

Duke, a young man awakened his X Gene to become the conduit of the Speed Force, a multiversal cosmic concept in the Marvel Multiverse

David_555 · Movies
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56 Chs

Flawless mission

Several meters away from an extremely huge and well guarded facility, a black truck pulled up within a small forest, a three masked and well armed men walked out, holding unto a small device.

" Diego to Azazel, we have arrived at the location. I repeat, we have arrived at the location. Awaiting new orders." One of the masked men tapped on an earpiece in his left ear before speaking seriously.

" Alright Diego. Move stealthily about 5 meters forward, that should be a safe spot to plant the EMP." A voice sounded out through his earpiece, as he nodded and signaled his teammates with hand signs.

Immediately, they all moved forward a bit, before planting the small device into the ground. " Good, now you guys should step back" The voice sounded out once more, as the men slowly took steps back.

" Do It Samantha." The voice spoke out, and a second later, a massive electrical wave swept outwards. Immediately, the entire facility and the area around blacked out.

" Alright, mines had been taken care of. You have 45 minutes. Put on your goggles and move out, follow every single word I say if you want to make it out of here alive." The voice nonchalantly spoke, as the three men felt shivers down their spine, yet they moved out regardless, holding unto guns as they stealthily and strategically moved forward.

" Approaching facility entrance in 45 seconds." The voice spoke out. " Diego, there are two armed guards, 12 o'clock, take them out quietly." The voice said, as the man in lead immediately aimed his gun straight to his front.

Immediately, the two guards fell down dead, as they bypassed the gate without difficulty...


Within a small office, a man in a three piece suit watched his laptop attentively as he let out a smile. Behind him was another man also in a suit, who was attentively watching the laptop screen. " What a skilled person. Why don't we get him to work for us Sir?" The man behind spoke with a crafty look.

" It doesn't work that way. You can't force someone of such skill to just work for you. Besides for all you know, his backing is even greater or equal to ours. I'm satisfied with this already." The other man watched attentively with a smile, as his most trained soldiers successfully infiltrated Oscorp's most guarded facility, something that even the most experienced SHIELD agents had difficulty in doing.


Meanwhile Duke, the mastermind of the mission was currently sound asleep. In his seat, was a small recording device that was relaying instructions with the help of the AI at every juncture for the men on the mission.

" Beep! Beep!" Suddenly, his phone which was on the side of his bed began to vibrate which startled him from sleep.

" Oi. Old man, what do you want? Sigh. Do you always have to call when I'm sleeping?" He asked with a frustrated expression.

" Cheeky brat. " The old man responded with a chuckle. " Anyway, how are the preparations for the mission going? Need any help." The old man asked with a slight smirk on his face.

" Oh the mission huh, the men should've acquired the parcel by now, and should be making their way out of the facility." He watched the timer on his phone as he said.

" So soon? Aren't you supposed to be guiding them on the mission? Why are you sleeping then?" The old man asked in shock. How could he believe that a mission even he found troublesome had been handled by a kid within two days. "Forget it. Your brain is too old to understand the intricacies of modern technology." Duke answered with a proud smirk.

" Are you calling me dumb?!" The old man growled. " I never said that, now did I..." Duke chuckled as he spoke.

" Sigh. I didnt call you to argue with you. In 8 months, the Stark Industries And Oscorp Industries would be hosting a Science fair at Oscorp Headquarters. There is a mission I've been assigned and I want you to part of my team, are you on?" The old man spoke with a serious tone as he asked.

" Of course old man. What do you take me for." Duke smiled happily, as he checked on his internet for information regarding the Oscorp and Stark science fair.

" It's a mission which will require your physical presence. Are you still interested?" The old man asked again, wanting to be sure.

" Doesn't matter old man, count me in." Duke smiled as he saw the headlines of the news on his phone.

" Oscorp Industries and Stark Industries new invention, the Particle Accelerator will be launched 8 months from now." Silver read out as he smiled happily.

" Alright old man. Count me in!" He smiled and ended the call, as he fell to his bed wanting to sleep even more.

" Master Duke, the mission has been successfully handled. You've received another 50,000 in your account." The next instant, the monotonous voice of the AI sounded out as he sighed and sat on the bed.

" Incoming call Sir." It spoke again. "Answer it." He said before the screen was replaced by the same man from before. The only difference being that he had a small smile on his face. " You did pretty well Azazel, you have my gratitude." The man smiled and said, but before he could continue, Duke ended the call. " Sigh. Why is everyone talking too much today?" He asked himself as he closed his eyes and went into the land of dreams.


Two weeks later, SHIELD Helicarrier.....

" Director Fury, I think you need to see this." A beautiful liking middle aged woman walked to the dark skinned bald man with the eyepatch on and placed a role before him.

" Oscorp facility was robbed?" The man questioned as he looked at the paper in his hand. " No witnesses of thievery, 55 guards dead?" He asked again.

" Sigh. I'm too old for this. Mariah called Barton and Romanoff, tell them it's urgent." He instructed and walked away with a frown...