
Marvel: At the start, I married Aunt May and activated the System

Darius meets his demise in his original world, only to awaken in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a privileged second-generation heir. As he embarks on his journey, he awakens the "Righteous Sign-In System." "Ding! Sign-in successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Julius Novachrono template." "Did I just become a... Wizard King... hehe?" But in that moment, he realizes he can't uphold righteousness anymore, as the system rewards him only when he commits heinous good deeds. It's frustrating. Terrified about his future in Marvel, he struggles. But somehow, things worked out. Years later, celestial forces send Galactus to pick up their little kid from Earth. The Planet Eater is astonished by the abundance of female superheroes this time. Strangely, he overhears Captain Marvel saying, "Hubby, if I defeat this guy, how about spoiling me tonight... hehe? It's been too long since you've had your hands on me, darling... Ugh... And I can't wait to bring our son into the world... Look, even these metallic guys have their kids." Captain Marvel blushes like a young daughter-in-law. [Alternative Title: "In the Marvel Universe with 'Righteous System'" ] [ Warning; This story is set in an alternative universe, alternative reality, meaning I'm gonna fuck up some things regarding Marvel completely, so consider yourself warned. ] [Also...Cover Is Not Mine...]

Cruel_Death · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter (14)  Mutant Brotherhood/Asteroid M

[A/N: Dark content ahead; you have been warned]


Asteroid M

In the sky.

While half of the world sleeps peacefully in their slumber, lost in dreams and hope for the future or thoughts and regrets of the past, the busy city of New York is left behind, even as night becomes quiet and chilly, unaware of what lies ahead, some people are still indulging in the debauchery of nightlife.

On the certain street, moaning sounds echo as some dudes are banging and violating a milf in an nearby alleyway without consent, some lovers are squeezing the asses of their drunk girlfriends, while others are drowning in drinks at casinos, clubs, and motels, nakedly wrapped together, ready to do unspeakable acts while these girls are drugged, and this list just goes on as New York isn't small.

But up above in the sky, unnoticed by NASA and other space agencies, there's a mysterious rock floating around the city from a distance where Earth appears like a gorgeous, round orb.

Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that this is not just any ordinary asteroid though. It seems to be a blend of science and nature, perhaps something more, something magical, supernatural, something imposing, majestic, or maybe just purely frightening and fearsome.

One thing is certain: it has a big "M" on its metallic walls, it none other than  'Asteroid-M', the secret hideout of the Mutant Brotherhood.


The stars shimmer outside the windows of Asteroid M as Magneto sits in his control room, surrounded by holographic displays and monitors, alongside some inventions for the betterment of his kind and the downfall of humanity.

Magneto, a middle-aged man in his 50s, bears a disgustingly ugly and burned face, with one of his arms dismantled. His usual fancy helmet is absent, as it is no longer needed. However, even without it, he appears weary and tense, dressed in simple black and white attire, adorned with a flowing black overcoat on which the letter M is printed.

Gazing at Earth from above, pulsating with life, greenery, and happiness, he can't help but remark,

"A house of Love dream and false hope... quite a beautiful thing...tsk.... ONLY if the hearts of the people here were the same as this."

A warm smile briefly crosses his face before completely fading, replaced by resentment and sadness in his old eyes.Anger boils up within him, though he conceals it well, as he continues,

"That's why I must take charge. They won't be able to save it from him, but I can and I will. I'll transform it into something better. Any place can be beautiful and improved without humans... Maybe I should start by searching for you..."

Now Filled with revulsion, he look at the planet in front of him. There is a time when he used to calls a world like this his home, but not anymore.

In an instant, haunting memories from his nightmares surge back into his consciousness, causing his once warm eyes to grow icy.

As his entire life replays before him, asteroid M quivers as if shaken by an earthquake. The metal structures within it vibrate, and with each memory resurfacing, his control on his magnetic abilities slipping away.

Those Haunting Memories....

