
Marvel: Aspect of Domination [COMPLETED]

A Nephalem from a different world is transported to Marvel Cinematic Universe along with his Devil fiancee. This is the story of how he reaches the apex of Marvel world along with his future wife..... I don't own anything of marvel or any of the powers I used. I don't own the cover art

TNT_Subho99 · Movies
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80 Chs


All 6 of the involved in HYDRA incident were currently sitting in a meeting room. The meeting was in Maria own heli-carrier. She and Nat had already found HYDRA soldiers on her ship but they were dealt with even before they started investigating their plans.

Maria: Ok, what I am going to tell you is too secret and from now on all of you present here are part of Avengers. If any kind of information leaks then know this I will have no option except to kill you along with all around you.

Nat: Do you really need to be so dramatic??

Maria: I was just making the mood…

Nat: Pfft… hahaha.

Both her and Maria started to laugh again. Everyone was confused why they were laughing after some time Maria calmed down.

Maria: Ok sorry, the killing part was a joke but try to keep it secret. Even if you share it then no body can even scratch him.

Sam: Excuse me… who are you talking about?

Nat: Ok, let's start from the beginning. There are 6 stones in this universe which represents the laws of this universe. One of this stones can be used to locate another stone. My boyfriend Lucifer is in possession of one of this stone so he can locate others.

Jennifer: But I don't understand why we are hearing the stories of these stones.

Clint: I think they are saying that the scepter is a stone or contains a stone.

Everyone except Maria and Nat gasped at that information.

Maria: Very good Clint. I knew that you were smart. Yes exactly the scepter contains a stone. I don't exactly know what stone it is.

Nat: If we ask Luci then he can easily locate the stone.

Steve: Can I have some information of what kind of powers does these stones hold?

Maria: Dunno… but they are very powerful.

Nat: Luci exactly never used the stone, so we kind of lack that information.

Jennifer: Do you think that your boyfriend can lose control?

Maria: Pfft… no. I think only he can even hold a stone like that with any repercussion.

Clint: What kind of repercussions can it have??

Nat: Lots… Steve knows one kind. When Red Skull held the Tesseract with his bare hands.

Steve: I still remember he was erased from existence.

Maria: Yes just like that. Normal humans can't even hold the hold without killing themselves. Maybe sometime they can but you shouldn't take any chances.

Clint: So, Nat why don't you call Lucifer and ask him about the location.

After that Nat takes out her phone and calls Luci and puts it on the speaker. After sometime Luci picks up the phone.

Luci: Hello babe, what's up?

Nat: Everything is fine. But now the phone is on speaker.

Luci: Oh…

Everyone else sweat drops. The one's who know Luci cannot even imagine how someone so easy going can kill like nothing and without any remorse.

Nat: I need a help.

Luci: What can I do for you?

Nat: There is a Infinity Stone somewhere in this world. Can you track it??

Luci: Uhmm… yeah sure. ...... Done.

Nat: Where is it??

Luci: Let's see the map. It is in some country called Sokovia.

Maria: Ok, thank you for the help.

Luci: Hey wait…!! When you raid the base can you take Bella. She seems bored.

Everyone who heard that shuddered once since they all knew how Bella was and what she can do. Maybe not all of them had seem her handy work from upfront but all of them have seen reports.

Maria: Sorry Luci, I can't it is a foreign country which hates US.

Luci: Oh… ok. Then maybe next time.

Nat: But we might need you since the stone is involved.

Luci: Ok, I will come.

After that Luci cuts the call. All of them then started to gather information about Sokovia. This place has been out of SHIELD's surveillance so HYDRA found it easy to make a base there. After 6 hours of continuous assessment they found a lot of information.

Maria: Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Wow… big fucking name. He is the commander of that base.

Nat: We also know that the base is covered by some force field.

Clint: So when are we attacking??

Maria: They will be the last.

Steve: What do you mean??

Nat: Firstly we need to clear all the other bases of HYDRA so they don't have any other place to hide.

Clint: So what about the stone??

Maria: We will keep strong watch on the base so that if they take the scepter away we will know immediately.

Sam: But I think we should attack as soon as possible.

Maria: But we cannot have the other base helping them. We need to corner them so that they can't run away anymore.

Jennifer: So from when are we going to start the hunt??

Nat: We have worked vey hard since yesterday. First we need to take rest and we will start hunting from next week.

Maria: It will give us time to gather information and make plans before we strike. Any questions?

No one raised any hands.

Maria: Good.

Soon a week passed like nothing and they started to attack one base after another. They took breaks in middle so that they won't tire themselves out. They knew that they needed to destroy HYDRA but they didn't let it control their lives. Maria has also called Bruce and Betty for research and information gathering. Though Bruce was reluctant to help but when Maria assured him that it was nothing like New York he agreed happily.

They found that the HYDRA bases were highly advanced from how they looked from outside. The soldiers carried futuristic weapons along with wearing exo-suits for extra power. They didn't matter much but they were annoying like hell. It took them 1 year to clear all the HYDRA bases. They were now only have Sokovia to deal with. Strucker has worked very hard to up their defences and according to Bruce and Betty this was going to be the most advanced base they were going to fight against. Bruce will also help in this one and they have called Tony too. Luci will be there, but he was going to laze around. Maria was barking out the plans.

Maria: Did you all get it? Now let's move out...