

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I apologize for the delay with the extra chap, corn is not close to his pc. And can't add an extra chap for the moment, but worry not! Corn shall deliver!

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz


[Alex Walker POV- Hel Realm]

One more hour, I would be free from this hella boring place, pun not intended.

Getting sealed was an annoyance, and a big threat, one I would invest time and effort on learning how to counter once the whole Hela situation was solved once and for all.

Getting sealed, even if it was for a few minutes, was a terrible, terrible outcome.

The amount of damage someone could do during that time was untold and unforeseeable, therefore, this was a weakness I would fix immediately.

"Daddy," I heard Emily say, as I closed my eyes to connect to Clay to see what the girls were doing.

"Yes?" I asked, tilting Clay's head.

"Are we winning?" Emily asked.

"So far, we are in a tie," I replied, selecting my words carefully as I spoke them.

"Can you beat her?" Nat asked.

I nodded, both mine and Clay's head, "I know for a fact I can defeat Hela, something she herself knows very well too, which is why, I'm here, in Hel." Of course, that was counting Hela as she was now, if she defeated Thor, and claimed the other half of the Odin force, well, things would get rather grim for me, in the prospect of battle.

"It was a smart move on her part," Nat sighed, slumping into the bed, "Taking out the strongest fighter, alongside the support is the most basic strategy when fighting a group of people alone," she sighed.

"Yes," I nodded, as much as I hated Hela for sealing me, it had been a smart move on her part, alone I would've defeated her eventually, but with Thor in the mix, she wouldn't have lasted more than a few minutes at best.

"Well, I'm sure uncle Thor can kick her butt," Emily smiled.

"Same here kiddo, Thor will surprise her, in more ways than one," I chuckled, the Thor that battled her during the original timeline, and this Thor were two entirely different individuals, this Thor was leagues above the canon timeline, Thor, I dare say even more mature in essence.


[The Ancient One POV]

The evacuation was almost done, and so far Thor had kept his ground against his sister, meaning everything was going according to plan.

"A wolf!" I heard someone scream, soon followed by the indisputable howl of a wolf, one several times bigger than it had any right to be.

Turning around in the direction of the scream, I watched as a few Asgardians ran towards the evacuation zone in panic, the massive wolf following them close behind.

I knew that wolf, from the legends.

Fenris, the mother of wolves.

Quite frankly, very underwhelming, I expected her to be bigger.

But never mind that, how had she been resurrected?

I frowned, summoning a few hundred chains around the wolf, binding her in place for the moment, as I used my mind to scan the castle, within, an army of undead were marching towards us, meaning whatever had resurrected the wolf, had also resurrected Hela's personal troops.

But who?

Focusing on that task, I filtered every undead out of my mind and sight, leaving an empty castle with a single Asgardian holding the eternal flame.

"Sif," I asked, without breaking my connection to the castle.

"Yes?" Sif replied.

"Do you know of any Asgardians that happen to be bald, with a tattoo on his head that resembles two claws?" I asked, before adding, "He wields a large two-handed battle-ax,"

"Yes," Sif nodded, sounding confused at my sudden question.

"Well, he just betrayed everyone on this planet," I sighed, shaking my head.

"No," Heimdall muttered, joining the conversation, "I… I should've seen it, but why, why would he do such a thing!"

"I have no idea, but more than not, power is involved in the answer," I replied, keeping my eyes on him. It would seem that after all, we would actually need the golems Alex had prepared.

"He was always looking for a chance to grow, but to betray his King, his people…" Sif muttered, her eyes full of pain, before all of that transformed into a murderous look that leaked killing intent so thick it was almost palpable, "I will kill him!"

"That for later, in the meantime," I sighed, connecting with Alex, {It's time, we need your Golem's.}

{Sending them over,} Alex replied immediately, as several portals opened in front of where the evacuation zone was, with legions of Golems walking out of them, {Can't open many portals without being there physically, but I will keep them coming, so don't worry.}

That solved the problem the undead army of berserkers represented.

{I also gave you guys command of them, so just order them around, and they will obey,} Alex added.

{I assume something is coming because the streets are being flooded by your golems,} Bucky said, joining the conversation.

{A bastard betrayed us, and brought back to life Hela's army,} Sif spat in anger.

{An massive army of undead, unrelenting soldiers, thankfully for us, Golem's are the same,} I smiled, connecting astral sight once again back to the castle, the army was almost outside the castle, once they broke out of there, the streets of Asgard would be submerged in a song of war.

{Fucking bastard,} Bucky growled.

{I will kill him once all of this is over,} Sif replied, her tone cold leaving no room for argument, {He's mine, and unless Thor asks to kill him by his own hands, he will die by mine.}

"Here they come," I said, feeling the ground shake as the army rushed towards like a natural phenomenon, destroying everything in their wake.

"We still haven't evacuated the west side," Heimdall stated, worry lacing his tone heavily.

"Go there, I will send Bucky and a few hundred golems with you," I replied, to which Heimdall nodded without a question running to save his people.

{Bucky, go to the west side and take as many golems as you need, Alex gave us command of them, they will obey anyone within the party,} I told Bucky.

{Roger that,} Bucky replied.

"Well, all that is left is to evacuate the rest of the people, before moving to help Thor," I spoke, looking at Fenris, as she started to break chain after chain growing in size in the process, red smoke seemingly coming out of her body.

I sighed, I had no time to walk the dog.

"Sorry but I can't play with you," I smiled, creating an eldritch circle beneath the beast before my bindings broke, teleporting him to a very similar dimension to the one I had Loki trapped in.

Dealing with that wolf the way she had to be dealt with to kill her would burn too much energy, energy I required to assist in everything around him, including but not limited to battling Hela.