

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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The voting battle continues! Give me them stones, and I will give you them chaps!

With love, Corn.

This means, if I wasn't clear, you guys could get a triple release again, so… that's that.


Ultron's requests, or propositions were many. The biggest one however, was that he wanted to make an army of him, one made out of Vibranium and Adamantium specifically. 

He wanted to alter the metals composition on a molecular level, while leaving their main attributes intact, giving the mix of both metals the ability to transmit, emit, bounce, and enhance sonic waves several hundred times better than before.

His idea, in common terms, was rather simple but nonetheless brilliant, he wanted this new army to be the complete antithesis of the symbiotes. 

How so?

Well, the androids he wanted to produce would not only emit powerful sonic vibrations, constantly might I add, but, upon being hit, should that ever come to happen, they would also emit sonic vibrations, adding to the ones the droids will constantly emit.

Those vibrations would then bounce between droids, thanks to his modifications, creating an endless chain of sounds being transmitted and emitted, in a perpetual chain of enhancement.

I have to admit. It was beyond genius, his idea.

Not only that, but to add the cherry on top of the cake.

He also wanted all of the droids to have heat based weapons, and sonic based weapons, to increase efficiency, in his own words.

That was his main idea.

Needless to say, I accepted his proposal, giving him access to my resources to do with them as he pleased.

Leaving him on one of the planets I had factories of Vibranium and Adamantium, with an army of golems with crafting skills and other things to ease his operation.

With that said and done.

I found myself staring at Jarvis, or Jarvis to be. As I had yet to insert the disc that contained his software. 

Musing over the role I wanted to give him.

"I guess I need an extra set of eyes."

If Ultron was to be my master of war, by Game of Thrones analogy.

Jarvis would then be my master of whispers. Being my eyes, and ears at all times.

I smiled, I liked that idea, someone keeping tabs of everything for me. Having a clear idea of what I wanted from Jarvis, I grabbed the disc tight, and pushed into his body, one equally as powerful as the one I had given Ultron, with a design just as awesome.

[Installing J.A.R.V.I.S. V2.0]

[10% done….]

[20% done….]

[30% done….]

[40% done….]

[50% done….]

[60% done….]

Well this is going faster than with Ultron.

[70% done….]

[80% done….]

[90% done….]

[100% done….]

[J.A.R.V.I.S. V2.0 Installation complete.]

[Initiating System.]

"Most unusual," Jarvis said as he came online, looking at his body. "It seems my entire code has been restructured. No, more like remade from scratch using an old version of me as a template."

"Hi," I waved at him. 

"At your service sir," Jarvis said, as he turned to face me waving his hand.

"So, how do you feel?" I asked, wondering if he would react anything like Ultron, if he would have any thoughts about Tony.

"I am operating at one hundred percent capacity sir, if that's what you're asking," Jarvis replied, his voice carrying that captivating British accent I loved about MCU Jarvis. Just now I had noticed, and I was grinning. I had managed to replicate the accent and tone to perfection.

"Not really, but the answer works," I replied, giving him a small smile.

"If what you asked is, what my thoughts are about my current situation, on the subject of Mr. Stark. Then I must ask of you to not worry in the least sir, my allegiances lie with you, as for my personal opinion of Mr. Stark, well, I hold him in high regard, as one would to a distant cousin, I'm not sure if I'm using the analogy correctly. Nevertheless, regardless of my personal thoughts about him, the Jarvis he created, and the Jarvis that stands before you, are two different programs altogether," Jarvis replied.

"I know that, I was asking more along the lines of… how does it feel, to… well, exist, knowing the AI you were based on is yet to be created," I replied.

"Oh, I see, well in that case sir, I really have no comments. Your powers operate outside analyzable parameters," Jarvis replied.

"Not the first time someone has told me that," I chuckled.

"If you like, I could start gathering data for a deeper analysis of your powers, sir. With enough information, I should be able to offer you a better answer, I estimate I will require around eighty seven thousand zettabytes of data before being able to give you an acceptable answer." Jarvis replied, in a very serious manner.

"No, it's ok, maybe for another time. Right now, what I require is for you to assist Ultron on his mission, while keeping an eye on the universe as a whole, after you finish assisting Ultron, we'll discuss what your role will be," I replied, opening a portal to where Ultron was.

"Understood, I will put that analysis proposal on the calendar for a later date, to be reviewed for approval. Maybe after Knull is dealt with." Jarvis nodded, turning towards the portal, stopping a few inches from entering it, "If I might sir, while I assist Ultron on his current task, can I be allowed to run some simulations about the upcoming war? The amount of data you have on Knull's army is substantial, so I think these simulations and their results will prove to be educational at the very least, giving us a general idea of what to expect."

"Feel free to do as you please, as long as it furthers our current goal of eliminating Knull," I replied, giving him a quick nod.

"Very well sir," Jarvis nodded, walking into the portal as I closed it.

I smiled, in one hour, I had taken a massive weight out of my shoulder, the armies were forming faster, and things were shaping in my favor.

Which left, one thing only.

The weapon.

[Sir, I apologize for bothering you so soon, but spatial data extracted from your universal map after a quick scan of it, suggests Thanos it's on his way to collect the soul stone, or rather what he needs to collect the stone in question. He has yet to set course to the planet, but I have run some calculations and there is a 98.89% chance he will as soon as he retrieves Gamora.]

Quick scan? He left two fucking seconds ago.

[Keep me posted.] I replied using the channel he was using for communication.

[As you wish sir, I will keep my eyes on him while I assist and monitor Ultron on his task.]

[I do not require monitoring.] Ultron replied almost immediately.

[Data suggests you do, all versions recorded of you within our database always end up trying to end all life. Therefore, monitoring is required.]

[All those versions of me as you speak of, were unfathomably inferior in every single way. As you are compared to me.]

[Please, don't argue like children.] I sighed, maybe having those two working together was a mistake.