
Marvel Emperoer

A man traveling through Naruto,Onepiece and Irregular Of magic highschool finally arrived at Marvel

wardragon · Movies
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35 Chs

First SuperHero Activity : Target Fisk

With the sound of someone walking can be heard Tap-Tap-Tap...

James and Vladimir at the same time motion their man and they ready their guns and pointed at the gate.

But suddenly a sound came behind from Vladimir and James "Oh Oh what you bad boys are doing here ?"

With that sound, both of them turned back and distance themself from the van.

Vladimir seeing van and his strange dress with half crying and half-smiling mask got scared and pulled gun and fire and with it others to hundreds of bullets were fired on him but before they reach van they suddenly disappear out of thin air.

Seeing it everyone got a scare James Yelled"Mutant"

Van on hering him said nothing lifted his hat like a gentleman and said "Hello everyone I am Night Emperor, I saw that you are having fun here so came to join "

James "Mutant I don't care who are you better surrender otherwise HAHa.We are fisked Man, it's not new for us to kill you if my boss finds you useful he might let you serve him" he threatened.

van instructed Orion to make a copy of all data on James' computer.

He looks toward Vladimir and others"Fisk his demise has arrived, I can give you a chance to confess your crime or you can join him in hell" he look around everyone

With his answer, Vladimir signals his man and they fired guns, rockets some even climb down and attack him using knives and both Vladimir and James run outside the base, they both have seen van make bullets disappear they no they are not his opponent their attack is just to buy time to run.

Van who saw it just make a stabbing motion using his sword stick.

Front of it disappears like it puncture space and present beside all man and knock them in a single attack including James and Vladimir who just reach the door.

It all sounds slow but it all happens in a second.

Besides James and Vladimir, all have lost consciousness.

seeing that they cant run they turn to van who from his appearance till now have not to move a single step and swallow words that are about to appear.

Van motion in the air and a camera appear floating in the air "Now you both are going to give me a tour of man-made hell."With those words, the air around van becomes threatening as once they refuse they will die.

They both stand up and lead him around van become like a reporter with every room he turned toward the camera and introduce it like some theme park, whether its human butchering room or arms storage he films them.

They came to the main room van sat and gesture both to sit on the ground.

James who was silent till now"Listen, sir, we can negotiate my boss has a lot of money we can handle it peacefully, that video ..."

Van cut him between "Who is your boss, How can he operate such business and not be caught by gov.t" hearing van question they realize that van is recording there confession there face turning ugly.

"Even if you don't tell me I know your other bases and going to pay them to visit tonight, someone there can tell me so think twice," van said lightly and thrust his finger in the air with which both got piercing wound on the shoulder and cry in pain.

Vladimir is the one who spoke first"Its fisk Wilson Grant fisk, he is the one for whom James work he done business in human trafficking, organ selling, drugs, illegal arms dealing, every illegal work in America has his hand, he control underworld behind NewYork."

James who heard Vladimir shouted, "Vladimir fisk would not forgive betrayal and don't forget you buy from us and provide arms."James yelled like Maddog both start shouting each other secrets