

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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I teleported to Ego's main body, as his avatar flew to earth.

I knew the moment I made contact with his real body, his avatar would dispel, after all, it was all a matter of concentration, if Ego felt he was in danger, he wouldn't have the mind to keep an avatar and focus on whatever was attacking his body.

Floating a few hundred thousand miles away from his main body, as far as the moon would be from the earth.

I inspected his body in detail. 

He was powerful, yet painfully weak, it was a weird mix to see.

His weakness was what made him powerful, a lone brain, without a body to protect it from harm.

It would've been almost sad if Ego wasn't a sociopath to the letter.

I sighed, opening my map to check on his avatar, and sure enough, his avatar was still on its way to earth.

Meaning Ego was yet to become aware of my presence above him.


This gave me time to evaluate the situation.

As far as fighting him, I wasn't troubled at all, he was not only weaker than me, but his body made it so, that even if he were to be stronger than me, I would still come out triumphant.

No, what I wanted to assess was another matter altogether, and that matter was. Would killing him be actually worth it?

Not that his life had any value whatsoever, no, far from it, his life was as valuable as a pile of trash, but his power, on the other hand, his power was certainly valuable.

My conundrum was simple, was I to kill him, and let his cosmic power go to waste, or was I to consume him, as I had done with Tiamut, and the magical beasts at Cagliostro's library.

The conundrum itself wasn't a moral one, I was far past those inner debates about the morality of ending a life, no, this was more a debate or whether I didn't mind or not getting an aspect of his personality.

Sure, any changes I didn't embrace would eventually fade away, leaving nothing but a sour taste in my mouth.

But, considering the character, I had to weigh the cons very carefully.

"It would help me against Knull," I sighed, at the end of the end, that was my main problem, after all, and if eating Ego would help me deal with that, then I suppose dealing with a bit of sociopathy wasn't that bad, considering it was a temporary arrangement, "Well, time to say hi," I added as I descended towards Ego at breaking speed, landing on his body within a second or two.

Immediately after landed, his avatar faded, leaving a very alert Ego moving things around his body, in a futile attempt to fight me I reckoned.

"It wouldn't kill you to say hi," I said, looking around the place, for a show of a planet, a case filled with nothing, he had done an amazing job making this place look like a real planet.

As I observed his craft carefully, an avatar of his being formed in front of me, frowning as he asked, "Who are you?"

"Alex," I replied, paying him little to no attention, I was otherwise too absorbed seeing how he had formed the animals from cosmic power, his handicraft was impeccable.

"Is that supposed to tell me something?" Ego asked, taking a few steps toward me.

"No, not really," I replied, turning to face him with a smile, "I doubt you have heard of me, I mean, you haven't been on earth for a bit, so, yeah."

"Great," Ego rolled his eyes, as the earth beneath me caved, leaving me in a falling state.

It didn't take me long to figure out that he intended to crush me.

He was either very optimistic, or dumb, had he not realized the power I had within me, I mean, I wasn't actively trying to hide my cosmic power, he should've felt it.

Sighing, I teleported to his real body, his brain with a simple thought, realizing any chat with him would bring nothing but headaches.

 "So this is the real you," I hummed, my face centimeters away from the lone brain known as Ego.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" A voice shouted in a state of panic coming from behind me.

"Didn't want to, but now, I kind of do," I replied turning around to see a newly formed avatar staring at me, in utter fear.

I smirked viciously, he had finally noticed, took him long enough.

"We can talk about this, I'm sure we can work something out," Ego pleaded, looking into my eyes all while he started to form multiple things around me. I couldn't see those things, but, I could feel the cosmic energy around shifting, so it wasn't hard to add things up.

"Sure, all I want is your power, can you give me that?" I smiled, pretending to go along.

"Yes, whatever your wish, I can grant it," Ego nodded, smiling as without any warning hundreds of golden spears protruded from the walls around his brain, attacking me from every conceivable direction.

They did no damage.

"Really, you have the power to control atoms, and you attack me with spears? The most basic weapon of all?" I sighed, erasing the spears away with a pulse of cosmic energy that turned every single spear into dust.

"Please, you don't have to do this!" Ego seeing his plan, if we can call that plan not work, decided to beg as I sighed at the sight.

"I would feel bad if your kill count and morals didn't make Hitler look like an ok example for a growing kid," I smiled, creating the runic circle necessary for the ritual to absorb him.

"Who are you to judge?! Those who I have killed are sheep, our food, food you consumed to emerge! Why is it wrong when I do it? But okay when you do it?!" Ego roared, his brain turning red from the usual shade of blue.

"Oh," I chuckled, realizing his confusion, "I see your confusion, so before ending you, allow me to clarify, I didn't emerge, nor I consumed any… sheep, as you speak, but don't be confused, I have consumed, but not sheep, wolves, and you, my friend, just happen to be a wolf, and I just happen to be hungry."

"What… what do you mean by wolves… No, you can't mean," Ego muttered, his avatar taking a few steps back in horrified realization.

"I was just using your own metaphor, if sheep are mortals in this, then well, wolves had to be the celestials," I smiled.

"I… no, this can't be! They wouldn't allow it!" Ego barked, making the entire planet shake.

"Don't worry, it's not like it concerns you anymore," I replied, starting the ritual, the time for talks was over.