
Chapter (13) Meeting with Vanessa

Triskelion Medical Facilities,

Manhattan, New York.

In the quiet halls of the Triskelion Medical Facilities, a hospital catering to government officials and civilians alike, the clock strikes 2 am, enveloping the building in a peaceful calm.

The usual hustle and bustle is replaced by a serene atmosphere, with only the soft hum of machinery breaking the silence.

Outside, the guards are usually on duty are now caught in a deep slumber, their usual vigilance temporarily suspended.

However In a certain room within the facility, Darius struggled with conflicting thoughts, attempting to understand what had gone wrong.

And Vanessa Marianna anxiously perches on the bed's edge, her fingers twisting nervously as she awaits Darius's words.

Her heart races as she replays the events of that passionate night in her mind, each recollection deepening her sense of shame.

She gazes at the green-eyed man with blond hair, who remains silent, his continuous scrutiny adding to her distress.

Despite having already disclosed the truth to him, she feels a pang of sadness as Darius has not once looked towards his daughter sleeping nearby.

She blames herself for harboring unrealistic expectations, reminding herself that he is not her husband; they merely shared a regrettable mistake, and from his behavior, it is evident that she was just another woman he had fucked to satisfy his lust.

She stares down at her hem, unable to muster the courage to meet his gaze. Tears trace down her cheeks, staining the quilt below as droplets of her pain sinks into the fabric.

Barely maintaining a composed posture, she speaks with a quivering, timid voice,

"A-are you j-just g-g-gonna...stand there without s-s-saying anything?"

At that moment, Darius snaps out of his thoughts, his eyes focusing on the disheveled woman before him. Her dark black hair cascades over her shoulder, her eyes pure and soulful.

Even in the modest hospital-issued nightgown, her beauty remains unmatched.

"What do you expect me to say?" he retorts sharply.

"A woman like you, who betrayed her husband, why should I trust you? It was just a fling that night, we both had fun, and you moaned like a....BITCH... Most importantly, I used condoms, and now you're claiming you gave birth to my daughter."

Vanessa feels a sudden chill, as if a violent wave has crashed over her, drowning her in regret. She acknowledges her mistake, but disappointment fills her as she had fantasized moments ago about this man embracing and accepting her, providing a sense of security for her and their daughter.

But now, that dream is crushed.

With regret weighing heavily on her, she says, "I'm not demanding anything." Her voice is steady now, her eyes devoid of tears but reflecting resolve. "I've already told you, I never did anything with my husband. This is entirely your responsibility. I only felt it was right to inform you, but if you believe she's not yours, then just leave. I....Will take care of myself....and our....my child."

In Darius's mind, images of that fateful night replay continuously. He's uncertain, both of them were intoxicated, but he distinctly remembers wearing condoms that night.

"Vanessa," he begins, his voice pitched low so as not to disturb the sleeping child. As he sinks into the chair beside the bed, Vanessa's oriental eyes catch sight of the diamond ring on his finger, filling her with doubt and fear.

"Are you married?"

"Yes, it's only been a couple of days since I got married. I promised myself I would never get involved with another woman," Darius explains, maintaining eye contact.

"Let's wait until we can check the DNA of the child. You must understand, this could destroy my marriage. You were a mistake, and frankly, I don't believe a woman like you and it's only fair...."

As he spoke, Vanessa's eyes blazed with anger. No longer filled with tears, they now burned with fury as she roared at him.

"FUCK YOU ...I've had enough of your bullshit... You think you can sit here..and judge me, you FUCKINN ASSHOLE? What the hell do you Mean...by  'a woman like me', Being a man like you is the real fucking sin you Fucker... you mother fucking, son of a bitch! That night, you just dipped your dick inside my pussy like it was some kind of Fucking sauce, didn't you? ...And, You've never been fucked before, so you'll never gonna understand how it feels... You COWARD! And When shit got real, you ran  away like a whore does when the cops come knocking. I was alone in the morning, left bleeding and without clothes. I regret giving you my VIRGINITY, you heartless  Mean...BASTARD!"

