
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 62: The Poor Man With a Fortune of Three Billion Dollars

"Sure enough, bad guys live forever. Congratulations on being blacklisted by God, Tony! But this is bad news for me. I have been thinking about the car in your garage for a long time."

His little butterfly wings can make Tony's palladium poisoning disappear early, which seems good. However, I don't know if Rhodes can take a suit of armor from Tony and turn it into a war machine because of this change.

"You are an out-and-out bastard. Sharing happy things with you is a wrong decision. When will you come back? Are you waiting for the hammer to end?"

After chatting nonsense with Tony, Qin Xiao seemed to suddenly think of something, walked to a deserted place, and said to Tony mysteriously.

"I have something to ask you, Tony, and only you can help me!"

"Your sneaky look reminds me of a thief. Do you have some kind of men's disease? I can't help you with that, man! After all, I'm healthy and strong. You'd better do that." Ask Banner, he seems to have taken medicine or something."

When Tony saw Qin Xiao's mysterious look, he looked disgusted.

"Shut up, you damn pervert. I'm in very good health. My dick is healthy enough to smash your armor. Didn't I go to Mexico? You know, where did I get from those drug lords?" I got a lot of money back and opened an account in a Swiss bank."

"I opened this at the homes of those drug lords. You know, there are many banks in Zurich. I want to ask which one is the safest. I want to transfer the money again!"

Qin Xiao looked at no one on the left and right, and whispered into the phone.

"That's it?"

Tony looked disappointed, thinking that Qin Xiao was going to tell some big secret.

"Watch your attitude, Tony, I'm a billionaire now, three billion dollars, three billion dollars, God, I don't even know what to buy, a mansion? A yacht? Do you have anything nice? suggestion?"

Tony Stark on the screen said to Qin Xiao with an extremely disdainful and condescending look.

"I thought you had done something big? Three billion US dollars are worth this? UBS, which is a major banking group merged by UBS and UBS Group AG, as long as the bank website you log on to These three-letter signs are all reliable, is there anything else?"

Although Tony didn't say it, Qin Xiao read the word "poor ghost" from his eyes.

"Tony, I admit that you are very rich, but three billion dollars is not a small number anywhere. I think you should respect me a little. Do you know what the number three billion dollars represents?"

Qin Xiao had permanently solved his financial problems in this world in one breath. He was carrying a huge sum of money, and when he was proud and complacent, how could he endure Tony's contemptuous eyes?

"I don't know, my friend, three billion dollars, the amount of an order from Stark Industries and the Department of Defense, or a small fluctuation in the stock price. I don't know very well. You know, I don't care about banks. The amount in the figure."

"Fuck Fuck!"

Qin Xiao hung up the phone angrily, this is the highest state of Versailles.

Billionaires are also hierarchical. Only if you are mentally ill will you raise money in front of Tony Stark.

"Sorry to bother you, are you okay?"

"I'm not okay? Are you okay?"

Someone was talking next to him, and Qin Xiao subconsciously replied angrily.

Turning around, I saw a sloppy old man.

This is none other than the genius astrophysicist Eric Shavig.

This guy has made a lot of appearances in the entire Avengers series.

Thor 1 and 2, Avengers 1 and 2.

In Avengers 1, he was controlled by Loki, developed a device, and used the huge energy of Stark Bacteria to scientifically control the Cube to open a stable portal.

Let the Chitauri army enter New York in a steady stream.

Qin Xiao's attitude shocked the old man, and he whispered a little scared.

"I have a friend, he has a bit of a brain... You know, he disappeared yesterday. I heard that he came here. I want to ask if he was arrested by you. If you are also one of theirs..."

Dr. Eric Shavig pointed to a sign above the greenhouse camp at the back.

"Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau! It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? I am. If the friend you mentioned shouts that he is the God of Thunder, the son of Odin, the father of the gods, etc. every day, then that is him. That's right."

Eric Shavig hurriedly nodded in agreement. He couldn't resist Jane Foster's request, so he came to ask for someone, otherwise he would be willing to deal with the mysterious intelligence department.

"Well, your friend looks very ill. Don't forget to take him to the doctor when you get back. Who is that!"

Qin Xiao reached out and called a guard.

"Go and notify Chief Coulson and tell him that the lunatic's friend came to ask for someone yesterday. He will understand what I mean."

After pulling Eric Shavig to wait for a while, Qin Xiao lost interest after chatting for a few words.

These talented scientists are often very dull and will take a long time to react to anything unless you are talking about their major.

It's really rare to find someone as extremely talented as Tony Stark who is also so interesting as a person.

Not long after, Coulson escorted Thor out with two guards.

Since this kid didn't lift the hammer last night, he seemed to have lost his soul. He didn't speak and was just stupid.

"Saul, are you okay? Jane asked me to take you home."

I don't know if it was because of the familiar voice of Dr. Eric Shavig or because I heard the name Jane.

Anyway, Thor raised his head, with a hint of color in his eyes.

"Dr. Shavig, are you here to take me away?"

"That's right, Jane is still waiting for you outside, I'll take you back!"

With Qin Xiao's reminder, Colson let them go without asking Dr. Eric Shavig to produce any credentials.

It was a waste of time to find someone to make a fake ID overnight.

But after Dr. Eric Shavig left with Thor, Coulson asked an agent to follow him quietly.