One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.
If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó
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I looked at Wanda and Pietro as I clenched my fists with a tired sigh, when I had infiltrated the base, fighting had not been my intention.
"Who are you?" Wanda spoke, her hands glowing red, brimming with chaotic energy, even from afar I could feel her energy fluctuating in a rather dangerous way that spoke of her inexperience using her powers.
I frowned at that.
This wasn't right…
Her energy felt… real, too real, this augmented reality shit was too fucking good, and not in a particularly good way, NPCs before today were that… simple NPCs, but this… this feels like a real person, and that disturbs me.
The worst part is, I don't even know why it disturbs me, it just does.
"Well, school is open," Pietro winked, before moving behind me in what to others would've looked like a flash, the boy was fast, sadly, that was not going to be enough, "And I'm about to teach you a few things," he added, starting his advance with great speed.
I could've dodged his attacks, or stopped him altogether, but I was testing a theory, so I simply stayed out, and in less than fifteen seconds seconds.
Pietro had delivered a flurry of attacks all around my body.
Forty kicks on my back, eighty punches to my jaw, and sixty two knee strikes to my nuts.
They did nothing.
"That didn't even tickle," I said, taking a step forward with sigh, in the end my theory proved to be correct. In the end his attacks had all been negated by my defense. First time that happens, usually people can actually harm me, maybe not by much, but still… they can harm me.
"What in the hell?" Pietro muttered, taking a step back, his cocky smile still in place, but wavering ever so lightly.
"Pietro move!" Wanda shouted, as I approached the shocked Pietro.
"On it!" Pietro nodded, but found himself in a sticky situation.
Telekinesis, what a wonderful skill.
"Fuck," Pietro cursed, as Wanda proceeded to attack me with the same attack she had used a few moments ago on me.
This time however, I was ready, and used an attack of my own to dissipate hers.
She was powerful, sure, and under the right circumstances, she would be able to defeat me, but she was still too green.
"What?" Wanda muttered in shock, before she shook her head snapping out of her surprise, throwing another attack.
Which I also blocked.
So she kept going until I had walked past her brother, and was standing face to face with her.
"Good night," I smiled, and before she could try to attack once again, I punched her in the jab, knocking her out.
"WANDAAA!" Pietro screamed, as Wanda fell to the ground with a thud.
"She's fine," I assured him, staring into his rage fueled glare. "Take her," I sighed, releasing Pietro from my telekinetic hold.
And just like that, they were gone.
"Well, time to check the—-" I didn't get to finish that sentence, a small, yet powerful missile blasted through the walls, hitting me.
It all happened so fast, that by the time I had opened my eyes again, which was after the blinding explosion, I was on the scorched ground, sighing.
"Hi buddy," Tony waved from his armor, aiming his weapons at me.
[The Mark XLII- LV 189
Pilot = Tony Stark LV 29
Co-Pilot = J.A.R.V.I.S.
Powers and Weapons = Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Flight, Repulsors, Sentry Mode, Smart Micro Guns, Missiles.]
"Well that's one way of greeting someone," I sighed as I stood up from the ground.
"No no, don't move," Tony warned, red dots appearing all over my body.
"Tin can man, you don't want to do this," I chuckled, "I'm not even your enemy,"
"Oh, it's this a hydra base slash Starbucks? If so, I would love a latte with extra whip cream… no no, wait, two lattes, Thor wants one," Tony replied in very Tony manner, this AI was certainly advanced as fuck.
"So you won't believe me?" I asked, and instead of replying, the son of bitch blasted me with his repulsor through a wall.
"That oughts to keep him down," Tony muttered, turning around.
"It won't," I whispered into his robotic ear, before punching him right in the helmet through a few walls. "You know, the whole punching an enemy through a wall it's therapeutic, I know understand why everyone does it,"
"I agree!" Tony shot back, trying to blast me through another wall, this time however I was ready, and blocked the attack with a barrier.
"Well that's embarrassing," I replied, looking at him.
"I sadly agree," Tony muttered, before doing his famous chest blast, I wonder what is that called.
Once again, I stood in place, my barrier blocking the attack.
"So… about that coffee…" Tony chuckled, taking a few steps back in shock that his armor was doing nothing.
Sadly that wasn't the case, his armor was doing a lot, it's just I was blocking most of his attacks with a magical barrier, a few extra attacks he would get the desired results.
But he didn't need to know that, right?
"Two lattes coming right up," I grinned, pulling his body towards me with a sudden telekinetic pull that took him one second to counter with his propulsors.
The second I needed to close the gap between us.
Once in front of him, I grabbed Tony by the arm, and started punching using [Savagery], Tony as expected struggled, and trashed around, but I didn't let gov and by punch number twenty, I had managed break his armor open like a tuna can, pulling Tony out of his armor.
"Well, it was fun!" I winked at Tony, tossing his armor to the side.
"No it wasn't, but this it," Tony smirked, as the Green behemoth known as the hulk jumped into the building, landing right in front of me.
Well fuck m— and I was flying across the air like a rag doll, getting Juggernaut flashbacks here.
[The Hulk LV 320]