At the same time, outside the room Carol leans against the door, her ear pressed close, even though her hearing is already sharp enough, while a passing nurse shoots her a curious glance, aware that eavesdropping is typically seen as intrusive.

But when the volume from within the room escalates to a record high pitch, Captain Marvel steps back. She mutters to herself,

"Damn it, this isn't going to be easy. Seems like both of them are cheaters. Good thing I've got no interest in love. Remember it well, Carol, you must never ever fall in love with someone from this degenerate planet... Humph..the whole C53 is cursed land."

Back in the room, Darius is taken aback by the woman's sudden outburst, wondering if she is the same person who had been weeping until now. With this thought, he rises from his chair, addressing her firmly,

"Miss Vanessa, we're in a hospital, and on top of that, it's 2 AM in the DAMN morning... so behave like an adult, please... your actions just now resemble those of a child who hasn't got his favorite toy."

Meanwhile, these words only stoke her anger as she abruptly rises from the bed, forcefully tearing out the IV needle despite the pain it brings. Blood streams from her slender hand, staining the hospital floor with crimson droplets. Through gritted teeth, she protests,


With a swift motion, she seizes the large pillow she had been resting on, her movements fueled by intense anger and frustration. Without hesitation, she hurls it at Darius, her eyes wide with fury as she fixates on him.

"This is what a child would do," he chuckles, smoothly evading the flying pillows with practiced ease. For something like this, he doesn't even need to resort to time magic.

But just as they're gearing up for a showdown, the room is suddenly filled with the unmistakable sound of a child's cry. The pillows, thrown in the heat of the moment, accidentally find it's path on Vanessa's little daughter, instantly diffusing the tension and replacing it with concern.


For the first time, Darius directs his attention to the black-haired child beside the bed, swathed in clothes provided by the hospital.

In this moment, he moves toward the child without hesitation. Drawing closer to the baby bassinet, he locks eyes with the two-day-old infant, whose gaze mirrors his own green eyes.

"Beautiful," he murmurs unintentionally. A whirlwind of emotions ~ regret, sorrow, and happiness ~sweeps over him, accompanied by the image of May's face. Her innocence and beauty radiate in his mind, her petite frame and gentle features embodying the essence of purity.

But above all, it's the weight of guilt for May and this innocent child that consumes him. He doesn't avert his gaze, completely drawn in by the eyes of his daughter. Though she may not have blonde hair like him, her features lean more towards the Western side. Unlike her mother, she doesn't seems Asian.

As he instinctively extends his hand, his finger gently brushes against her cheeks, wiping away her innocent tears. The child, too, falls silent, gazing at the man she's encountering for the first time.

Longing fills her eyes as she hurriedly clasps her tiny hand around his large finger. In this moment, Darius is consumed by a wave of emotion, forgetting all his plans of escape. At first, he truly wanted to get away from all claims, responsibilities, and relations.

But now, without even realizing it, a tear falls from his eyes for the first time in a while. Perhaps it's because he's now a father, though he didn't wanted to be, at least not this early. As He's a wizard; he knows this girl is his blood, he can sense it. Soon,  he hastily regains his composure, slipping back into his usual self.

"No... I can't allow this to be known. May should never know this, DAMN it ... I shouldn't have messed around that time. I'm really a scumbag, trash, an asshole like she said I am, it's the fucking real world, I should have treated it like one," he thought bitterly.

Originally from Earth, his life was a series of disappointments despite his hard work. No matter how much effort he put in, success always eluded him. It was a constant struggle, with responsibilities outweighing any rewards.

Even on the  Sunday, the day of his death, he couldn't catch a break. He skipped work to escape his tyrant boss, feeling he deserved at least one day off. On that day, there were 18 missed calls on his phone, and twenty messages, all threats of being fired.

So when he suddenly became rich after death, he lost himself in the skirts of women, in a whirlwind of indulgence. He became the very person he despised, abandoning the principles his mother had once taught him in pursuit of mere pleasure.

