

One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.

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297 Chs


If you want to read up to 30 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer


With Fury's help, I was able to infiltrate Stark Industries, stealing one of the jets they had for sale, then I began to fly said Jet, with Fury hiding my tracks from military radars with his SHIELD credentials, as I flew around the country, marking Hydra bases I would find on a map as I found them, I won't lie, I love my map function, is probably the best function of my power, by a long ass shot.

After I had all the Hydra bases in the USA marked on my map, I threw the stolen Jet into the sea with a handmade bomb courtesy of Fury timed to explode in a few hours. I wanted to be sure no one would track the Jet's disappearance back to me.

The USA alone had no less than one hundred bases, and a bunch of small… safe houses, meaning it would take me years to purge every single base, no… what I needed was to target the biggest ones, leaving a message to them to not bother me anymore.

Which is why, right now, I was outside the biggest base so far, using [sight] to determine how dangerous this base particular base was, so far nothing to worry about, like any other base, it had a bunch of soldiers, nothing that would make me sweat, at least, that was until I reached the basement, where a bunch of high level individuals were frozen in place, quite literally.

"What in the fuck are the Winter Soldiers doing there," I muttered in a bit of shock, I mean if I remembered correctly, they were supposed to be in Siberia, I mean, at least they stated that on Captain America: Civil War, so why were they here, had they moved them? 

[Josef LV 94], [Alexander LV 84], [Friedrich LV 86], [Walter LV 90], [Anna LV 87], [Bucky Barnes LV 135]

Well, fuck me, this changes everything, now instead of busting inside their base 90s action movie style, I need to infiltrate and kill those popsicles bastards before they can get activated, save for Bucky, I reckon Charles can help me help him with the brainwash.

Well, time to infiltrate.


It was relatively easy to infiltrate the base, considering I worked for Hydra, and knew a bit about their security systems, granted the security system they had in place was different, and the base was considerably bigger than the one I used to reside in, but in the end I managed, all thanks to [Sight], all I had to do was watch the soldiers use the codes, and use them myself, worse case scenario, the codes don't work, and I have to run as far away as possible.

Now once inside, it was all a matter of not being caught, which I had solved by killing a random agent that had crossed my path during my infiltration with knife to the throat, and then like in a cartoon, I stripped him buttnaked, and took his clothes, they were a bit tight, but they would suffice.

Now I was hidden in plain sight, sometimes the best place to hide if you ask me, people always overlook what's right in front of them, however regardless of my trust on this plan, I was using [Sight] to avoid being caught, I basically had an eye on the surveillance room at all times, and one on the path I was taking.

It was like looking left and right at the same time.

It was hard, but it was safe, also, every now and then I would switch to see the body of the agent I had killed to verify no one had discovered the corpse.

And like that, I traversed through the base without being caught, granted it took me longer that I would've liked, but I did it the safe way, now all I had to do was figure out how to open the room where the Winter Soldiers were, something I was trying to do while I hid in one of the broom closets.

Using [Sight] I found a vent that led into the room, big enough for me to crawl in and break into the room, a ventilation vent I supposed, but just to be sure, I followed the vent to its starting location, finding a gas tank, probably there in case they needed to force the Winter Soldiers to sleep.

This alone brought a bunch of difficulties, if they gassed the room, I would be captured, meaning going into the room without a clear exit was a suicide, no…. I had to find the key to the room, but where to look, the place was massive, it had hundreds of rooms, finding that even with [Sight] would be a pain in the ass that would take me hours, perhaps even more.

And that was assuming I had the time, I mean, considering I had killed someone to hide in plain sight, that body would eventually be discovered, leading into a full lockdown, and possible activation of Bucky.

In shot, I had but one option, enter the room within the hour, or risk a fight I am not sure I can win, I mean, Bucky alone is one thing, but the entire base, plus Bucky, I don't think I can handle that, heck, I am not sure I can handle Bucky alone altogether.

"I should learn how to hack," I sighed, if only I knew how to hack, this entire dilemma would be nothing but a minor inconvenience at best.

Taking a deep breath, I used [Sight] on the room where they were keeping the Winter Soldiers, seeing two men enter the room followed by a bunch of other people, they were talking about something, in German, so I was completely clueless, Hydra never taught me German, I know stupid considering they origin from Germany, then again, they probably didn't want knowing too much.

Then, all of the sudden their conversation ended, and they moved Bucky out of the room as they left, leaving only the other winter soldiers. Now I had to decide, do I… one, follow Bucky and the men that took him, or two, stay and kill the other Winter Soldiers.