
Marvel Fanfic: Daemon’s story

Overpowered MC, Daemon. And a leveling up MC, Ray. There are two MCs, both transmigrate into the marvel universe. Daemons personality is all over the place, playful yet intense, short tempered yet in control. He has not a strand of conscience nor kindness in his bones. Ray, in comparison to Daemon is a Ray of sunshine. However that warmth could be a mask at times. He’s usually stoic and cool headed. He’s not indiscriminately cruel like Daemon, but if he needs to, then yes he can kill.

Ema232001 · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

Ray was a Korean citizen in his first life. He worked as an accountant for 10 years before his life ended.

And in his second life, well he had no idea what to do or major in. He didn't want to waste time in college but it's not like he wanted to go to the military either.

He approached Vincent with his predicament.

Vincent then provided a solution, in his own words, " Become a cop like your old man and me." Vincent grinned, reminiscing about his memories with Julian's father, his deceased brother. They were in the military and then the police force together, before the accident took him and his wife.

Since there was nothing else that piqued Julian's interest, he decided to go along with it.

Ray woke up early, earlier than when the sun rose. Ever since he leveled up in his system, his body got stronger and it required less time to rest. Five hours of sleep was now the ideal resting period for him. He could even force himself to stay up for three days straight.

Today was his first day in the police academy. He needed to be there bright and early.

Ray buttoned up his blue dress shirt and zipped up his dark navy dress pants. The uniform all recruits had to wear on campus. He brushed back his medium length black hair to put on the cap they provided as part of the uniform. His sliver blue eyes glanced at the mirror.

He once again marveled at the fact that he was now a caucasian young man. As a 30 year old Korean in his pervious life, he got used to everyone around him having black hair and dark eyes, but here in the states there were so many different colors and shades of them that he took a couple years to get used it.

" Knock knock*. Ray, want me to drop you off?" Vincent knocked on Ray's bedroom door.

" Yeah, thanks. I'll be out in a minute." Ray calls out as he finishes getting ready.

" I'll be waiting in my car." Vincent goes back downstairs after saying his piece.

Ray and Vincent get the car for the 35- minute drive to the police academy.

Before Ray gets off, Vincent calls out to him, " Remember to always use ma'am and sir when talking to anyone and follow the instructors orders."

" Got it." Ray nods, then shuts the door after himself.

He heads towards the reception lobby, where other recruits were already there. Ray stands in line to receive a bunch of paperwork and sign a few other things.

Afterwards, an instructor comes to lead them to the back of the building, leaving them on a large area of grassland in front of small wooden stage.

" Attention!" A buff man shouts from on the stage.

Half of the recruits promptly line up in single files of 6 rows. Those without prior military experience scramble to follow.

Ray's part of the first group. As a Korean, in his first life, it was mandatory for men to enter the military before the age of 30 for two years. Ray had actually enjoyed it, the discipline, the extensive workouts. Though he did get annoyed at times from the loud yelling.

Back straight, arms crossed behind his back, chin up, eyes forward, and his feet a foot apart. The instructor passing by had nothing to criticize about his posture. He moved on to yell at the others behind Ray.

Once all the recruits were in formation, the instructor on stage spoke.

" Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Police Training Academy of Los Angeles! For the next 21 weeks us, instructors, will whip all your asses into shape! Now, run! 20 laps around the track!"

" Yes, sir!" Ray shouts along all the other three hundred and fifty recruits as they start running.

Everyone, except the fit people, started gasping for air after the 20 lap run.

Breathing evenly, Ray simply wiped the little amount of sweat off his forehead.

" Head inside the building for your first class! Hurry up!" A male instructor shouts with his arms on his hips.

Those sprawled across the grass push themselves up and start walking.

Ray heads towards his first class, Criminology.

His schedule was Criminology, Patrol Procedures, First Aid, Investigative Procedures, and Report Writing, for three days a week. Defensive Tactics, Firearms, and Physical Training are for three days as well.

From roll call at 6:45am to 2:00pm, six days a week.

This schedule would alternate every day, one day for criminology and the others, while the next day would be defensive tactics and training.

A couple months passed by with no problems occurring. Ray breezed through every task assigned to him, becoming one of the top recruits praised by most instructors.

I have no idea what actually happens in a police academy. This is just me winging it with googles help.

This academy arc is gonna be pretty short. Next arc is him working as a police officer.

He’s gonna work his way up to becoming a detective.

Though I have to find out how that actually happens in real life first...

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