
Marvel: Exilir Rise of the Mutant empire

Who decides what is right and wrong. Is it the government who citizens who hunt by people for the crime of existing. Or the government who seek control and turn us into weapons. Or maybe it is the cosmic beings who find out suffering amusing. No, what decides this is power. I am Joshua Foley and I will becomes the monster which even the mighty celestials fear. ok, this is a rewrite of the first one. and one thing I want to make clear is that this book is dark I mean really dark. it is a book which I would like to present to sir Lucifer morningstar if I ever met him. so you can think about how much this book is dark. let me tell you burning people alive, killing the children in front of parents is a regular occurrence. mc has a very shity past. now he is mentally screwed and wants the mutant race to be above everyone even the celestials. he is not afraid to become the demon for achieving his goals. someone is in his way may the gods Nd stan have mercy. Because hell will feel like a heaven for them after mc will be done with them. you will know when you will read first chapter. disclaimer: I don't own marvel also guys I am also posting this book on royalroad.com

Edgelord666 · Movies
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103 Chs

chapter 21

Max The head of The Angels gang was sitting in his hideout waiting for his gang members to return.

Max was a man with 6ft height and a bodybuilder-like physique.  He was mulling over how his life changes from a simple street fighting thug to a man who was going to bring the whole drug Mafia to its knees.

He knows what he was before. He was an insignificant worm and he still would be if he didn't come to his life. That man... No no not the man but God. Yes God, his God.

Max can never forget what his god did for him. He was at his lowest and his god made him rise.

His God Granted him everything, taught him everything. 

Max lifted his hand and looked at his palm.


There was a bright orange flash and his palm exploded. But the explosion did nothing to him or his palm. 

Max looked at the smoke which was rising from his palm and thought ' This power was given to me by him and for that even if he asked me to die I will die.' 

' I remember my lord how you made this worm a Dragon which is going to shake this behemoth of a city.  I remember.

I will fulfill your order with everything that you bestowed on me. This harder than metal flesh, bone as strong as iron. Everything that I have is because of you. It is all yours that you gave me. 

I remember …..

Flashback 1 year ago

Max Wayne is a thug and underground fighter in Hell's Kitchen. He has various scars to prove how skilled and experienced he is in underground fighting. He started his career as an underground fighter at the age of 18. Before that, he was a normal drug paddler.

He was born in Hell's Kitchen. His mother was a prostitute so you can understand how well his childhood was. Full of abuse and beatings plus Hell's Kitchen's company made him the man he is today. 

Despite all that, he was grateful to his mother for one thing and that was that she sent him to school. He could understand how hard it was for her to send him off to school. 

The name Wayne was her mother's last name so he took it. She died when he was 16 in a gang fire. He cried for her and asked her forgiveness if he was not able to provide the life she deserves.

Then he trained for 2 years and after that, he debuted as an underground fighter. His first fight was a fight to the death which he wins.

He wins big and after that, he fights for 2 more years during which he kills 5 more men. He earned enough to buy a house of his own in Hell's kitchen and also has some savings. Then he joined an extortion gang. His work was that of a collector. He collects the protection money for the gang. Sometimes there were small skirmishes but it was good.

When he was 22 she entered his life, Syna his wife. Syna was a stripper at a strip club. He knows he loves her from the moment he saw her. They started dating after some time. Slowly slowly Syna too fell for him. She left her job and married him. Everything was going good and then the bad luck struck. Syna was diagnosed with an incurable disease.

He was devastated by the news. He needed money, very big and fast. He started taking jobs that involve danger. He also started to sell drugs. He also started fighting in the underground arena again.

He wanted to save syna at any cost.

He was desperate and then someone like a shining ray of hope came into his life. 

One day he came home and found 2 people waiting for him. One was an old man with white hair and a white beard. He was wearing White Gloves and a Black Tuxedo. He looks like those Butler's from movies. The other one was a 15-year-old brat.

" Who are you guys. "  He asked as he put his Gun on the table and sat opposite to them.

The boy looked at the gun with indifference and said 

" I am God. "

He looked at them and then started laughing.

" That was a good one man. A really good one. Now tell me what do you want mate."

" The question is not what we want. It is what you want. Tell me what do you want max. "

" Listen here mate, you are in my home, sitting on my damn couch. So tell me what you want from me or get lost. "  He said to them and moved for his gun.

" How much time did the doctor's say she has? 

One month was it. " The boy spoke again. 

Max looked at him and pointed his gun at him.


" Again wrong question. Let me ask you a question 'do you want her cured of that disease.' " The boy started to Glow. With each word. Max started to panic and shot at the boy. It didn't do anything to him.

Max was still pointing the gun at them and didn't say anything.

" Come on, answer me. It will not cost you anything. "

"Yes" Max answers hesitatingly.

" Then let's go and cure her. She is in your bedroom, isn't she?"

Then they moved to Syna's room. Syna's body has become a husk of her past self. She has white hair and wrinkled skin. She was sleeping peacefully at the moment.

The boy moved to Syna and then put his hand on Syna's head. His hand started to glow more intensely and after some time Syna's body started healing rapidly. Her hair becomes black again and her body looks like it was filled with vitality. 

After some time the boy removed his hand and Max could see that the boy stopped glowing. The boy turned toward him and said

" Here she is healed. If you want the answer to why and who I am then come to this place tomorrow. "

The Butler hands him the address.

Max knows what he saw was a miracle. He was happy that his wife was now healthy. But he also wanted the answer to his questions and doubts.

The next day Max goes to the address. There the boy said that he wanted his services for one full year and during that year he would know whatever he wants. The boy even provided a place to stay for his wife.

During that year Max got to know that he( Max) is of a superior race. He has a power inside him that was not activated. He found out that the boy was The Messiah of his race and how much he suffers. 

He started to admire him and sooner with the time that admiration becomes devotion. He was devoted to him and his cause. He started seeing him as a god. And the same was with his wife. 

His God refined his power and also granted him the power to heal from the wounds. His God also made his flesh harder than metals. Bullets were barely able to pierce him. 

He awakened his power which was that he can create explosions from his hands and feet. 

Then when his training was completed his God sent him to do the work for his race's rise.

What Max doesn't know was that when Sebastian and Joshua were searching for thugs and low life scums for Joshua's personal 100 men army. Joshua felt Max's unawakened x gene. Then Joshua infected Syna with an incurable disease and when she was on her last leg, he presents himself as their savior. All was according to his plan and he gained another fanatically loyal subordinate.

A/N: we saw how much our mc can be manipulative. And how angels are related to him. Also if I reach 500 powerstones than I will release 3 chapters on monday instead of usual one chapter. enjoy.