One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.
If you want to read up to 30 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó
I heard what Charles Xavier had to say, he wanted me to go to his school on the grounds I was a mutant, an offer I politely declined on the foundation it would only hurt me in the long run, I knew based on how Charles looked, and how Jean looked, that the X-Men would disappear in a few years, after the events of Dark Phoenix, and I really didn't want to meddle in those cosmic affairs at least not yet, God knows how powerful the Phoenix Force is.
But, that wasn't to say I didn't see the good on his offer, it just didn't work out for me how it was planted. So I made him a counter offer of sorts, I would let him 'help me' once a month if he offered Emily sanctum in his school, why did I propose this? Well, with Hydra possibly hunting my ass, there was no school in the world safer than his in terms of battle power, I mean, mutants are quite the powerful beings.
Happily he accepted, mostly because he thought with time he would convince me to go full time, so we sealed the deal, and hours later, I moved to a house close to his school, one that he owned and rented to me, it was like two blocks away, quite convenient to pick up Emily after school and stuff, though more than not, she would stay in the school in a room of her own while I leveled up.
"So now we are babysitters, great," Scott sighed in annoyance. "She's not even a mutant."
"That's it," It took me eight hours, to get tired of his annoying behavior. At first I tolerated his stupidity to some extent, but in a matter of hours, I changed from tolerating him, to wanting to pepper spray him.
"What?" Scott scoffed, as I proceeded to pepper spray him. He would regret taking his normal glasses today. "AHHHHHHHHH! YOU BASTARD!"
"Scott!" Jean rushed to him, as he suffered from my attack, turning at me, she growled, "What is wrong with you!?"
"Look, I deal with bullshit on a daily basis, and your basic ass boyfriend has pushed me long enough… I don't care why he thinks acting like an eighties teenager is cool, and I don't care the fact he doesn't like me, heck, the feeling is mutual, but if he thinks he can annoy people without consequences well, he's wrong, very wrong."
"You are annoying me… a lot… so can I also act on it?" Jean hissed.
"Hey, be my guest," I shrugged. "He's been acting like an animal trying to contest for an alpha spot or something, my conclusion? He's probably so insecure he thinks I represent a threat in terms of dating… and because of that has been poking me with a metaphorical stick, so… do your worst."
"You will pay for this," Scott who had finally recovered growled, as he stood from the ground ready to fight.
"Children stop!" Charles' voice boomed in the area, fucking telepathy.
"I was defending my honor, and my daughter's honor, I regret nothing." I chuckled, as I saw the professor approach on his wheelchair.
"Why are we even bothering with him?" Scott sneered, "He's not even committing to our cause like the rest of us, and still we have to babysit his non-mutant child?! What are we now? The X-Babysitters?!"
"Scott, first of all, you are not babysitting anyone, the staff is." Charles sighed, "Second, Mr. Walker has things he has to deal with before feeling safe within our walls, things he can't share, things I won't force him to share, things I don't know, but I know are important, and third… the X-Babysitters, it has a nice ring to it… also, why is her non-mutant state a problem on this equation?"
Scott, visibly shocked at the Professor's answers, took a step back, "It's not… I just… I don't like how he's using us…"
"Need I remind you… you guys came knocking at my door?" I chuckled.
"That is also true, you see Scott… I am fascinated with the reads I got from his powers… one of a kind, really… I don't even understand them… and besides, I feel like taking care of little Emily will do good for us, planting a seed of love and care in the heart of a human… it might spread, she might in the future be the human to bring mutants and humans together…" Charles smiled.
"Emily for president huh?" I hummed, "I liked it," I nodded in approval, my child would be president, yes she would.
"Adorable," Jean chuckled.
"Jean!?" Scott muttered.
"What? I am angry at him, but he does act adorable when it comes to Emily," Jean chuckled.
"He does," Charles nodded.
Adorable? Me? Men are not adorable, men are handsome! Badass, and sexy.
After that altercation with the laser tag boy, I left Emily in her room in the X-Men facility and explained to her what was happening, that I needed to take care of the bad guys that had hurt us, and that as soon as there were no bad guys to hurt us, I would come for her.
As for what I would do now that Emily was relatively safe, well, I would grind my way to the top, I mean, I already had an idea of how powerful some people were, with Jean Grey, and Charles Xavier being above the 130s, so I had a goal already in mind.
The question now was, what would I build? Mage, warrior, summoner, what would define my path to the top, that was a hard decision, and the reason why I hadn't spent my stat points yet, I needed to find something that worked for me, a build that I would be comfortable with.
"Maybe I should take inspiration from Skyrim, or Final Fantasy, D&D?" I hummed, deep in thought, imagining the endless possibilities of this endeavor, how fun… I could hardly wait.