
Marvel/DC: Scion Of A Regent [Viltrumite OC]

His arrival on Earth was sudden and unwaranted. He was no mundane man, he was faster than the wind, stronger than the oceans, and heartier than the mountains. He came not as a peacebringer nor as a teacher to men. He came only to take what was rightfully his. He who is Scion of a Regent, will proclaim himself saviour of man. We beseeched him, we implored him, we seeked for his benediction. But he is like the Son of the Devil, deceitful and untrustworthy. Do not trust the 7th, for he predates even the 1st. He has been here since the start. Lughal, the last of the Viltrumites... He is here. - Excerpt from ???

AceOfCrowns · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Before You Read.

Let me give you a couple of warnings regarding the novel you are about to read.

1. The protagonist starts out as a teenager, and will act/think like a teenager (not emotional or stupid, but less mature.) However, he is also not a human and never was, so his choices might be a bit weird if you perceive him as a human.

2. The protagonist is ruthless and cunning, but he is not overly sadistic. He will kill your entire family if you slight him, but he won't touch the household cat.

He is not evil, he is just doing what he needs to do to survive in a ruthless world, at least, in his perspective.

But he is not good either, because in his mind, good people all end up dead.

3. The protagonist will abide by the honour and rules of his native culture, that being the Viltrum Empire.

The Viltrum Empire is not mindlessly evil and barbaric, there are still some social norms. But he will generally look down people who are weaker than him and begrudgingly respect those stronger than him.

4. The protagonist may occasionally eat people.

5. The whole point of this novel is for the character development of the protagonist, so he is purposely very flawed in the beginning.

6. I am an elder of the Anti-Harem sect, so I will not let the protagonist pursue a whole basketball team of women.

However, casual sex is different than an actual relationship.

And I know as a reader with no romantic expreience, this would be particularly hard for you to comprehend, but people can have relationships before they get together with the one.

So there will be multiple female leads, but not at the same time, do you understand?

7. I might change my mind regarding certain topics, so take the occasional comment from me with a grain of salt. Only regard the lore that is actually IN the fic as canon.

8. This is an AU, I will do whatever I want—but I will not disrespect the inherited will of the characters, so don't be mistake me for a fool.

That being said, I might still make some silly mistakes, do point those out.

9. I like Superman.

10. If you have a critique, please make an actual argument with sound logic and refrain from disrespect, this is a secure environment where no bullshit will occur under my watch.

If you keep whining without actually making sense, I will make a microsoft paint meme specifically for your comments and post them at the bottom of the latest.

This is my grievance as the alt-account of an experienced author.

11. Have fun.