

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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[Eitri's POV]

Alex Walker was a very gifted individual, his unique magic, made it so learning was a smooth experience for him, no matter what challenge I put in front of him, he would eventually find a way to complete it, for all he needed was time, it was impressive really, at each turn he would surpass my expectations.

But even so.

He didn't see beyond the veil, for him crafting was the means to an end, not an art that needed to be treated with respect and care, and until he understood that, he would never reach the highs he wanted to with this.

But I had high hopes for him.

In all of my years, I had never seen someone with such talent, whatever his powers were, they adapted to anything, like the molten core of a dying star, his possibilities were endless, and if forged right, he could very well be the night Grand Crafter.

A title I myself had failed to reach.

A title only the first king of Nidavellir, the father of dwarves had achieved, Fafnir.

"I finished my assignment," Alex said as he entered my office, a small smile adorning his face with excitement in each of his features.

"Let's see it then," I smiled at him, putting on my glasses to examine his work.

"Here it is," Alex smiled, taking a deep breath of trepidation, always so nervous when it comes to showing his final work.

"Hmm," I hummed, as I took the piece out of his hands, a small knife carved from the asteroids of a fallen planet, enchanted to never lose its edge, the knife had a good weight, and the handle was perfect, once again he had surpassed my expectations, and still, the knife had no heart in it.

"So…?" Alex asked.

"It's good, but it lacks heart kid," I replied with a sigh.

"Well, duh, someone has yet to use it," Alex shot back with a small smirk on his face, cheeky little bastard he was at times.

"You know what I mean, each piece coming out of your smithy has to be perfect, full of heart and soul, like the drawing of a kid for his parents," Each piece had to have a meaning, beyond its purpose.

"I try, but… I don't know how to do that," Alex muttered his head down.

"You are a parent, right?" I asked, and he nodded, "Then watch your kids and learn, everything they do, they do it with passion, with heart, for the innocent flame that burns within them fuel every single motion they take, that flame dies eventually, we never know when, but at one point, you start to do things because you have to, not because they bring you joy, games that used to bring you joy, now are part of the monotony, the work that once used to bring you happiness is now just the means to an end, so learn from them."

"I see," Alex sighed, "I suppose kids do put their all to all,"

"They do, so learn while you can, that flame of passion will eventually die, but for now, it burns bright," I smiled at him.

"But beyond that, was the knife good?" Alex asked.

"It was perfect," I answered.


[Loki POV]

Alex Walker, a man that in a month had earned Asgard's adoration, Thor's love, and Odin's favor. I hated that man, I hate how seemingly easy he made everything I ever wanted look.

Even Sif loved him, the Warrior Th– four, loved him, why him? 

A weak pathetic mortal whose life would burn in the blink of an eye, why him?! A bug that would die in the time that takes an Asgardian take a breath, WHY HIM!? I just… I just didn't understand.

How could he a stranger get everything I had ever wanted, so easily.

It was a notion that I just couldn't comprehend. 

A notion that infuriated me, beyond belief, so perhaps it was time to make this mortal remember his place, to make him remember the frail pathetic, and short meaning of his mortality.

"Loki," I heard Mother say, in a tone that said, I know you are planning something bad, so stop it.

"Mother," I replied as I turned around with a fake smile, "What brings to you my chambers this fine day?"

"Loki, I know you are planning something, so, please… don't," Mother pressed, it was infuriating how easy she was able to see through me, then again, she was the only one that has ever bothered to get to know me, it was to be expected.

"Worry not, it's nothing bad," For Asgard that is.

"You know, you say that, but I can't believe a word you say," Mother sighed, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"What can I say, I am a mischievous child," I smiled at her.

"That you are," Mother smiled ever so fondly.

"Well, I have to go, mother, I have things to do," Mortals to eliminate, "And you know, time is of the essence," I finished with a broad smile. 

"Take care, my little prince," Mother chuckled, blowing me a kiss.

"I shall," The one that needed to take care was Alex, for he soon would taste the painful wrath of a God.


[Alex Walker POV]

Eitri's words echoed in my head. Putting my heart into my creations, sounded simple, but it was harder than it looked, I had no idea where to begin with, so I took his advice, after all, he was right, as kids we put our all into anything we do, a quality we later forget as the burdens of adulthood reach us.

So with that in mind, I enlisted no other than Emily for the job.

"Daddy, today you will learn how to do things with your heart, the old Emily way!" Emily started, she was so into this role I had jokingly given her, she had transmuted her clothes into pink military clothes, heck she even had a ruler on her hands, one that she would smack on her tiny hello kitty desk every now and then.

"Aye aye, captain!" I smiled.

"You will speak when spoken to, am I clear," Emily narrowed her eyes at me, and I couldn't help but laugh, she was so adorable. "Daddy! I am trying my best! Meanie!"