
Marvel: Family Over Everything

This is a story, of Peter Parker, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that everyone should know and love, but what if… well, if things happened. (I own nothing)

Alvinbrrrrrr · Movies
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15 Chs


When I was getting close to home, I came along Justin, who was seemingly nervous about something.

"Yo, you good bro?"

"Y-yeah, it's just, I don't know man. I think Brian is tryna sell us out." He said, completely surprising me.

"Wait what?! What are you talking about?!"

"Not to the cops or anything, I think he's tryna take control from T. Get us under some big guy. Ever since T let you out he been acting different." Justin explained.

"Why are you telling this to me?"

"Just warning you that he may come for you."

"Nah, come on man, he wouldn't do that." I tried to reason with him, though it may have been more for myself.

"He's never let go of you leaving man, but whatever. I only came to warn you. See ya." He said before walking away, leaving me in my chaotic thoughts. After standing there for a minute, I snap out of it before I continue on my way home.

Walking down the street, I couldn't help but remember off when we was in the projects of Manhattan. We've been able move into the suburbs of Queens since then. The old house that we lived in when Uncle Ben was around specifically, a miracle really, but not one I'll complain about.

Getting home, I see Aunt May making dinner, still wearing the pendant I've given her those 5 years ago.

"Oh, Peter! You got home early." She said, putting down whatever she was holding to come hug me, which I reciprocated and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, Osborn gave us the week off." I explained.

"Well that's good, go tell your brother to set the table, I'm sure he's slacking off right now in his room, dinner will be set in five." She said as I then went on up the stairs to my brother's room, but along the way I heard his screams, along the words of "Shut the fuck up! You are dog shit kid! 0 kills and 15 deaths". He's probably playing WorId at War. I was struggling to not laugh at that moment, both at how bad whoever he seemingly was, and the screams themselves, should've never got him that gameboy, cause it resulted to his PS2, to this.

"Yo get off the game dinners in 5." I said loud and clear while walking in so I know whoever's on the side of that screen heard me. And I know I got him embarrassed when he turned to me with an awkward look.

"Bro! Not right now!" He exclaimed while I raised an eyebrow.

"So you get three options, forget the game and get your ass down there, or either me or May beat your ass." I said with an authoritative look and voice, but on the inside I was smiling like a maniac at his face.

"Fine! Whatever!" He said while throwing his hands up, and I then walked out and back down the stairs and set the table myself, I got enough amusement from his reactions. Eventually we sat down and started eating dinner.

"So anything interesting happen at school today?" Aunt May asked us.

"Oh yeah! Peter here is finally interested in a girl!" Ethan exclaimed with a smug look while staring into my eyes, clearly saying that this is payback, but eventually he got scared from my own saying that I'm gonna beat him up.

"Oh really? Well isn't that nice! What's her name?" Aunt May continued to ask.

"Well Aunt May, it really isn't that-"

"Gwen Stacy!" Ethan exclaimed again, I'm definitely beating him up now.

"Oh! The daughter of that Captain Stacy fellow! You know, he still lives across the street!" Aunt May said excited, while I wanted to die more and more by each word, until she got to the last part.

"Wait, they live across the street?" I asked genuinely.

"Why yes, wait. Don't tell me you forgot, Peter! You two used to be great friends when you were younger!" And this time I really wanted to die. I completely forgot my childhood friend! I mean sure it's been a while and we've been going through stuff and I've been completely busy! But what if she remembers? No way, right? She would've said something then, but what if she was waiting for me to say something? Then was she-

"Oh look, he's finally overthinking for once in his life!" My brother proclaimed, indeed pulling me out my overthinking, but seeing the look I had he practically jumped out his seat and went upstairs while I chased him up.

"Wait boys! You didn't finish your- hah. And they're gone, why do I try?" Aunt May mumbled to herself while shaking her head.

Eventually, I was alone in my room after, "playing around" with my brother, not like that pervs. Wait, why'd I think that? Anyways, I've been wondering to whether wait till Monday to talk to her at school, or go to her house tomorrow or Sunday, my dumb ass forgot to get her number, but after going over it for about ten minutes, I decided to sleep it off. I read somewhere that it's not good to think about things at night, since it's dark and our mind is tired, it makes things out worse than they are, or something similar, not sure.

Trouble in Peters old gang! And Peters old friend resents more than most despite the passage of years!

Anyways, I've been wondering if I should do a Q&A, probably not tbh, but maybe. But tell me where I can improve, point out any mistakes, and I'll see you next chapter ig.

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