
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 61: Willow Branches on the Moon

Asgard, a magical place, does not refer to the various magics or gods here.

The internal disputes within the entire Odin family almost prevented Asgard from exerting any of its so-called cosmic power.

The entire Asgard has always revolved around Thor, Loki, and finally Hela. The internal strife of a king's family eventually destroyed the entire kingdom of Asgard.

The younger brother wants to kill his elder brother, the younger brother protects his elder brother, the older sister wants to kill his father, the older brother and younger brother join forces to destroy everything...

All in all, Asgard is comparable to the chaos of Zeus in Greek mythology, except without the family incest or whatever.

A bloody family ethics drama.

Odin took away Thor's power and exiled him to Earth.

In Qin Xiao's view, this is exactly like a rich father freezing his credit card and throwing him in a small mountain village in order to let his son grow up and understand what real life is.

Metamorphosis in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When Qin Xiao took over the task, the role he had to play was like the director of the program team in Metamorphosis.

It's just that Qin Xiao is not that soft-hearted, and Saul is not that selfish or unreasonable, he is just a little stupid.

And before he had enough strength to protect himself, he entered Odin's sight.

It's like a small business being targeted by a world-class company.

Either rely on other people's resources to prosper, or be directly swallowed by the giant crocodile.

Qin Xiao was familiar with all the plots in this world, so he thought twice and chose to accept it.

Late at night, Qin Xiao sat quietly on a hillside watching the stars.

You just have to think about whether you should follow the plot or think of some good way to effectively make that silly boy calm down first.

"Hi! I rarely see you so quiet. How are you? Are the stars beautiful today?"

The black widow didn't know when she appeared behind Qin Xiao, holding a bottle of wine and two glasses in her hands.

"If I had a choice, I would choose to keep staring at you instead of the stars!"

Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"You have a sweet mouth. I'll reward you with a glass of wine!"

Black Widow sat down with a smile, opened the wine bottle, poured two glasses of wine, and handed one to Qin Xiao.

"Honor the stars in the sky!"

"Okay, here's to the stars!"

The two touched lightly.

"That guy woke up. He didn't run away or yell. He just sat there stupidly. Is he really the legendary God of Thunder?"

"That's right, it's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake!"

Qin Xiao glanced at the black widow beside him. She was still wearing the same black tights that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, but her face was no longer serious and serious.

There is just a rare calm, and there is a rare and endearing feeling than usual.

"Do you want to ask me next why I know this?"

Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"Oh? Will you tell the truth if I ask you?"

Black Widow picked up the glass again and took a sip.

"Then it depends on what identity you ask? Is it the famous Black Widow in the secret service world, or my friend Natasha!"

Qin Xiao asked noncommittally.

"As long as I can remember, I have been locked in a red house with a group of little girls. The only way to survive is to undergo shameful training and kill each other!"

Black Widow did not answer Qin Xiao's question directly. Instead, she faintly talked about her past.

"So since I was very young, I didn't trust the people around me. Gradually, I could see that those people had evil intentions towards me. Those people looked at me with smiles, but there were daggers hidden behind them!"

"From the first time I got to know you, you started to be dishonest and rarely spoke the truth. But I can see from your eyes that you have no ill intentions towards me!"

"So how you know that, I don't care at all, I know that I can trust you, both as a partner and as a friend."

"My previous experiences were very painful and I don't want to mention them myself, so I won't force you to tell your secrets. In fact, today, I just want to look at the stars with you and have a casual chat."

Black Widow rested her head on Qin Xiao's shoulder as she spoke.

In the first half of her life, she only trained to kill, target people and enemies.

It wasn't until I met Hawkeye and joined SHIELD that I felt like I had a partner I could trust by my side.

But there has never been a person like Qin Xiao, who was a target at first, then a friend, a partner, but more importantly, a man.

It allows oneself to put aside the task or everything else and simply face him from the perspective of a woman very intuitively.

This feeling is very common for ordinary people, but for Black Widow, it is very special, and she cherishes this feeling.

"You look quite thin, but I didn't expect you have good shoulders!"

"Do you like it? I can rely on you all my life, but only on this side. You know, I am such a charming man. There will always be others who fall in love with me, and I am the one who can't bear it. People who reject beautiful women always have to leave a little hope for others, right?"

Black Widow's answer made Qin Xiao extremely satisfied, and he opened his mouth and started talking dishonest nonsense again.

There is nothing in heaven or on earth that he cannot talk about.

Black Widow just leaned against him and listened quietly, listening to his serious nonsense. The faint smile on the corner of her mouth showed that she liked this feeling very much.

Willow branches on the moon, women, cowhide, spirits...

The two sat quietly for half the night, although there was no physical movement that everyone liked to see.

But mentally, they both took a step closer to each other.

This feeling is great and pleasurable.

So early the next morning, Qin Xiao got up energetically.

I waited early for Dr. Eric Shavig, Jane Foster's teacher, to come and take Thor back.

In the movie, Thor fell from the sky and crashed into their car, and everyone else thought he was crazy.

But Jane Foster fell in love at first sight with the silly boy Thor and chose to believe what he said.

If nothing else happens, they should come here today and choose to pick up Thor.

From early morning to noon, I didn't see anyone coming to pick up Thor, but I received a video call from Tony.

"Qin, I heard that you met a strange hammer in Mexico. Is it fun? If it's fun, I'll go over and have a look. By the way, look at me. Is there anything different about it?"

Tony deliberately zoomed out to reveal his upper body.

Qin Xiao looked at it for a long time and finally discovered that the light inside the Ark reactor on his chest turned into a blue triangle.