
Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Why did Apocalypse die naked on the street? Why did Iron Man scream miserably in the middle of the night? Why does Wakanda repeatedly fall into the wrong hands? Why is Asgard frequently targeted by thefts? Why couldn't Thanos snap his fingers, and who was behind it? What lies behind the Avengers' worried faces? Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Stay tuned to this book as we follow the protagonist into their inner world... . . . . . . . . Not my story. Translation If you want to support me. My pat*eon Id is--> pat*eon.com/Lord_Immortal_0170 Or you feel like tipping me for my hardwork you can do so on Ko*fi --> ko-fi.com/lord_immortal_0170

Lord_Immortal_0170 · Movies
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287 Chs


Just thinking about the landscapes and exotic beings he had yet to encounter there, Zane couldn't contain his excitement.

As for power, while Zane wasn't about to become a laid-back youth who just went with the flow, he also wouldn't be so deliberate anymore.

But since Odin had kindly reminded him like this, Zane wasn't the type to refuse to listen to good advice.

"Well, I'll remember," Zane nodded earnestly.

"Sigh, I really don't know if making you an ally of Asgard is the right or wrong decision," Odin suddenly sighed, with a hint of concern.

"Right and wrong have never been clearly distinguished, and the future cannot be seen clearly just by relying on prophecies, can it?" Zane replied lightly.

"That's true, maybe I'm just getting old. When people get old, they tend to get lost in their thoughts."

"Young people nowadays are really something!"

After hearing Zane's words, Odin shook his head with a bitter smile, leaned on his Spear, and stood up, then left.

Zane turned his head to look at Odin's departing figure, suddenly feeling that this once mighty lion had lost its roar.

For a moment, Zane's mind was filled with countless thoughts, finally turning into a sigh.

It was a lament for Odin's decline as the supreme ruler!

Seeing Zane's complex expression, Lorna asked with concern:

"Darling, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just feeling that time is terrifying. Even a ruler who dominates the Nine Realms can have days of anxiety and grow old!" Zane sighed, shaking his head.

"But we won't, right?" Lorna smiled suddenly after hearing Zane's words.

Zane also smiled and nodded in agreement.

Yes, Zane possessed the S-rank passive skill, [Death River], which granted him eternal life.

When his body reached its peak, it would be fixed, and no matter how time passed, even if the world changed, he wouldn't grow old.

Lorna was also granted eternal life by Zane on the day of her adulthood.

At that time, Lorna, who was only slightly stronger than an ordinary person, consumed over a million resurrection instances before successfully receiving eternal life from Zane.

For a strongman like Odin, he probably wouldn't even think about it without billions of resurrection instances. When he slaughtered the entire nation of Wakanda, Zane received nearly four million resurrection instances.

And at that time, there were only over two million souls in the [Realm of Dead], because some Wakandans' souls were too fragile and were shattered and reconstructed by the [Realm of Dead].

Of course, such precious eternal life would only be granted to those closest to Zane.

As for Odin, this old codger, Zane might just put a few flowers on his tombstone in the future.

And even if Zane were willing to grant him new life, Odin's exhausted soul probably wouldn't agree.

Previously, he was tempted by that strand of death god power, precisely because his innermost desire was longing for the tranquility after death.

At the same time, Thor, who was angered to the extreme by Odin's 'cowardly' behavior, didn't understand what restraint was.

He simply grabbed a few friends and was ready to settle the score with the Frost Giants.

And Heimdall, who had already been briefed by Odin, readily opened the Bifrost for him.

After Thor and his companions left, Odin also arrived at the Bifrost.

He kept an eye on Thor and the others' situation in the land of the Frost Giants, ready to intervene and pull these troublemakers back to Asgard at any time.

The anxiety he felt was overwhelming...

The subsequent developments were similar to those in from the movies.

Thor and his companions caused a ruckus in the land of the Frost Giants.

Then they were pushed to the brink by countless Frost Giants.

In the critical moment, Odin arrived and pulled this group of troublemakers back to Asgard.

But this also ignited the flames of war between Asgard and the Frost Giants.

Then, according to his plan, Odin sealed Thor's powers and banished him to Earth.

He also threw Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, to Earth, not far from Thor.

Everything seemed so logical and orderly.

If this wasn't prearranged, Zane would find it ridiculous.

The real world is not a script written by a screenwriter; there aren't so many coincidences!

But Odin overlooked one thing, that is, Loki discovered the fact that he was also a Frost Giant during the battle with the Frost Giants.

So there was such a scene:

As a prince of Asgard, Loki naturally had the qualifications to enter Odin's treasury and come into contact with the Frost Giants' treasure - the Casket of Ancient Winters.

As a result, his skin, which had been disguised by magic, gradually turned into the same deep blue color as the Frost Giants' skin after coming into contact with the Casket of Ancient Winters.

Even his eyes turned into a cold blood-red color.

At this moment, after seeing his true face through magic, Loki completely collapsed.

He understood why his nature was so different from that of the people of Asgard.

He understood why Odin, from top to bottom, favored his foolish and reckless brother Thor.

The contradiction between his sense of belonging to Asgard and his true identity gradually pushed his radical heart into the abyss.

When Odin noticed the problem and rushed over, it was already too late.

"Stop!" Odin shouted as he arrived.

Loki, holding the Casket of Ancient Winters with his back to Odin, no longer obeyed Odin's commands as he did before.

Previously, he had behaved like a good boy, just to gain the same fatherly love as Thor, but now it seemed unnecessary...

However, Loki still held a glimmer of hope and asked with a trembling voice:

"Am I cursed?"

Odin hesitated for a moment, but ultimately gave an affirmative answer:


"Who am I?"

Loki asked with a slightly hoarse voice, behind his calm exterior was long-suppressed anger and the madness of a collapsing world.

Sensing that he was about to break with his son, Odin hurriedly said:

"You are my son."

But at this moment, Loki no longer believed any of Odin's words.

He felt that his thousand-year life was just a lie, a conspiracy!

"And what else?"

After saying this, Loki put down the Casket of Ancient Winters in his hand, turned into the appearance of a Frost Giant, and walked slowly towards the somewhat bewildered Odin.

"That day, you didn't just take the Casket of Ancient Winters from Jotunheim, did you?"

Looking at Loki walking towards him, Odin remained silent for a long time before finally revealing the truth of that year.

"After the war ended, I walked into Laufey's temple and saw a baby."

"For a Frost Giant, that child was too weak."

"So he was abandoned, suffering from hunger, and could die at any moment."

"Laufey, the King of the Frost Giants, he is your father."

After Odin revealed the truth, Loki's world completely collapsed, and he repeated in disbelief.

"Laufey's son?"

Odin looked at the widening gap between himself and Loki, although it pained him, he still gave an affirmative answer:


"Why? Your hands are stained with the blood of the Frost Giants, why did you bring me back?" Loki, who was eager to pursue the truth, asked rapidly.

There was a hint of panic in Odin's eyes, but he decided to cover up his original intention with a lie.

"Because you are an innocent child!"

It was ridiculous. Such a blatant lie could be heard by anyone from the mouth of Odin, the King of Asgard.


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