
Marvel: Darkclaw Origins

Reincarnated in Marvel as the son of Wolverine, along with some boons, follow Jaxon Wolfe, as he begins to walk on the dark side of Marvel! This is my own unique Marvel universe, so events and some characters will be different, as there are in every Marvel universe. This tale will be somewhat dark, but it will still be a fun adventure. So don't be so serious and nitpicky, and let's enjoy the story together!

Lord_Bell · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 12

Sometime later, Jax woke up, somewhat groggy. Thanks to the adrenaline, he could keep going, even after a long battle where he had to constantly teleport to stay alive, but now that the adrenaline has worn off, Jax felt completely sore and drained.

Jax was about to close his eyes again when the smell of delicious food hit his enhanced sense of smell, making his stomach sound like an angry lion. After getting up and dragging himself into the kitchen like a Zombie, Jax sat down, and mindlessly stuff his face with the best breakfast he's ever eaten (Says the same thing every time he eats his mom's food).

While he was eating, Jax watched the news discussing the battle in Times Square last night and even saw footage of himself. 'I look fucking awesome! But I should design a new suit. This one is rather plain' Jax thought to himself as he watched himself sending spikes into Victor. The media has dubbed him as, Darkclaw, which Jax felt was a bit in the nose, but he had to admit the name was growing on him.

After he was done eating, Jax heard some strange noises coming from their Exercise room, and decided to go check it out. When Jax got there, he was shocked to see both his mom and MJ in sports bras and workout shorts, seemingly doing training. Jax subconsciously blocked out the image of his barely dressed, gorgeous mother, and locked that image away as a "No, No!", and had his eyes somewhere else.

This was the first time besides the previous night for dinner, where Jax saw MJ dress in baggy clothes that his her body from the world, and he was loving the view. She had her long, beautiful hair ties in a ponytail, so he cute see her still slightly bruised, but the still beautiful face on full display.

She wore a matching dark blue sports bra and shorts, which showed off MJ's palmable, yet perky breasts and the surprisingly amazing shape of her ass. She had small bits of chubbiness everyone which made her soft to the touch but still gave her a slim appearance.

'Damn, if only mama wasn't here, I'd be giving her a whole different kind of workout' Jax thought to himself, as he imagined how amazing it'd feel to cum inside if MJ. Jax has had yet to have sex in this new life, and his new primal senses have him nearly going crazy.

"I don't have to read your mind to know you're thinking bad thoughts over there. Either come work out not go take a shower. You smell like must and explosions." Jada said, breaking Jax out of his fantasy.

Seeing Jada and MJ laughing at his disgusted face after he gave himself a whiff, Jax decided to admit defeat for now and go retreat to the showing. Wrapping a towel around himself as he walked into his new bedroom and sat on the bed, Jax began thinking about what he should do now that MJ and Jada knew the truth and he somewhat exposed himself during the battle, earning himself a few enemies.

'I got lucky last night because I surprised them, but it may not be the same the next time I meet them now that they know my powers. I need to improve and adapt to stay ahead of the game. When mom gets back from work, I'll ask her to teach me all of her moves. I might even get inspiration for some new moves.' Jax thought to himself, making up his mind.

The next second, Jax heard a knock at the front door, but he could already smell who it was. "Come on in, MJ. You don't have to knock just to come in my room if it's just me and you." Jax could hear his Mom leaving the house and saying out loud so that only he could hear it that if he gets MJ pregnant, so wasn't taking care of the baby.

Jax laughed at the thought, as moms always say that, but need up spoiling the grandbaby more than their children.

"Oh, okay. M-mom just left, so I wasn't sure what I should do now." MJ said, stuck at the door and red-faced from when she walked in and saw Jax in nothing but a towel. She had just hopped out of the shower as well and was still somewhat wet, but still had a thin set of pajamas with cute little bears on.

The sight of her embarrassment always made Jax laugh. "Well first, you can stop being shy and come sit down, I'm not going to bite you," Jax said, flashing a devilish grin that made MJ's heart pound against her chest.