He never forgot; he remembers everything he had been through, everything he had endured from being a slave to being despised by society and feared. He knows everything; he never forgot the deaths of all his friends, family, and loved ones.

Even now, in his dreams, he still hears the cries of his wife when she was raped in front of him. He could only watch helplessly, clenching his teeth, as those monsters violated her, tearing her clothes apart piece by piece.

She fought hard to defend herself, tried to push them away, but as a woman, she was physically weaker than the men. They treated her like an animal, savagely attacking her body, sinking their teeth into bruised breasts, as multiple hands were groping them, twisting them to make her feel completely helpless and violated. She cried her heart out, her screams of pain resounding, but no one helped her when she needed it; rather, a man disgusted with her pleading forced himself into her mouth, thrusting his manhood inside her throat to prevent her from screaming.

One by one, they all violated her. She was pregnant with their daughter at the time, and the violence caused her unborn child's death. She cried out, felt shame, questioned God, and looked to her husband with hope that he could save her, but he too was powerless. She felt betrayed for the first time, she regretted marrying an incapable man.

Even in her dying moments, she couldn't bear to meet the eyes of her husband as she felt disappointed. Even when her soul left her mortal body, she was still violated, as some men were not satisfied. Her body was raped from midnight till noon repeatedly; her breasts swayed in the air as the men no longer held her, knowing she would no longer fight back.

He remembers every detail with a shattered heart. He was unable to do anything back in  that moment. He blames himself, his own powerlessness. He remembers the guilt of his inability to act. He remembers the shame. Although he has since taken revenge on those responsible, causing destruction of entire planet and killing billions, still he felt it's not sufficient as he never forgot, not even for a second. And whenever he remembers, he wants to kill every single one of them, in every world alongside with its inhabitants.

There are regrets too, for being kind, for trusting his friends, for believing that something better is going to happen if we lower ourselves a little. But mutants are mutants, filthy blood; thus, he failed, every time, every single time. Now, he hates kindness; he hates Charles.

He also knows a man with great force, whom he encountered on a different earth - a man capable of rivaling even gods and defying destiny itself, a power beyond the grasp of deities.

This man possesses the ability to mold realities, reshaping them to his liking. The loss of his arm resulted from a confrontation with this demon who violently tore it from his body while he too was in his prime.

But that demon denied him the opportunity to even trigger his abilities before his blood dripped into the ground from his broken arm.

And then Magneto couldn't do anything; he once again became the man he never wanted to be—an incapable, incompetent bastard.

This man, this demon, is the sole reason why he no longer harbors a desire to destroy; his sole purpose now is to kill him, the man of terror, the man who made him realize

"how weak he is."

At this moment when the entire asteroid M is in turmoil and there is a looming danger of it falling from the sky and crashing onto the Earth, a girl who has been observing Magneto in the control room takes a brave step forward.

Up until now, she has remained silent, as this isn't the first time she has witnessed him in such a state. However, despite her familiarity, she still feels a deep sense of distress and fear.

Standing before Magneto, she pleads...

"Sir... please stop. You're about to destroy everything. People are really scared because of you.. The prisoners and staff are terrified....""

"I apologize, my dear daughter. Hold on a moment... Wait, why are you addressing me as 'sir' now? Didn't I instruct you not to do so? Are you on the path of  seeking vengeance, or do you simply just wish to exist as a hollow being without emotions, devoid of love and direction? Find a purpose for yourself, sweet girl. Discover the hope within you to live and progress,"

Magneto speaks, feeling disappointed in his adopted daughter. What he hates the most is when his children calls him by respectful formal titles; he wants them to call him "father," to feel satisfied and acknowledged. Most importantly, in this way, he can increase emotional intimacy and corrupt them easily, molding them into his perfect creations.

Electra, an 18-year-old girl, possesses beautiful big brown eyes and long, dark black hair that gracefully cascades down to her waist.

