
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 10

After kissing for a while Peter picked up Felicia in Princess carry and come in his bed room. he put Felicia on bed and removed his shirt showing his well trained body with every muscle of his body defined.

But what shocked Felicia was scars on his body which can't be counted and she subconsciously stroke those scars with her hand.

Peter :" Are they looking ugly." he asked with worried expression.

Tears were falling from Felicia eyes because she knows how much effort he putted to reach his current level.she shook her head and kissed on his scar.

Peter pushed Felicia on bed and started to kiss her passionately while removing her top which show her sexy black bra.

He unhooked her bra and two cutes bunnies showed themselves and Peter started to play with her bunnies bye sucking one with his mouth while massaging other with his hand and Felicia moaned which only increased fire inside him.

He slipped his other hand in her pants and reached her sacred area. he started to fingering her and after sometime Felicia cum.

After Felicia cum Peter removed his pants and showed his member which was standing tall and was hard as rock.

Peter removed her bottoms and saw the most beautiful view infront of him. he placed his member on her cave and started to rub it.

Felicia :" Stop teasing me and give it to me."

Peter compiled with order of his women and slowly started to push his member inside her and Felicia rolled her eyes in pleasure, After Peter pushed it all in he waited for while then started by moving slowly and increase pace.

On that night you can hear Pak of flesh banging , where Felicia cum many times and Peter cum 10 times inside and outside of her.

Soon morning came and Peter opened his eyes from sunlight reflected from window and saw a beautiful girl with white hair sleeping cuddle to him.

He remembered what happened last night and feel very happy after making Felicia completely his.

After sometime Felicia also woke up and saw that Peter was staring at her with eyes filled with love. she leaned forward and kissed him on his lips and Peter also returned kiss with same emotions.

After that both of them got up and washed themselves. Peter started to prepare breakfast and Felicia sit on dinning table started to research about what should they do next in order to create their superhero team.After they done with breakfast Felicia started to make plans and things they needed.

Peter also started to creat underground base which has the best equipment someone can imagine with a computer which can operate even millions of operations at same time with same processing speed and to make sure that no supervillain can broke in their base he created a special type of metal which was as light as fiber but it's was stronger than Adamantine and most special thing about it was that it can absorb around 80% of impact from any attack on it. he named this metal petronite and created the walls and outer part of base with it.

He also created quarters and cantine for the team members and he also made a interrogation room with high security so no one can escape during interrogation.

He also created a space bridge which can teleport them to anywhere on earth and space with right coordinates and can make a escape route for them if situation got out of control.he made a training room with different types of environment training features.

He also hacked into government data base to find out about the Mutants they are hunting in the dark.

If Everyone was wondering why they hunting them in dark as people hate mutants so the simple answer to this question is after everyone know about the existence of dangers in outer space they except mutants as their ally and give them freedom and rights as normal civilian.

Peter and Felicia found many children with great powers and talent, they quickly found exact location of these people.

Peter opened space bridge on the coordinates of their first member "Blink".

Blink Pov

I was resting in a old abandoned warehouse after running from those people and remember what they did to orphanage and tears started to fall from my eyes.

I was regreting on my existence and those who die because of me .then I saw a blue colour gate type of portal open in front of me and two people come out of it.

A man which I can say by looking at him that he was very strong and can easily defeat any person I know while the girl beside him was not as strong as him but also very strong and only inferior to the man.

The man saw me and come towards me with a smile on his face, I was ready to struggle because I know he won't let me run away.

Peter Pov

I saw that Blink was vigilant so I said :" You don't have to be on guard, we are not like those people."

Blink :" Then who are you and why you're here."

Peter smiled and said :" I am Peter Parker and here for you."

Blink :" What do you want from me."

Peter :" I am creating a team to fight the threats out side of earth who wants to end humanity."

Blink :" Why do you think I will help you to save humans who always try to capture and experiment on us."

Peter :" Because if we don't stand against them, those threats will kill us and people we care for. I will not give you lecture on kindness or you will feel happiness if you help people.

Because I was also like you betrayed by the people who I thought of as family and think that this world does not deserve to be saved by sacrificing my life but one day I met a person who told me that before relying on others we have atleast once try what we can. that's why I want you to come and join me. so we don't have to rely on those heroes."

Blink silent for a while then said :" Will you protect me from those people."

Peter :" once you joined I will not them even touch you."

Blink nodded and said :" Ok, I will join you."

Peter was happy and said :" ok, so here is our second in command and she will take you to our base."

Blink nodded and followed Felicia through portal while Peter changed coordinates and passed through the gate.

When he come out he saw a girl with green hair was running after stealing a packet of bread and shopkeeper was following her.

Peter quickly moved between them and said :" wait a minute sir."

shopkeeper :" what do you want, do you know this thief here."

Peter :" No sir I don't know her but I can pay you for bread so can you please let her go."

Shopkeeper nodded and Peter pay him money and he leaved while cursing in low voice. then Peter turned towards the girl with green hair and said.

Peter :" hii what is your name."

She said :" Lorna."

Peter immediately understand who was she and said :" So, My name is Peter Parker and I am creating a team of superhero to protect earth, so will you come with me."

Lorna :" you will not abandon me like my parents right."

Peter saw her and remember what Alice said on their first meeting and he said :"I will always with you ok."

Lorna smiled and nodded agreed to go with Peter.

After working and convincing people for whole day Peter and Felicia gathered about 32 people.

Peter :" So everyone here already know why we are here so I don't have say that again and from today we will teach all of you in 3 groups In which 1 group will study business and management with learning how to fight. while other groups will going to learn about science and genetics and last group will learn infiltration and will go as a spy in many groups and gather their most secretive data.

I also want you to find other people like you so we can increase our numbers."

Everyone nodded and Peter injected everyone with small part of his blood, then take everyone to TC where he started their training while subject like infiltration was teach by Felicia as she was most proficient person they have right now.

Science and Genetics taught by curt Connor who was in his human form and healed by Peter. he also got injected by Peter's blood so he was totally loyal now.

Peter give NZT drug to blink while Lightning fruit to Lorna as both powers suit them with their mutant powers.

He also teach Business and Management as he was very knowledgeable from his previous life. He trained them doesn't mean he slack off he created a powerful fruit by combining three strong paramecia fruit. the fruits he combined were Gura no mi with paw fruit and Fuwa no mi he also removed backlash of both Gura no mi and paw fruit so that he won't get paw symbol on his hands.

He also created a serum which can regenerate any part of body, he give it to Connor's for research and also created a version of healing gel from Kingsman movie which will not cause memory loss.

After that their training keep goes on and they trained every memeber of team to their highest potential.

After coming out of the TC everyone was standing in the line of 10 according to their roles.

Peter was standing on Podium with Felicia, Blink and Lorna beside him and said :" Everyone today is the day when we start to create our influence in outside world and show world that the mutants can also save the world and better than any other groups out their."( AN:/ I am not good at writing motivational seech.)

Everyone cheered on his words and Peter continue to say :" From today these three will be my second in command for each group and you will have to report to them and I remember we haven't named our Organization so I think for a long time and then thought that the work we are going to do will be like playing a game of cards and we have to throw right card at right time so from today we will be called "SPADES"."


Thanks for reading.😈