
chapter 2[ EDITED BY NEW GUY]

Joshua walked out of the basement with a smile on his face.

His clothes were stained with blood and some of it on his face He looked like a demon who just came out after a slaughter. His smile would send a chill to anyone who saw him now.

Right outside the basement entrance, he found someone standing in front of him with a bucket of water at his side.

It was Sebastian, his most trusted man. Sebastian was also his legal guardian according to his parent's will.

Sebastian P.OV.

Sebastian had an undying loyalty towards his young master. He saw him as his own son, he was always there to comfort him in Joshua's dark times. Before Joshua's birth, he was just a butler, nothing more, nothing less.

When Sebastian first held Joshua in his hands, he felt his empty heart start to beat. Beat with love.

He was a mercenary before becoming a butler. Even though he was a mercenary he had his own rules. He would only take jobs that profited normal people, like killing a corrupt politician or killing a dictator's supporters, etc.

He too was a mutant. He had the power to turn his muscles as hard as steel. He had super strength and a medium level healing factor as well.

He had a biological son named Allan, he was also a mutant. He had pointed ears and green eyes. He was able to levitate things, however his mutation was activated at birth.

When he was out for business, some of the military officials who got news about his son from one of his friends, tried to take Allan away from his wife.

His wife knowing her son's fate, recorded all about it on tape and killed both of them by burning the house down.

When he came back, he found that his wife and son dead. He flew in a rage and killed everyone involved and including their families.

For the first time, he had killed innocent people, but he didn't regret it one bit.

After that, he took the job of a butler in a multimillionaire household. He found out that they were associated with a mutant hating organization named 'Friends of Humanity'.

He didn't care about that; he didn't have anyone left in this world. He was already dead inside, so he took the job.

It all changed when he first held his young master in his hands. He could feel that he was different from everyone else. His smile was so pure and so bright that it lit up his dark, dead soul. On that day he pledged his loyalty to his young master.

Throughout his childhood, his young master never treated him like a servant but instead, like family.

His young master once asked him to train him in martial arts, when he saw him practicing his martial arts katas.

Everything was great, but then those bastards (the parents) took the young master to one those mutant hating seminars.

After that, the young master always came home scared. He would cry in front of him and how he didn't like it.

Many times, he tried to kill them. However, he was always unsuccessful, it was like God didn't want them to die.

And then one day they came from another seminar but this time something was wrong.

His young master was unconscious, and his hand was burned. So, he carried him to his room.

He watched over him for a full night, and when the young master awakened he had changed.

No longer did his eyes hold innocence, no, now they held hatred inside them.

He then saw Joshua's burned hand healing at a visible speed. His young master was a mutant.

His young master turned toward him and asked " Why are you here? Are you burn me like her."

'What, how can he say such a thing. Burn him? He would burn the world and everyone else before even thinking about that.

What have those bastards done to him? '

At that moment, he knew he had failed to save his young master's innocence. They had killed his loving master and now, sitting in front of him was a man who only had hatred and no other emotion.

' They will die today, no matter what.' were his thoughts. But he knew there was something more important to do.

" I am sorry, that I was not there when you needed me young master. I am sorry but please believe me, no one will hurt you anymore." He hugged him while small tears dropped from his eyes.

His young master started crying and hugged him.

" I will kill them. I will kill them Sebastian; they took her from me." He said to him crying.

On that day both Mr. and Mrs. Foley disappeared from their house. Some say they had died, some say they were kidnapped by aliens.

"Look at you. You look like an animal. That is not the proper way to show yourself, young master." He said.

" Shut up, Sebastian. Give me the water. " Joshua replied.

With that, Joshua washed his face and changed his clothes.

Now he was wearing an ironed white shirt and black pants. He was also wearing a black tuxedo.

He turned towards Sebastian and asked " How do I look. Good enough?"

Sebastian replied with a smile " You are going to break hearts."

He gave Sebastian a very rare thin smile for the compliment.

" Thanks for the compliment.

Did you bring the white Lily bouquet?"

Instead replying, Sebastian just gave him the bouquet.

"She loved them, you know." He said cheerfully.

They sat in the Cadillac and drove from the place.

In the car, Sebastian said " Young master, you have to move on at some point. You have tortured them enough. You have to let go of your hatred, you can't stain the memories of her just living in hatred.

Do something good with your life.

I know I have said this many times before, but you will have to let go at some point. " he said with a caring voice.

It has been 2 years since that unfortunate day. And for 2 years his young master either trained with his powers, gave him orders about what to do with business, or tortured them. He knew his young master was a genius on the level of Tony Stark, or maybe even more.

He knew it would be hard for him to let go of these feelings, but he has to try.

" Have you seen fireworks recently, Sebastian " Joshua asked him out of nowhere.

He looked toward his young master and was going to ask what he meant.


He stopped the car. He hurriedly looked towards to the source of the sound.

The sound came from the place where those two were kept.

He looked toward his young master.

" You happy now?" His young master asked him.

He nodded. Not believing that his young master had risen above those feelings, and now when he looked into, young his master's eyes there was a sense of purpose in them.

How did he not notice that?

" Start the engine, Sebastian. We are getting late for her birthday."



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