Her physique is neither slim nor obese but rather perfect in every aspect. As she exudes a mature aura in the areas where it matters the most, she is well-developed where she should be, meaning that the distribution of meat on her body is on point.

This is a result of her being raised as an assassin. Girls like her usually wield "Lust" as one of their weapons to seduce targeted men before ultimately sending them to the feet of Buddha.

In short, she is a stunning girl capable of igniting flames of love even in the most gay and eunuch guys. Currently dressed in a sleek black suit, she tightly grips her sai in her hands as she nods to Magneto.

"I sorry, sir..no..father..  I need some time to adjust, as I am not used to this."

Before her stands a man whom she sees as an angel, the person who saved her when her father was assassinated, and she was being chased out by her enemies, about to be violated by men responsible for her father's death. Not only did he kill those who wanted to harm her, but he also adopted her as his daughter.

This act of kindness, received from someone other than her parents, fills her soul with immense gratitude. However, calling him father still feels odd, as it's not even a month since her biological father died.

All her life she believed that strength came solely from hard work, training in martial arts, and learning various combat techniques. But upon meeting this man, her worldview changed completely.

For the first time, she witnessed supernatural abilities, she saw rocks and metals spinning and vibrating around him as if in reverence. Awe and wonder filled her heart, and she realized that Earth wasn't normal anymore.

Despite her admiration for this old man, whenever he loses control of his power, she can't help but feel horrible, especially now as they are in the sky, where the fear of crashing to the ground or dying by burning looms over them.

She looks at her adoptive father's hideous appearance, and her belief in the severity of the situation grows stronger, as dying by fire is one of her deepest fears.

On the other side, Magneto is not in New York to enjoy the scenery. After leaving his destroyed home planet, he lost everything. Other than Scott, his adoptive son, and the America his filial daughter, everyone he knew had perished.

The FIRST EARTH he wanted to conquer had a man who killed his entire army of mutants, and he barely escaped death himself, thanks to his filial daughter 'America'.

Now, in this strange world, he feels the need for allies to help him rule without trouble. He doesn't want to destroy it, as there were little to no mutants here to begin with, and this world doesn't evoke the familial feelings he desires.

"Alright, since you're feeling uncomfortable, I won't force you. Anyway, what happened to the four mutants that the locator had sensed?" Magneto asked, as he reclined in his chair, his gaze fixed on the Earth below.

In reply to this, Electra operated the device in her hands. At this moment, a large screen in the control room displayed the message:

[ Unable to detect life; status of death is uncertain. ]

Thus, she confirms,

"Sir, I don't see any life signs of those four remaining mutants of this world. The trackers aren't working; it's as if they have disappeared. There are no traces of their aura in New York," Electra says.

Her voice isn't as cold as when she speaks with everyone else; there is gratitude in her tone. At this moment, she truly regards this man as a father figure although not biological.

Yet, the respect she holds for him remains unchanged, as she doesn't know this man wants to enslave entire humanity.

"Alright, you've worked hard, kid. Now, go and rest. Leave these things to others. On the way, remind those insignificant fools to fix Carebro completely. They have only 3 days, or I will make sure to kill their families one by one." Megneto Declares.

"As you wish.... FATHER"


[A/N: I know, I know...this chapter might have felt a little boring; it's too much of an info dump. Originally, I wanted to introduce more characters and events in this, but I held back as I thought megneto needs his separate chapter.

Now, onto the most important questions, guys:

-Suggest some earth-shattering names for the daughter of Darius as we have to commence naming rituals in the upcoming chapter?

-Second question is regarding the harem: which route do you guys think we should take?

(1) Pokemon route: Perks - bedding women in only a few encounters.

(2) Emotional mature route: Perks - this route has the power of natural romance, though I suck at writing it, but I would try. Romance will be late, and it might take lots of time before consummating the marriage and relationships.

It's up to you to choose one, as the harem doesn't affect my story even one bit.

So Whatever you wish.
