
Marvel/DC: Scion Of A Regent [Viltrumite OC]

His arrival on Earth was sudden and unwaranted. He was no mundane man, he was faster than the wind, stronger than the oceans, and heartier than the mountains. He came not as a peacebringer nor as a teacher to men. He came only to take what was rightfully his. He who is Scion of a Regent, will proclaim himself saviour of man. We beseeched him, we implored him, we seeked for his benediction. But he is like the Son of the Devil, deceitful and untrustworthy. Do not trust the 7th, for he predates even the 1st. He has been here since the start. Lughal, the last of the Viltrumites... He is here. - Excerpt from ???

AceOfCrowns · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs



- [Baseline Powers] -

These are the abillities Lugh starts out with in the story.

• Viltrumite Physiology.

• Superhuman Strength: Capable of lifting meteors the size of various American States and can damage Superman with his punches.

• Superhuman Speed: Many times faster than the speed of sound.

• FTL State: Can accelerate his body to FTL, but in this state, it's harder to carefully maneuver the body, so unless he wants to destroy a civilization or two, it's best to only use it in space.

• Superhuman Endurance: Can survive a serious punch from Superman without suffering from any near-fatal wounds. Can tank through a nuclear blast with nothing beyond a headache.

• Superhuman Stamina: Viltrumites produce less fatigue toxins due to the self-sustaining nature of their bodies. They can fight for days without falling to exhaustion, both physically and mentally—except if they are in emotional turmoil.

• Smart Atoms: Has atoms that can 'remember' the state of his body and the surroundings, allowing Lugh to perform impossible feats.

These Smart Atoms also allow his body to be effectively self-sustaining, at least, for some time. He can last without eating and drinking for years and without breathing for months. Sleep is no longer needed, physically speaking, but his mind still needs rest and sleep also helps with regeneration.

Of course, if he doesn't eat, drink or sleep for that long, his puberty might be stunted, so it's not an option for now.

• Functional Immortality: Derived from the Smart Atoms. As a Viltrumite, his aging will decrease the more he ages. It's identical to humans for the first two decades, but after that, he would look 32 when he turns a century old.

His total lifespan is so long that he is functionally immortal because the chances of him living that long without facing a threat that could kill him are so slim that it is considered to be near-impossible.

• Tactical Telekinesis: A form of touch-based telekinesis derived from his Smart Atoms. It keeps any object that he is holding together unless he wills it to break—this is how he can lift mountains without them breaking apart from the pressure.

• Flight: No shit. The equilibrium in his ears is what allows his body to float and fly through the air—the Smart Atoms help with the whole vacuum of space part.

• Superhuman Senses: Can hear people's heartbeats and see through walls—yes, he can see through people's clothes with this. All other senses are similarly superhuman.

• Sonic Scream: Can shout really loudly to the point that it shatters glass and breaks people's eardrums.

• Regeneration: Has a healing factor that can allow him to survive even fatal wounds—but it takes time to heal, from hours to days.

• Overpowering Genes: Has such overwhelmingly dominant genes that if he were to have children with a non-Viltrumite, the kids would be pretty much just Viltrumites that look a little different.

These genes also allow his body to 'claim' all body parts attached to his body—if he got a transplant, that new body part would be completely indistinguishable from the rest of his body.

• Superhuman Lung Capacity: Has lungs that contain a large amount of air, allowing for him to spit it all back out as an attack.

If he controls his lips carefully, it can even trigger the Joule-Thompson effect, making it a freezing breath.

• Gene Lock: Lugh's genome has been engineered by the Viltrum Empire to be highly resistant to any attempts to clone it.

• Amazing Sex: Viltrumite's are apparently really good at fierce, passionate sex due to their assortment of powers, but get really boring and bad at it if they somehow lose access to their powers—this is clearly shown in the Invincible Comics. I don't know how that works, but it just does.