Shuffling over and sitting next to Jax, stiff as a board, MJ's mind was going everywhere.

'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm alone with my hot boyfriend who's practically naked! It's like one of those romance novels! Wait, what if he wants to have sex! I don't know how to have sex! Plus, how do I tell him that his towel isn't covering everything?? And God, why is it so huge?! How is that thing supposed to fit inside of me?!' MJ thought to herself, practically hyperventilating with nervousness.

"Woah, hey, calm down MJ. I promise we won't do anything until you tell me you're ready. There's no need to be so nervous!" Jax said, worried, placing a hand on MJ's shoulder to calm her down.

'Oh God, now he thinks I don't like him and don't want to do it! I do, I, really, really do! I've thought of almost nothing else for forever, I just can't work up the courage to say I want it, because I don't want to look like a whore... No, I'm not going to ruin things by being shy little MJ anymore! I'm going to take hold and take charge!' MJ cheered to herself.

At that moment, MJ suddenly reached out and took hold of Jax's dick under the towel, her hand barely able to wrap around it. For several painfully long seconds, neither of the same or do anything. Panic began welling up inside of MJ calling herself stupid for just grabbing it out of nowhere!

But right when MJ was about to freak out and apologize, her words became stuck in her mouth when she felt Jax's thick, soft lips against hers, and his large hand caressing one of her breasts, making her melt at his touch.

The two began kissing each other like starved animals and Jax's dick quickly sprung to attention, causing the towel to fall to his sides. Laying MJ on her back and climbing on top of her, Jax placed his dick between her supple thighs and over her pajama panties, the heat from her pussy making him insane.

Tearing her top off, Jax barely held himself back as her beautiful white breasts were free to the world, and he popped one of her pert, pink nipples into his mouth while he played with the other between his fingers, making her moan and gasp, as he humping her over her panties, stimulating her through the fabric.

Not able to hold him back anymore, Jax ripped her panties apart and began slowly sliding his girth dick between her two drenched, puffy lips.

"Ah! Oh God, it's so big!" MJ couldn't keep herself from saying as she felt as though she were being split in half by Jax's giant dick.

Luckily, Jax has had sex before in his past life, so he knew exactly what to do so that he won't hurt her. After he bottomed out inside of her, Jax used all of his willpower to stay perfectly still until she got adjusted to his size. But the from being inside of MJ was slowly winning, as the heat, tightness, and how wet she was nearly sent Jax out of this world.

But soon after, Jax was rewarded with a nod from MJ telling him she was ready, and he wasn't going to keep his meal waiting any longer. Jax started slowly thrusting in and out of her, MJ occasionally wincing from the pain, but when the winces and groans started turning into moans and gasps, Jax increased the speed of his thrusting, the sounds of their flesh slapping filling the house with sweet beautiful music.

It was long until Jax felt MJ's walls clamping down and her face going flush. "J-Jax we have to stop, I think I'm about to pee. I have to pee!" MJ said with worry, and nearly panicked when she saw Jax thrusting faster, hitting the back of her pussy and making her mind go blank.

"It's not pee, it means you're having an orgasm. Go ahead and let it out for me, baby. Be a good slut and cum for, Daddy!" Jax said as he played with her clit with his left hand, and started lightly choking her with his right.

When she felt Jax choking her and calling her a slut, MJ could no longer hold back as an earthshaker orgasm rocked her body as she squealed in pleasure, squirting all over Jax's dick as he continued to pound her tight little pussy, her tongue lolling out like the good little slut she is.

Seeing MJ like this and her relentless milking of his dick was Jax's limit, as thrust as deep as he could, filling her tight little pussy with his cum, making her stomach bloat slightly.

Too exhausted to pull out, Jax fell to the side of her, dick still deep in her pussy while he pulled on top of him to lay there in their afterglow. It wasn't long until Jax heard the soft snoring of his lover on top of him and soon joined her in Dreamland.