Now, he feels deep regret. He knows if May finds out about it, she'll be furious, as she was always insecure about the very thing that is his current reality. It's going to bring more pain to May his petite wife.  He can't escape the consequences, and that realization saddens him further.

After a few seconds at this moment, feeling safe and secure, the baby drifts off to sleep exhausted, and Darius gently withdraws his finger from her grasp.

"I'm really sorry Vanessa. I believe you, like, 99.9%. Let's just wait for the DNA report to be sure. ...NO GODDAMN IT... I totally believe you; hundred percent she's my daughter, my flesh and blood. But I need time, the more the better, to make things right because I don't want to lose neither my wife nor my daughter," he exclaims, his voice filled with remorse and determination.

Vanessa's voice trembles as she looks at the green-eyed man, her emotions overwhelming her.

"I told you... I'm not t...that kind of woman. She is yours... she is ours."

As Darius acknowledges their daughter, Vanessa's anger begins to subside, and she feels a strong urge to drop to her knees. Given that she gave birth just two days ago, she is already incredibly weak, both physically and emotionally.

The toll on her, both mind and body, is immense, making it difficult for her to engage in conversation. Enduring the challenges caused by her husband, facing killers and gangsters, and even meeting her new blonde sister with supernatural powers, her day was incredibly tough.

Despite her husband's threats to harm their daughter, she never backs down, fiercely protecting her and fleeing to ensure her safety. In the midst of it all, the sight of her baby's adorable face was the only source that gave her the strength to not fall.

But as she is about to fall, Darius quickly catches her, hastily supporting her with his arms and helping her onto the bed. He then gently covers her with the quilt.

"I've been honest with you... she's your daughter... I've only had sex with you, no one else, I'm not characterless" Vanessa's voice wavers with sadness, her eyes struggling to stay open under the weight of fatigue and intense emotion. "I wish you had trusted me sooner... I'm sorry for shouting at you... my voice, it just hurts so much..." Despite her tears and sobs, her voice is now clearer than ever, filled with sincerity and longing for understanding.

"Forgive me... I'm truly sorry," Darius says, his voice heavy with guilt as he looks at her bleeding hand.

He reaches for a nearby tray, grabbing a cotton bundle and carefully applies pressure to where the IV needle was inserted.

"Let me help you, Vanessa," he adds softly, acknowledging her pain.

"Ouch... it hurts," she sobs, wincing from the pain.

Gazing at Vanessa, who is still crying, Darius realizes that he has already crossed every limit with her, and there is no reason for him not to hug her, not to comfort her at this time.

Despite his immense guilt, he momentarily sets it aside and takes her in his arms for a comforting warm hug. His one hand tightens around her back, while the other brushes her hair gently.

At the same time, she tightly clutches her fingers on his shirt, and there is no gap between their bodies. Her breasts firmly press against his chest, but this time, there is no room for lust; it's just a comforting warm hug.

As he holds her, Vanessa begins to pour out her emotions. This time, she isn't depressed; she just needs to cry and let all the pent-up emotions go.

She needed a shoulder, and she gets one when needed. Tears stream down her face, staining his white shirt with her emotional release.

Darius does not push her away; rather, he cradles her face with both hands, gently wiping away her tears with his thumbs. Then he asks,

"You've told me everything but didn't say the name of your husband. You said he wants to kill you and my daughter. Who the hell does he think he is? What is his name? You tell me, and I'll see if I don't end him."

At this moment, Darius is serious; there is a lot of frustration swirling inside him, and he really wants to take action against someone for the first time in a long while. This person also dared to try killing his daughter, so why not deal with him first?

As for Vanessa, he acknowledges that he can't leave her alone, as he is concerned about his daughter. There is also the thought of May interrupting his mind in such situations, even though it's almost 3 am now, he doesn't think he's going to get any sleep.

But in response, he sees Vanessa's expression change. Fear, doubt, and terror are evident on her face as she says,

"Wilson Fisk, The Kingpin.


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