
Marvel: Blackfire

In a world where superheroes, supervillains, and Gods exist; what will happen when one struggling high school boy gains a unique set of powers?

DaoistLighting · Movies
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7 Chs

Hate the subway

As Amir took the 30-minute subway ride from Queens to Brooklyn having to make multiple trains, he couldn't help but think if this is what Captain America, Black Widow, or any superhero that couldn't fly did to get around.

Well, it wasn't about to be him any longer. After researching, Amir realized that most superheroes couldn't even fly. Ironman had that awesome suit, thor used his hammer, and even that spider running around town used webs to swing through the city.

Of course, Amir wanted to be able to fly, who didn't? But no matter in which ways he tested his powers the most he could do was propel himself forwards toward something using his arms where the gravity control seemed to be the strongest. While he could technically move around the City this way, especially Manhattan, there was just one problem. When he had tried it in the construction yard the actual thing he propelled himself towards whether it was the side of a building or a metal pole, his darkness would absorb the part that was touching his actual hands.

He couldn't just go around the city ripping chunks out of the skyscrapers, that was just asking for a bigshot hero to notice him.

So Amir was going to use his gravity as the second option and hopefully today he would find his first.

A hovercraft.

Amir had seen hundreds of them flying around with the aliens riding on them back during the invasion of New York, surely at least a few were still intact?

Luckily there were a few possible places in Newyork city that would actually store it. First was of course the Avenger's tower and Amir didn't want anything to do with that. Even the thought of getting caught by someone like Ironman was terrifying.

No instead he would go to the only other place in the city that was likely to have such advanced tech, Hammer industries.

The only problem was before today Amir didn't even know if Hammer industries was still a thing. He had seen news a while back about Justin Hammer getting arrested after some sort of fight with Tony Stark.

Luckily a single google search was really all he needed. He found out that even though Justin Hammer was arrested Hammer industries were still operating, just with another CEO taking the helm.

Amir made his way to the Hammer industries research center using the subway. Surprisingly the company was rather close to his dorm in Queens. Amir wondered why he never heard about it before since everyone knew where the Stark tower was.

Well the Stark tower, now the avenger's tower, did have a giant A in the front of it while the Hammer Industries building was a rather inconspicuous sight fitting right in with the rest of the Newyork skyline.

Amir walked from the subway exit to the crowded street in front of the Hammer Industries building and wondered how he should go about the theft.

It wasn't as if he even knew if they even had what he was looking for, if he just charged in oozing darkness only for there to be no hovercrafts it would be a massive waste of time.

Amir did the most logical thing he could think of, he walked right into the building.

He didn't look very out of place as he joined the stream of people entering and leaving the building even this late in the evening.

When Amir was inside the lobby of the building he almost immediately saw what he was looking for. A sign detailing the layout of the buildings and what took place on each of the floors.

Large company buildings like these were also just big advertisements for the products they created and Amir remembered hearing about how Stark Tower sometimes had kids come in for field trips. Apparently, Hammer Industries was much the same because the instructions detailed how floors 2-3 of the building were a workshop where visitors could learn about the new inventions and ideas the company was working on.

Unfortunately, the sign didn't give him what he wanted. It showed that floors 4-5 were customer relations where people could go for refunds, returns, or reviews of the products but all the floors above that were listed as research facilities.

From the outside, the building looked to have almost 15 floors so that left about 10 floors that could possibly have what he wanted.

Amir walked into one of the elevators and nobody else batted an eye. This was Newyork after all, people minded their own business no matter what was happening.

When Amir went to press the buttons on the elevator he noticed that there were only 5 floors that he could choose from. He casually pressed floor 5 and waited until they reached where one other person got off with him. The others having left on the previous floors.

Since this was the customer help floor Amir walked up to one of the counters and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where the closest bathroom is?"

The lady behind the counter pointed to the left and said, " Go straight down that hall and it should be the first left."

Amir nodded and followed the directions to the bathroom where he went inside a stall and waited.

If the public elevators only went up to this floor that means that there was a private elevator reserved for employees somewhere in the building. Amir didn't see any other elevators when he was in the 1st-floor lobby so now he needed to wait for an employee to come in the bathroom so he could question him about where it was. He would probably need an employee pass or code to use the elevator anyway.

After a few minutes, Amir heard someone rush into the bathroom and step into one of the stalls. Amir got out of the stall he was in and locked the bathroom door from the inside.

He started washing his hand and a man wearing a suit got out of the stall and joined him. Amir started drying his hands while also releasing his darkness and just as the employee noticed him and was about to cry out Amir whispered, "pull."

The man shot forward into Amir's pitch-black hand face first and let out a small whimper.

Amir smiled from behind his mask and said, "Be quiet if you don't want to die."