
Marvel: Father of Biochemistry

The rebirth in the Marvel world was during World War II. Although possessing the ability of ’mind control’, the body is not immortal. If the plot begins, he has become an old man. You can only change your fate against the sky and reappear biochemical miracles. This is a story of a reborn person who relies on ability and biochemical viruses to develop power to pursue rights, money, desires, and immortality. This a Translated Book. MTL site- https://mtlnation.com/novel/marvel-the-father-of-biochemistry/

Red_Dex · Movies
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42 Chs


In a neat and clean small room, a four-door wardrobe, a comfortable bed, a computer desk, a computer chair, a computer, and a wall-mounted air conditioner are all the large items in the room.

Turning on the light, the owner of the room, Murphy, walked briskly with a smile on his face, holding a portable hard drive larger than a palm in his hand.

Murphy at the moment is in a very good mood. Although he failed to apply for a job today, he won a treasured movie from a senior at a stall organised by his alma mater at a price of 399. hard disk.

Before he left with the hard drive, the other party said to him with great regret: "If it weren't for graduation, saying nothing would sell you the movies I have worked so hard to collect and treasure."

And Murphy is speechless about this, the small movie is just so solemn, and does graduation have anything to do with selling the movie?

After returning home, Murphy came to his computer desk and sat down, taking advantage of the time the computer was turned on, playing with the hard drive in his hand, thinking in his heart whether to take some paper and use it when watching a movie. After all, I saw it in the movie. When the plot is touching, people can't help but do something!

For example, to wipe the liquid that gushes from somewhere, definitely here is tears.

After the computer was turned on, Murphy couldn't wait to use the data cable to connect the mobile hard drive to the computer.

With a quick click of the mouse, the newly appearing mobile hard disk "G drive" in "My Computer" was opened by Murphy. A wretched smile appeared on Murphy's face, but his smile soon solidified. NS.

I saw that as the G drive opened, a folder appeared in front of Murphy. The name of the folder: Marvel World. After double-clicking to open it, each file appeared in front of him: "Captain America", "Iron Man", "The Hulk" ""The Avengers'' and ''X-Men"....

At this moment, Murphy had a bad premonition in his heart, 'it's possible that these file names are just a disguise! Murphy comforted himself in his heart, then he adjusted his emotions and opened these files one by one to check, and then he was desperate!

The imaginary "title movie" did not appear in front of him. "Daddy, I said that all the 'movies' in the hard disk are really just movies!" Murphy's mood at the moment used an Internet buzzword to describe that. It'sBlue Skinny, Shiitake'!

Looking through it casually, Murphy found that he had watched all Marvel movies and TV series on the hard drive. "So, the things on this hard drive are of no use to me?" Murphy was stupid.

In this case, he might as well take the money to buy a brand new mobile hard drive, instead of exchanging a slightly higher price for an old hard drive with only useless movies inside. At the moment Murphy regrets it.

Feeling distressed for a while, Murphy stabilised his emotions and bought it after buying. Murphy would not go to his junior to make a return.

They didn't say that the collection of treasures were "little movies". He could only blame him for the wrong meaning. For this result, Murphy clicked on the folder back and forth, trying to find a movie he hadn't seen. , To prove that the money you spend is a little bit rewarded!

But Murphy couldn't find the movie he hadn't watched before but was attracted by a shortcut icon!

"Isn't this Red Alert, Yuri's version of Revenge? It's an old game!" Murphy muttered to the computer, then double-clicked the icon to open the game.

Twenty minutes later, Murphy used Yuri X to control the last building of the enemy, and a battle came to an end, "Hey~ If I had Yuri's Ability, it would be a big problem!" Murphy put down the mouse and said with emotion. .

Just as Murphy was feeling emotional, there was a violent vibration, and the walls of the house were covered with cracks, and then gradually shattered and collapsed, while Murphy went black and lost consciousness.


1938. United States. New York. Long Island District

A mansion with a 20th century style is located here. On the second floor of the mansion, outside a closed room, a handsome tall white man walks back and forth outside the door anxiously, looking tight from time to time. The closed door.

"Thomas, don't have anything to do!"

Inside the door, the screams of women kept coming out, along with the voices of doctors and nurses. It was obvious that the woman in the room was giving birth, but from the screams of the women gradually weakening, the situation seemed not to be optimistic.

After an unknown period of time, when the sound in the room calmed down, a middle-aged woman dressed in a maid's costume opened the door and walked out with a baby wrapped in a blanket.

"Mr. Spencer, the child was born smoothly, a boy!"

Thomas Spencer, when he heard that his child was born smoothly, his whole person was plunged into uncontrollable joy. He carefully took the baby from the maid's arms, and when he was happy, he asked the maid nervously: "Mrs. How about it?"

Unexpectedly, when the maid heard this, her face turned dark, and some tears accumulated in her eyes, and she said to Thomas with a little choking, "Madam was too weak before giving birth. After giving birth to the child~ she returned to the embrace of God!"

The maid's words seemed like a bolt from the blue, echoing in Thomas' ears, and at the same time passed into the baby's ears. There was a trace of sadness in the baby's opened eyes, but this kind of emotion was extraordinarily restrained and made other people. Impossible.

But Thomas, who heard the bad news, was stupid, subconsciously hugged the baby, but ignored that it was not something else in his arms, but a weak little life.

Under Thomas's force, the baby's face showed an uncomfortable expression, but the baby did not move or cry, and looked very well-behaved, but the dark eyes like jewels suddenly became much deeper.

Thomas has not noticed the discomfort that his actions have brought to the baby, but he just relaxes his hard arms on his own, and then the baby's dark eyes flashed with surprise, but soon he was mentally exhausted and fell asleep.

On this day, Thomas Spencer became a father, but at the same time he lost his beloved wife, but there was an extra baby named 'Mephisto Spencer' in the world.

Then in 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany. The Second World War broke out.

In 1941, the Japanese army attacked Pearl Harbour and the interests of the United States were infringed.

In 1942, the United States announced its official participation in the war, and then the entire United States has set off an upsurge to join the army, and this upsurge is particularly enthusiastic in various universities.

And an ordinary art student 'Steve Rogers' from Brooklyn, New York, began his journey to join the army with his patriotism.

But he was born in a slum, and his body was thin, so the road of 'Steve Rogers' to the army was destined to be full of ups and downs.