, and relaxed seeing it was relatively quiet. " If I move at supersonic speed, the surface of the water would act as a stretched elastic skin, so I don't need to worry about drowning." He said as he stretched his legs. He had also realized something about his speed; he could instantly accelerate to his full speed or start slow, it all depended on how concentrated he was.

Arriving at the shore, he took deep breaths and began to concentrate, calling upon the cosmic energy he felt within his body earlier.

Immediately, his perception sped up, as everything began to slow down consequently in his eyes.

Soon, sparks of yellowish lightning began to streak across his body and surroundings haphazardly, as he got into a stance.

" Go! Booommm!!!" With a shout, his body instantly shot forward, as he bolted across the surface of the ocean. Behind him, huge volumes of the ocean rose up, as massive waves churned.

'Shit! I gotta find a way to cancel out the momentum, else I'm gonna cause a natural disaster.'. He thought as he his head around and found out that the he couldn't even see the beach anymore. He panicked and looked around, before he noticed a small dot far beyond where he was.

' An island!' He smiled, before he accelerated, causing the lightning streaks to increase even more, as the ocean waves churned rapidly. Within a few seconds, he saw the island, as he prepared to slow down, not until he realized he didn't know how to slow himself down. Bracing himself, he crossed his arms in front of him, as he smashed into several coconut trees, as the lightning around him madly churned.

" That was awesome." He stood up and saw his broken arm getting rapidly fixed as he smiled happily. Looking down at his feet, he saw that his feet were emitting smoke, and small amounts of lightning. His shoes were completely burnt off, as he shook his head and walked to the shore of the island.

' I need to learn how to control my speed, else I'm going to people in danger.' He thought as he sat on the sand.

' I need to master how to be able to cancel out the sonic waves and the external momentum I generate when I run." He thought as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the infinite energy of the speedforce within his body.

' That's it!!' An idea lit up in his mind as he stood up in joy. " If I can project the energy that prevents me from getting injured unto my surroundings, I can use that to cancel out the momentum and sonic booms!" He spoke and laughed out like a mad scientist.

' If I can do that, I can even carry others around with me when I run.' He smiled and sat back down. ' The only thing I need now is tap into that thin film of cosmic energy which wraps around my body and learn to manipulate it.' He laughed.

To him, the Speed Force was filled with endless possibilities. If he could run fast enough, everything could be possible. He could literally crush a building if he could generate enough momentum and energy to execute it.

Ridding himself of the thoughts, he began to concentrate and call on the cosmic Speed Force energy within his body.

Immediately, his perception sped up, as time began to slow down. The lightning emerged around him, as it streaked around his body and surroundings haphazardly, as momentum began to build up.

Suddenly, he felt the subtle energy wrap around every part of his body, both in and out. He beckoned to the energy, and it began to follow his lead after a while.

Soon, he slowly projected the energy around him, creating something like an electromagnetic forcefield around his body.

A moment later, he controlled the energy and projected more and more of it, surrounding a 5km radius.

" Hehehe! " He chuckled, before his body blasted forwards, leaving behind a massive gust of wind and excess lightning streaks, as he disappeared instantly.

... SHIELD Helicarrier.....

" Sir, our hidden cameras and drones have picked up multiple Sonics booms and a yellow streak across city, and surprisingly around the ocean area." Maria Hill rushed to Nick Fury's office as he placed a file on his table.

" What? now he can run on water?" Fury raised an eyebrow as he read through the file.

" Call Romanoff. Tell her I have a mission for her." He said and wave his hand at her as she nodded and left.

A/N : Hope you guys are enjoying this fic, this chapter was a bit longer than usual. The Mc's speed isn't like the CW flash. It's like the DC flash with just the difference being the color of the lightning. Make sure to send those powerstones and stay tuned for more.