
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 89: Hulk's Past


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided.

if we reach 50 subs i will upload 10 extra chapters.

We are halfway there


"What did you discover?" Bruce Banner asked.

"Some videos, they're essentially your privacy..."

"Play them, Stark," Bruce Banner said. "The military, S.H.I.E.L.D., they've investigated me so many times. They probably know everything about me, even the details of my childhood. I no longer have any privacy."

"Alright, Dr. Banner, this might bring back some unpleasant memories," Tony Stark took off his watch and placed it on the ground. As everyone wondered why he removed his watch at this moment, it suddenly emitted a beam of light, projecting an image in the air.

"I always thought it was just for telling time," Steve Rogers marveled, "I slept for 70 years, and technology has advanced to this level? Watches can now play videos?"

"Captain, our watches are indeed meant for telling time," Bruce Banner said, "The reason this watch can play videos is that it belongs to Tony Stark."

"Dad, please, let him go." The video started with a woman in a white dress pleading with a middle-aged man in military uniform.

"Betty." Bruce Banner sighed as he watched the woman in the video.

The two individuals in the video can be described as the two extremes of Bruce Banner's past emotions. The woman, Betty Ross, was Bruce Banner's girlfriend, or more precisely, his ex-girlfriend. She was once the woman Bruce Banner loved the most.

And the man, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, was also someone Bruce Banner deeply despised. As you can tell from their matching surnames, it's a cliché, a story of love and hate between a father and daughter.

"You don't understand, get inside the vehicle." General Ross, while harsh toward his "son-in-law," still cared about his daughter. He feared she would be harmed and wanted her to hide in the armored vehicle.

"He's over there!" Someone shouted.

General Ross turned his head and saw Bruce Banner rushing out from the bridge.

"Don't shoot! I repeat, don't shoot!" General Ross didn't want to kill Bruce Banner; he wanted to capture and study him.

General Ross's soldiers surrounded Bruce Banner from all sides, their gun barrels ominously pointed at him. Bruce Banner had nowhere to run, trapped on the bridge.

"Launch smoke grenades!" General Ross issued another command.

Swoosh! Smoke grenades pierced through the bridge's glass, filling the bridge with smoke. Bruce Banner quickly took off his coat and covered his mouth and nose, but judging from his discomfort, it didn't offer much relief.

Inside the bridge, the white fog continued to spread.

Betty Ross saw this scene and grew extremely worried. She rushed out from behind General Ross and ran towards the bridge.

"Bring her back!" Following General Ross's order, soldiers immediately went after Betty Ross, but she wasn't a compliant woman; she fought back against the soldiers.

Just before the entire bridge was engulfed in fog, Bruce Banner clearly saw a soldier tackling Betty Ross to the ground.

His eyes began to exhibit a green tinge.

Everyone knew what that meant.

A tremendously destructive behemoth was about to emerge.

Sure enough, in the next moment, within the white fog, a figure with proportions surpassing human norms appeared.

"Ah!" A roar resounded as the center of the bridge was shattered, and a green, enormous, incredibly muscular figure jumped down from the bridge.

Even the ground seemed to tremble under its impact.

"Alpha team, concentrate fire!" General Ross was prepared, and the sound of gunfire rang incessantly.

But the bullets hitting the Hulk were like rubber bouncing off steel, unable to penetrate at all! They couldn't even leave a mark on his skin!

Although he wasn't injured, nobody liked getting shot, not even the Hulk, who was like a toddler.

The Hulk charged towards the Alpha team, roaring in the face of the barrage of bullets.

"Where are the heavy machine guns? Give them to me!" General Ross shouted.

Armored vehicles arrived, and soldiers armed with heavy machine guns began shooting at the Hulk. However, these so-called heavy caliber weapons were no different from regular firearms. They felt like tickles to the Hulk, unable to break through his skin.

Instead, the Hulk casually smashed the armored vehicles, sending them flying with a single kick.

"After sleeping for 70 years, how many monsters have appeared in the world!" Steve Rogers, the Super Soldier, watched in astonishment. The Hulk was truly too powerful.

As a super soldier, he was considered an extraordinary being in the eyes of many, but compared to the Hulk, he was like a little brother.

No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't withstand bullets with his own body, but the Hulk could stand there and let heavy machine guns fire at him without a scratch.

His defense was incredibly strong, and his strength was beyond belief.

In the footage of the Battle of New York, the mechanical Leviathan soaring through the sky, such a massive creature resembling a moving mountain, was easily toppled by the Hulk's punch.

Steve Rogers truly had no idea what kind of person could match the Hulk in combat.

Neither the Alpha team nor the heavy machine guns had any effect. General Ross then used a sonic cannon, and visible sound waves began assaulting the Hulk.

Unlike bullets, sound waves directly attacked a person's internal organs, causing some trouble for the Hulk. He covered his head with his hands and knelt on the ground, an expression of agony on his face.

Betty Ross, seeing this, grew extremely worried and rushed to plead with her father, "Please, I'm begging you."

After battling the Hulk for so long, General Ross had finally gained the upper hand. How could he listen to his daughter at this point? He simply pushed her away.

Feeling helpless, Betty Ross was just a mere woman. Several soldiers held her back, and she had no way to help.

"Bruce!!!" All she could do was shout.

To everyone's surprise, the Hulk, who was still on the ground, suddenly lifted his head and looked in Betty's direction. When he saw Betty being captured, despite his inability to stand up, he slowly rose to his feet!

That woman gave him strength!


The Hulk grabbed a large piece of metal and effortlessly threw it, slicing the sonic cannon and armored vehicle in half, as if cutting through tofu.

"Bruce." Betty Ross, who had taken the opportunity to approach the Hulk, stood beside him and looked up at him.

The Hulk, known for destroying everything, simply stared at Betty Ross without any intention of harming her.

At this moment, his expression was calm, and one could even discern a hint of concern.

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