The two woke up and a short time later and had a few more rounds until they got hung and decided to go out for food. After showering together and playing around with each other, they got dressed and walked outside to see Giles waiting for them. After taking the Plan B that Jax had Giles get for them, Jax watched MJ drink and was about to tell Giles where to take them when he sensed several familiar presences nearing them.

"So, you're a rich kid, huh? No wonder you were such an asshole yesterday, Nail Boy!" said the annoying voice of Cyclops as he approached with a young Jean Grey and a sexy, young brown skin girl who could only be Storm. Storm looked to be in her early 20s to late teens, as she only looked a few years older than Jax.

"Shut the hell up, you walking flashlight before I take your batteries out! What the hell are y'all doing here? I thought y'all got arrested by SHIELD?" Jax growled as he stood between them and MJ. Giles got the message, quickly stepped up, and was prepared to fight for his master.

MJ was scared, but she didn't have to ask who these people were since she saw them in Jax's memories. She knows they want to take Jax somewhere, but since he already denied them, she was worried that they might try to force him.

"Don't worry, young lady, we won't be forcing him to do anything. And Scott, no fighting, please! I brought you along because you promised you'd behave." said Charles, looking at Cyclops with disappointment.

Picking up in the words he said, Jax began growling as he glared at Charles. "Stay out of my girl's mind or your legs won't be the only thing that won't work, you hear me old man?!" Jax shouted at Charles. Normally, this scene would've drawn a crowd, but Jean and Charles are using Telepathy to create a sort of illusion around them which makes people walk around them and think they're not there.

Hearing Jax's threat, the X-Men wore frowns, as normally they would take his threat as just words from an angry teenager, but they saw Jax's prowess the night before and already pinned him as being a High Alpha, nearing Omega level when it comes to power. So they wanted to tread very carefully, especially since he was Logan's son, and they ran the risk of angering him should anything happen to his son.

"I apologize, Jax, was it? It's a bad habit of mine that I'm trying to quit. I promise I meant no ill will towards her and merely wanted to set her at ease." Charles said diplomatically, doing his best to placate Jax, and judging by him visibly relaxing, he feels like it worked.

"Ugh, what do you guys want? We were about to grab a bit to eat before you interrupted us!" Jax said, frustrated from having to deal with mutant gang wars now.

"I promise we won't take up much of your time. I just wanted to come by now that the fighting has stopped and extended my formal invitation to join the New Charles Xavier School For The Gifted. There, we will be able to assist you in getting a hold of your new powers and give you a safe space among your kind where we can all grow and flourish together!" Charles said, sounding just like a politician trying to win votes.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I had to save some of you guys, including my dad, last night! What's so safe about dying in Time's Square? Plus, where is my dad?" Jax said with a bitter laugh as he thought about the night's previous battle.

Hearing his words, the X-Men wore a slight grimace as they thought about their losses last night, and he had no words to refute him.

"After you ditch us last night, Nightcrawler could only get us away and ended up getting captured with everyone else by SHIELD, including Logan!" Cyclops said with a sneer. It frustrated him that Jax didn't want to join his fellow mutants and even left his father to fend for himself.

'Hmm, so this should be the start of Taskforce X, interesting. If I got caught too, I'd end up as a government dog-like dad is about to be.' Jax thought to himself.

"Well, my dad is a big boy, he'll be able to handle himself. Anyway, I'm not interested in joining your little mutant gang wars against the walking magnet, so don't come to my home again drawing attention, or I'll be far less hospitable next, clear?" Jax asked with even waiting for an answer before he guided himself and MJ into the car and drove off.

"Well, he is definitely Logan's son. His temper is only slightly better than that old man is. What are we going to do now? I don't necessarily want to make an enemy out of him." asked Jean Grey as she looked to Charles.

"No worries, Jean. I have seen the future, and though his path is a little... different from ours, in the end, he will become our only hope." Charles said in a grave tone as he watched Jax drive away. The images he saw of an older Jax soaked in blood as he commanded whole legions to battle beings that even gods fear.