
Marvel: Dishonored

Andrew, a military veteran learnt he had done something that he promised himself not to. He loses his wife, daughter, his reputation and is sentenced to his death. He was betrayed by his own country that he had protected and believed in. His brother, comrade, Damon, had been the one who has conspired with his higher ups and destroyed his entire life. ************************************************* Andrew uttered in a cold breath, "Even if I die, I will come for you" ??? said, "And how are you going to do that Andrew?" His surroundings changed and he saw him, "Who are you?" "The Outsider" ************************************************* Will focus on MCU and some things from the comics. Chapter Length - 1000 to 2000 words. Updates - Random mostly 2 chapters a week. *************************************************

Dark_Vader98 · Movies
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57 Chs


It has been a week since Andrew's Revenge. The world was still feeling the magnitude of what Andrew had released. Government Officials were being arrested day and night. Arrest Warrants were being issued like they were pancakes.

But with this came opportunity. Opportunity for ones who want power and control. Opportunity for ones who wish to Spy. Opportunities for other Nations to plant their own in the US.

The US was being hurt by what Andrew did. But no one questioned him for these acts. The Country let him down when he needed help. They even went as far as to Execute him for crimes he did not commit. But at that time, everyone wanted Andrew dead. Even the people still protesting for the Clean US wanted him dead.

Press meets were conducted. The President of the United States of America started another Operation - Clean Up, to capture all the ones in the data Andrew released. The President even apologized to Andrew for what had happened to him, but because of what he had released, a search was conducted to find Andrew in the shadows.

SHIELD, on the other hand, was actively killing Hydra agents. Missions were being created where teams of 5 were deployed, with one being Hydra. To not let Hydra figure out what they were doing, in those teams, a group of five, after killing the Hydra Agents, two of the team members were to go under, and the report will be set in such a way that 3 Team Members dead. The Two who had to go under will return to join SHIELD later under different aliases after three months.

Agents of higher numbers were deployed to act as spies and were sent off to different countries. And they will never appear again.

This was a risky move by Fury and the others, but they had no choice. They had to weed out and destroy the Hydra Agents slowly. It would take time as the number of Hydra Agents they found increased.

Fury had sent Maria to the safe house of the CIA a few hours after Andrew's Operation, where Claudius and Damon were last seen. The cops are yet to arrive and seal this location. Even if they were here, no one could stop her entry. But now, she could scope out the entire area and look for any information.

As she was landing the Quinjet, what she saw was horrific. The destruction she saw from the Quinjet shook her to the core. The grasses were pitch black, with bodies lying around.

As soon as the Quinjet landed, she could see that the door to the mansion was utterly destroyed. She came out of the Quinjet and walked on the pitch-black grasses. When she came close to the entrance, she saw the bodies, and the blood was all over the place. She composed herself for a second as she saw the mutilated bodies. She kept walking and went down to the room where Adrian, Claudius, and Damon, were in. She was not aware of it and only thought it could be a possible location for them to hide. She saw the opening to the secret pathway. But the path was utterly destroyed as the walls on the sides and stones of varying sizes blocked the way after 10 meters.

'This is how they should have escaped, but Andrew must have caught up to them quickly… But was there an Earthquake here?' Maria thought.

'Could it be possible for him to create Earthquakes with his powers?' She felt afraid of her thoughts.

She returned to the room and saw the footage, a camera caught. What she saw changed her viewpoint of the world.

A pitch-black mist or flame covered the entire area, bodies being devoured to nothing, not even leaving ashes, the grasses slowly becoming black as if life was being sucked out. The footage turned black the next second as she saw the figure of Andrew appearing from the Black-flame.

She regained her composure after a few minutes and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

'It's best I delete this footage… if Hydra gets a hold of this, I don't want to imagine what they would do… Fury will be pissed, but the magnitude of what Andrew could do will make him want to control Andrew, even after repeated refusals from Andrew. If he sees this and decides to do something, I am sure that will only lead to his death. I better talk about this with Barton and Natasha.'

Maria deleted the footage and decided to talk with Barton and Natasha about this later.

She looked through the computer for any files and copied them to the pen drive she had brought. She then scoped the entire area and noted down all she could.

She went back to the quinjet and took off back to the headquarters.

Even after a week, Maria did not get a chance to talk with Natasha and Barton about this.

Soon after, the cops arrived at the location and began their process. The Cops who worked on the case will never forget what they saw.

[Back to Present]

Andrew was in the waterfall along with three kids. They were none other than Scarlet, Lila, and Cooper Barton.

They were enjoying themselves as the water hit their bodies.

Andrew was watching over them to ensure they did not get hurt. He was emotional as the kids overlapped with Isabelle. A smile grew on his face when that happened. He closed his eyes to let that moment sink into his mind and opened his eyes to see Cooper guarding Lila and Scarlet. He chuckled, seeing the kid protecting them from the force of the water. He was protective of his sisters, maybe a bit overprotective—nonetheless, a good trait.

"All right, kiddos, we got to go. I don't want your mother scolding me…"

"Uncle… 5 minutes please…" Lila yelled.

Scarlet shook her and showed her ten fingers.

Lila's eyes lit up, and she yelled, "No… No… not 5… 10 minutes… pretty please…"

Cooper sighed in defeat seeing his sisters, 'I am the one who will get a fever…'

After 10 minutes, Andrew could be seen using a towel and cleaning Scarlet and Lila. Cooper, on the side, was doing the same as well. He then carried the two girls, and Cooper followed by his side.

Laura was in the kitchen making dinner for them. She heard the sound of the door opening and turned to see the kids and Andrew entering.

She hoped it would be Barton and Natasha whenever she heard the door opening but was defeated every time.

"The dinner's ready…"

All of them had dinner, and the kids went to their room to play.

"What are you planning to do next?"

Andrew looked at the mark on his hands, and Laura noticed it.


Andrew sighed.

"I have to go around the world, Laura, not only to keep my promise but to learn more about this Mark…"


"The less you know, the better, Laura," Andrew said as he placed the utensils on the kitchen rack.

"When do you plan to leave?" she asked.

"Day or two, mostly. The next time the door opens, it will be Barton and Natasha…"

Laura's eyes widened.

"They are coming?"

"I asked them to. I have to talk with them as well. Since I will go away for some time, I don't want them to panic and search for me. And I do have to give something to them…"

A device appeared in Andrew's right hand.

"This is for you," Andrew held the device to her.

Laura got it from him and inspected it.

"A caller?" Laura questioned.

"Yeah. If you require my help, press the button, and I will be on my way to you…" Andrew explained.

Laura pressed the button on the device. Andrew got another device from his inventory that showed Laura's name along with the longitude and latitude of her location.

Andrew went to the base later to train. His power grew exponentially, but he still needed to grasp how to increase and decrease his strength passively.

The next day, Barton and Natasha arrived.

A/N: 1365 Words.

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