
Marvel: Biohazard

A man finds himself unexpectedly transported into the body of a novice SHIELD agent, right in the midst of a mission to investigate a town. The town in question? Raccoon Town. But there's more to his mission: he must also rescue a special operations team in the same town. Their names? Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and Albert Wesker. Witness as this man delves into a covert conspiracy lurking within this quaint Midwestern American town that also spiraled out of it, armed with only his firearm... or so he believes. --- DISCLAIMER: 1. This fanfic(the prologue at least), is a mix between Marvel/Resident Evil/Prototype. it's also won't be a copy adaptation of it, I've changed a lot of the overall rules, abilities, and storyline in order to mix it up between the three. 2. It will have two love interests, so that counts as a harem? idk. 3. IF YOU WANT TO REVIEW, 1 STAR ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OTHERWISE I WILL DELETE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its_def_mark · Movies
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Chapter 14: Reeks of Conspiracy 

It was the early afternoon, the harsh sun casting long shadows across the desolate Midwestern landscape. A relentless wind swept sand across the lonely road, covering it like a shroud. Raccoon Town, now deserted, witnessed the arrival of a convoy of military vehicles that choked its streets. Armed soldiers, their bodies adorned with automatic rifles, fanned out through the town like a relentless tide.

A solitary chopper descended upon the town, its rotating blades cutting through the stillness of the suburban neighborhood. Inside the chopper, a lone figure and his assistant surveyed the unfolding scene below. The man, an African-American draped in a black coat and sporting an eyepatch, was none other than Nick Fury, the enigmatic director of SHIELD.

"What's the status, Agent?" Fury inquired, his unwavering gaze fixed upon the chaotic tableau below.

"It's grim," replied the assistant, her voice tinged with concern. "Most of the soldiers have uncovered mutated corpses strewn about. All of them are lifeless."

The assistant handed Fury a photograph of one of the gruesome remains—a mutated man, tumors twisting across his form, his eyes consumed by darkness.

"Motherfucker…" Fury muttered, a look of disgust contorting his features. "And this... originated from our facility?"

"Yes, sir. It's the facility researching viruses and mutations," the secretary affirmed. "One of the labs assigned to explore Project Patriot through unconventional means. However, our findings don't align with the last report we received."

"Project Patriot," Fury mused darkly. "And these 'unconventional means' involve viruses and mutations. This is one hell of a mess."

"We've suspected signs of external interference," the secretary continued. "Five special agents were dispatched—four have been missing since a week ago when our communication was severed with the lab. The fifth agent disappeared just last night while investigating the town."

She handed Fury a dossier containing the profiles of the missing agents, but his attention zeroed in on one in particular. "Agent Hunter," Fury remarked, "the one with the gene?"

"Dormant, but yes, sir," the secretary nodded. "Those from Project EXODUS believed he should be deployed alone, in hopes of activating his gene."

"And now he's gone," Fury sighed heavily. "That's a significant asset gone rogue. Let's prioritize finding him first. Any leads from the soldiers?"

"His vehicle is parked outside the police station. That's the only information we have so far. It will take time for fingerprint analysis and other forensics, especially given the town's current state."

"Work swiftly, Agent. If his gene awakens, he could pose a substantial threat," Fury cautioned.

"There's more, sir," the secretary added, handing Fury another document. "The research facility—it's been obliterated."

"Bombs, or another method?"

"Appears to be explosives, sir."

"Convenient, isn't it? The building housing all the evidence reduced to rubble?" Fury pondered. "Land the chopper in front of it."

"Roger that."

The chopper descended toward the shattered research facility. The explosion had gouged a colossal hole in the structure, annihilating everything underground.

As it touched down, the chopper's door slid open, and Fury stepped out, his black coat billowing in the gusts from the rotor blades. Alongside his secretary, he approached the wreckage, scrutinizing every shard of debris with his one good eye.

"Any of those... abominations lurking here?" Fury inquired.

"Negative, sir," the secretary replied. "We've secured—"

"No, I mean before that," Fury interrupted.

"Even then, still negative. It's strangely clean here. The mutated individuals seem confined to the neighborhood."

"Get a scientist on this, ASAP. We need to determine the cause of those monsters," Fury ordered.

"Already in progress, sir."

Fury mulled over the situation; something didn't add up. A lab had gone dark for nearly a week, and he'd been kept in the dark. Only five agents had been dispatched instead of a full military operation.

"Those other four agents," Fury began, "they went missing a week ago, right when we lost contact here. What were they doing?"

"Investigating rogue scientists, sir," the secretary responded.

Fury's frown deepened. "So, the only agent assigned to investigate the communication failure is the one with a dormant mutant gene? Furthermore, he was sent the night before we initiated a full military operation, an operation ordered hastily. Does any of this make sense to you, Agent?"

The secretary fell silent for a moment. "No, sir."

This was more than a mere communication breakdown, Fury realized. He needed to investigate the high-clearance agents.

Suddenly, a soldier approached, saluting before speaking. "Sir, someone wishes to communicate with you on the radio."

"Who is it?" Fury raised an eyebrow.

"Undersecretary Pierce, sir."


Fury followed the soldier to the communications room, where he picked up the receiver.

"Fury here."

"What's the situation?" came a brusque voice from the radio, belonging to Pierce.

"We're in the dark here," Fury replied.

"This is your mess, Fury. How inept is SHIELD that we ignored a significant lab's loss of communication for a whole week?"

"I was thinking the same thing," Fury grumbled. "But there are indications of rogue scientists or external interference."

Pierce fell silent for a moment. "How did you arrive at that conclusion? You just said you're in the dark."

"The research being conducted here doesn't align with the lab's supposed purpose," Fury reiterated. "I suspect there's a traitor among us."

"If you suspect a traitor, root them out swiftly. The Council isn't pleased, Fury. No one can know what transpired there; otherwise, the government will force us to disclose your activities. Clear?"

Fury let out a sigh. "Understood."

The radio fell silent once more. Before Fury could act further, another soldier entered the tent, bearing news from outside.

"We've found something, sir," he reported. "A crashed chopper, just outside the town."