

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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Hello my sexy readers, corn here with another vote contest for this week.

What is the goal? 1000 stones!

What you get? An extra chapter, one extra thicc, juicy, throbbing with content.

With Love, Corn.


[Alex Walker POV - Hel Realm ]

Hel wasn't that bad all things considered.

I mean, sure, it was plagued with thousands of cadavers moving around, and moaning ghosts and stuff, but beyond that, it kind of felt like I was in a really good haunted house.

For the moment though, I was glad I was able to use Clay as a medium of sorts to see TV and talk with the girls, who I was currently staying with.

I mean, as much as it pained me to admit, none of my golems were near Hela's level, and trying to fight her using Clay would be an utter waste of time, so, I decided to stay back for the moment being, watching movies with the girls.

Passing the time, waiting for the seal to come to its natural end.

"Daddy," Emily said, tugging Clay's arm a bit.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around. It was weird talking through Clay, it felt like Discord but with extra steps.

"Are you really in hell?" Emily asked.

"Kind of?" I shrugged, making Clay shrug.

"What do you mean by kind of?" Nat asked, grabbing a bag of Doritos from the minibar.

"Well, Hel is one of the many realms of death, this one, however, is directly connected to the Norse gods, so in a way, you could say I'm in Norse Hell," I answered, scratching my head, both mine and Clay's.

"Oh," Emily mouthed.

"For two hours?" Nat asked.

"Yes," I nodded, "A very bad lady, sealed me because she knew she couldn't defeat me," 

"In hell for two hours, that's a book title if I ever seen one," Nat chuckled.

"How does Hel, look?" Emily asked.

"Well," I mused, "Kind of like a cave, a very damp one, with ghosts and zombies walking around, muttering things that only have a meaning for them, so… like Walmart," 

"Ha!" Nat snorted, "Like Walmart, good one pops," 

"I aim to please," I chuckled.

"Are you scared?" Emily asked.

I shook my head, patting her head, "No baby, daddy is the strongest here, nothing here can hurt, only annoy me,"

"I'm glad," Emily smiled, hugging clay as if it were me.

"Relax short stuff," Nat chuckled, "Dear old dad has battled Gods and such, zombies and ghosts are a downgrade from that,"

She had a point.

"I know, but I worry okay?!" Emily huffed.

"Well, don't worry baby, and let's watch a movie," I smiled, patting her head once again.

"It's my turn to pick the movie," Nat declared, jumping to the VHS library.

"It's not!" Emily gasped, "You picked the last movie!"

"Nope, that was dad," Nat smirked.

I nodded, "It was me,"

"Then you picked the one before that one!" Emily shot back, narrowing her eyes at Nat.

"Em, we watched Balto, does that really sound like a movie I would put?" Nat asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I… no," Emily sighed, accepting her defeat.

"Which means, it's my turn, time to watch a scary movie!" Nat declared with a happy smug smile, rummaging through the VHS tapes.


[Odin Borson POV]

My day had come.

Or so I thought.

For as I waited for my end, my daughter to come and claim my life.

Yao did the unthinkable, she had tattletale me to Frigga.

Telling her I was waiting to be killed by Hela, the daughter she didn't know I had.

Understandably Frigga exploded in fury, slapping me so hard one of my teeth flew off my mouth like a projectile, before forcing me to teleport with them to a safe location.

I didn't want to be saved.

I deserved this.

It was time to reap what I had sowed.

And yet.

Both Yao and Frigga were adamant about my survival.

With Frigga telling me I had no right to die, that the moment we married, my life was her own, and her life was my own, and I had no right to kill a part of her without her consent.

As for Yao, she didn't share that sentiment, she simply said I had no right to take the easy way out.

While their reasons didn't match, their goals did.

Keeping me alive.

"She will stop at nothing," I spoke, looking at Yao before turning my gaze to Frigga.

"Two thousand years of marriage, and you never thought of telling me?" Frigga muttered, giving me a pained look.

"It was my burden to bear," I replied.

"You bastard!" Frigga sneered, slapping me once again, "It wasn't yours alone! My babies, my children were also in this burden of yours, she wants to kill them too! And you never thought of telling me!? That my sons were in danger!"

I looked away, I couldn't bear to admit she was right.

"I told you," Yao spoke, her eyes on me, "I told you all of your lies would catch up to you, old friend, but you never listened," she sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

I said nothing.

"Once this is done, you and I will have a talk, Odin," Frigga said, "I love you, more than life itself, but I also love my babies, and more than I love you, so be prepared for our talk,"

I said nothing once again, deciding to simply nod.


[Hela Odinsdottir POV]

I had underestimated Alex's reach.

He had warned everyone of my arrival.

Therefore, stopping me from killing Odin.

I guess I would simply have to change targets, Thor first, Odin second.

Sighing, I opened a portal to Asgard, basking in its shining glory as I walked through said portal with a satisfied smile, my world, my kingdom, there for the taking.

"Hela Odinsdottir," Someone spoke, daring to interrupt my moment.

"That's me," I turned around to see a man with a sword, looking at me, "And you are?"

"Heimdall," Heimdall replied, "You are to surrender, or to take on the All-Father's challenge,"

I blinked, the All-Father, he was talking about Thor, wasn't he?

"My brother, I assume," I chuckled, "Well, seeing as I come to take the crown from his lifeless head, surrendering doesn't quite appeal to me," I grinned, putting on my helmet while summoning two blades from it, before starting to walk towards him.

"Then the challenge it is," Heimdall however didn't seem fazed by my display.

I chuckled, "Challenge? Child please, I won't play by anyone's rules, after all, why would I? This world is mine to do as I pleased, Thor is simply warming up my crown for me, like a good little brother," I didn't come here for no challenge, I came here to claim what was mine by birthright, or if that didn't work, by conquest right.

"The All-Father proposes a battle, the winner takes it all, including the power you seek within him," Heimdall replied, and I stopped in my tracks, smiling.

So Thor was aware we both had a half of the Odin force, halves that needed to be whole again.

"Do you accept the challenge?" Heimdall asked.

I laughed, "Fine, why not? If anything will make my transition to power less… bumpy, with less… bodies to clean from the floor,"

Heimdall frowned, so the man had other facial expressions beyond total lack of them, good to know.

"Then follow me," Heimdall nodded.