
Marvel Dark Overlord !

After being reborn into the Marvel world, Jason Walter acquired the Big Villain System which rewarded him for committing evil acts daily and allowed him to increase his prestige by recruiting fellow party members. With the help of his system, Jason engaged in a variety of wicked deeds such as cuckolding the Kingpin, kidnapping Tony Stark, assassinating SHIELD agents, and even robbing the Infinity Stones I don’t own anything this is not my novel. I AM editing it making it more fun

NobleNexus · Movies
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Wesley had a suspicion that Jason's reference to "reputation" might have something to do with his secret to becoming stronger.

"Jason, answer me now. What do you mean by reputation?" Wesley urged him.

Suddenly, a loud alarm siren echoed through the prison, causing Wesley to look around in confusion.

What was happening in the prison? Why was the alarm sounding?

[Ding! Companion 'Harlene Quizel' killed 7 prison guards and gained 700 villain points. Current progress: 4640/7000]

Jason smiled slightly, revealing the three keys in his palm. He deftly manipulated his fingers to unlock the shackles on his hands.


The shackles fell to the ground with a crisp sound

Wesley spun around in a panic and saw Jason rubbing his bruised wrist. He stood up quickly and gazed at Jason in shock.

As soon as he heard the jangling of the keys and the blaring alarm, Wesley comprehended the situation: Jason was planning a jailbreak!

His expression altered drastically, and he rushed to the door in an attempt to distance himself from Jason.

With a sneer on his face, Jason's wrist trembled and a key flew out, piercing through Wesley's palm.

"What the hell?!"

Wesley let out a pained scream, gripping his injured arm with his other hand as he knelt on the ground.

Jason sneered at him, "I'm not going to kill you, but I will make sure you regret crossing me. Now tell me, where is Kingpin and what is he up to?"

Wesley gritted his teeth and refused to answer, "I am loyal to Kingpin, I will never betray him!"

Jason grabbed Wesley by his collar and lifted him up, causing Wesley to panic and plead, "Please don't kill me!"

Jason grinned cruelly, "I'm not going to kill you, but I will make sure you suffer. You're Kingpin's right hand, so I'll do to you what he did to me."

He twisted Wesley's arm in the opposite direction until it made a sickening crunching sound.

Wesley's screams echoed in the interrogation room.

Jason pressed him against the door with one hand, preventing him from falling to the ground. He clenched his right fist and delivered a powerful blow to Wesley's abdomen, resulting in another bone-cracking sound as several ribs were broken.

Jason was feeling a bit excited. He leaned in close to Wesley's ear, panting heavily, and said coldly, "Don't worry, we're just getting started."

He grabbed Wesley's shoulders with both hands, bent his right knee, and delivered a knee strike to his chest and abdomen, one after another.

One, two, three...

Wesley's chest made a dull thudding sound.

Jason then lifted Wesley over his head and threw him violently at the interrogation table.

A loud 'boom' sound echoed through the room as the wooden interrogation table was smashed into two pieces from the middle.

Wesley lay on the ground in excruciating pain, unable to even muster the strength to scream.

Jason walked over, squatting down beside Wesley and said, "I understand that my rough interrogation methods won't extract any answers from you."

"But everyone in this prison has unique skills. My comrade in this prison specializes in extracting information. He can get the answers he wants through non-lethal means. Let's see if you can resist him."

Jason dragged Wesley out of the interrogation room by the back of his collar, as chaos erupted throughout the prison. The bodies of guards and prisoners were scattered around the interrogation room.

Long Island Prison holds over 300 inmates, which is comparable to the number of guards in the building.

The guards are fully armed with automatic rifles, while the prisoners are all skilled in killing people even before they were imprisoned. Both sides have equal numbers and strength, so the battle is set to be brutal.

Jason picked up a gun from the ground and made his way towards Billy the Buffalo's cell.

Compared to the fourth floor below, the prisoners on the fifth floor had greater fighting power, and the battle situation was already one-sided.

As he walked, Jason saw countless prison guards being brutally attacked by prisoners.

One prisoner opened his mouth wide and fiercely bit into a prison guard's neck, severing his artery and drinking a mouthful of blood before kneeling on the ground and laughing maniacally.

There were even a few suffocated prisoners who had cornered a female prison guard and were torturing her without mercy.

The policewoman struggled fiercely and cried out for help, but no one was willing to assist her.

With a cruel smile on his face, Jason ignored the policewoman's cries for help and proceeded on his way.

Not to mention that the guards in the prison all have the original crime of mistreating prisoners, but even if it were an innocent, ordinary person, he would be reluctant to get involved in this mess.

Jason is not a good person. The various methods used by the prisoners to mistreat the guards were all child's play to him.

If he had done it himself, the abused prison guard would have been in so much pain that he would have committed suicide by biting his tongue.

Before he could get close to Buffalo Billy's cell, Jason heard screams coming from inside.

As Jason approached the cell door, he heard screams coming from inside. A prison guard was tied up and lying on the ground with his shirt open and limbs bound.

Billy had a lighter in his hand and was burning the flesh on the prison guard's waist. The skin was burned to a bloody red and covered in tiny blisters. The guard screamed in pain, but Billy's smile grew brighter with each scream.

Unlike the other prisoners, Billy wasn't abusing the guard out of hatred. He was playing like a child with a new toy. He looked up at Jason and said, "Long Island Prison has dozens of attempted jailbreaks every year, but no one has ever succeeded since its establishment. I didn't expect you to be the one to make it out."

Jason remained silent, waiting for Billy to continue.

"These prisoners are too stupid. Even if they manage to escape, they'll be caught by the police soon enough, unless they have a strong backer."

"You have an insider in the prison and can organize mercenaries to rob the prison. That seems like a good backer. So, can I join you? Don't worry, I'm a loner and won't cause you any trouble."

Jason dragged Wesley into the cell like a dead dog and said, "I never have anyone useless under my command. Prove your worth to me by getting him to talk."

Billy looked at the dying Wesley and said confidently, "That's easy! Just give me 10 minutes."

Jason nodded in agreement before turning to check the other cells.

According to the system, John Wick was less than 100 meters away, indicating that he was locked up in the fifth floor, as expected for a professional killer.

It didn't take Jason long to find him lying on the bed, looking peaceful.

"You're quite peculiar. Most prisoners either try to escape or take out their anger on the guards, but you lie there like nothing's going on," Jason commented.

John opened his eyes, gave Jason a quick glance, and closed them again. "There are hundreds of guards outside, armed with armored vehicles and tanks. There's no way to escape," he replied.

Jason sneered, "I never expected the infamous top assassin to be such a coward. You don't even have the courage to try."