
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 50: The Death of Phil Coulson


In the novel's synopsis, there is a YouTube link of my channel provided. For every 50 subscribers and 50 likes on both the channel and the video, I promises to upload an additional 4 chapters, and also on My P@treon page. The total sum of chapters will be uploaded on Sundays.


"Stark, it's a bit harsh of you to say that. Captain becoming the leader is definitely not just because of the serum," Phil Coulson couldn't help but speak up.

"Captain also hurt my heart," Tony Stark responded, then looked at Thor beside him. "Your sarcastic look is quite terrifying."

"I didn't, I don't, don't say nonsense!" Thor immediately denied, one denial after another. "You can't blame me for something that didn't happen."

The video continued, but it no longer showed them arguing. In the new footage, Thor stood in a room that appeared to be made of glass.

Thor swung his hammer at the glass, but it only left a few cracks on the surface.

Being able to withstand Thor's hammer, it was obvious that it wasn't ordinary glass.

Outside the "glass" room, Loki was initially nervous, but when he saw Thor's failed attempt to break the room, a smile appeared on his face.

"Earthlings think of us as immortal gods, want to give it a try?" Loki walked up to an operating table and reached out his hand. However, before his hand could touch the table, a gunshot was heard, and his gun-wielding henchman was knocked down.

"Please step aside," Phil Coulson walked in with a very peculiar-looking gun.

"What is this?" Tony Stark, being a weapons dealer himself, took notice of the unusual weapon. Based on his years of experience dealing with weapons, he felt that this weapon was not ordinary, but he had never seen anything as strange as this before. In his eyes, its design seemed illogical in many aspects.

"Is this a secret weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Thor also observed the peculiar gun.

"Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. developing weapons using the Tesseract?" Tony Stark asked again. "Could this gun be one of the outcomes?"

"Everyone, although I'm holding this gun, I know nothing about it," Phil Coulson shrugged, looking helpless.

"Do you like this?" In the video, Phil Coulson pointed his large gun at Loki. "We started developing this after you sent the Destroyer."

"The Destroyer!" As soon as Thor heard this term, his face changed instantly. "Loki actually sent that thing to Earth?"

"What is it? Is it a terrible weapon?" Tony Stark could tell from Thor's sudden change in expression that this so-called "Destroyer" was definitely a formidable weapon.

"It's my father's ultimate weapon, made of Uru metal from Asgard, almost indestructible, capable of destroying all known substances. It's a weapon that cannot be resisted by mortals..." Thor cursed, gritting his teeth. "Damn Loki, what is he up to? How could he bring such a thing to Earth!"

"Since you know so much about this 'Destroyer,' do you know how to counter it?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Coulson, the Destroyer has no weaknesses," Thor shook his head. "You humans cannot defeat it."

"No, it has been defeated," Tony Stark pointed at the video. "Coulson obviously has encountered the Destroyer, but he's still alive. Doesn't that prove that the Destroyer has been overcome?"

"Perhaps he was lucky to escape death," Thor said.

The others didn't respond to Thor, their full attention focused on the video. Since Phil Coulson was holding a weapon developed based on the Destroyer, perhaps they could catch a glimpse of the true nature of the Destroyer from this weapon.

"I don't know what it can do. Do you want to see?" In the video, Phil Coulson pointed the large gun at Loki.

As he spoke, Phil Coulson pressed a button on the gun with his finger, and the barrel immediately turned red.

But at that moment, Phil Coulson let out a painful scream because Loki stabbed him from behind with his staff.

The Loki who had been standing in front of Phil Coulson seemed to dissipate like a bubble in the air.

"No!!!" Thor, trapped in the transparent room, shouted loudly.

"So, this is the power of a god?" Phil Coulson, still calm and composed despite being stabbed by Loki from behind, watched as blood continued to flow. "Indeed, it is beyond the comprehension of us mortals. I guess I wasn't wrong in losing, was I?"

"First, create an illusion in place, then hide and circle around to Coulson's back?" Tony Stark tried to speculate on the principles behind Loki's tactics.

At this moment, it became apparent that Thor truly considered Phil Coulson as a friend. His expression in the video looked extremely pained.

Meanwhile, Loki was quite pleased with himself. Holding the bloodstained staff, he walked past Thor as if he were showing off. Then, with a smile on his face, he approached an operating table and pressed a button, creating a large hole in the ground.

At this point, Thor already knew what Loki intended to do, but he seemed to be deeply disappointed by Loki's act of killing in person. He didn't say anything, just stared at Loki in silence, as if he wanted to kill him with his gaze.

Loki extended his hand and pressed a button. The transparent room where Thor was located plummeted straight down into the blue sky and clouds.

It turned out that all of this didn't happen on the ground but on a mothership in the sky.

"It seems like Loki wanted to kill you, Thor," Clint Barton said. "Isn't Loki your brother? He's acting so ruthlessly towards you?"

"No, he wouldn't, he wouldn't..." Thor denied firmly. "Loki wouldn't do such a thing."

"Just curious, as the God of Thunder from Asgard, can you be killed by falling?" Tony Stark asked.

"Would I, Thor, die so easily?" Thor glanced at Tony Stark.

"Seeing your confidence, I'm reassured," Tony Stark said, with a somewhat meaningful tone.

The video continued, and Nick Fury, dressed in a black trench coat, hurriedly ran to the severely injured Phil Coulson sitting on the ground.

"Boss, I'm sorry, let that plague slip away," Phil Coulson held onto his large gun, his voice weak, looking like he could die at any moment.

"Stay awake! Look at me!" Nick Fury took the large gun out of Phil Coulson's arms and threw it on the ground. "You can't rest!"

"I'm fine, boss." Phil Coulson smiled. "If we don't give them any motivation, they'll never unite."

Under Nick Fury's gaze, Phil Coulson closed his eyes and fell silent.

"Coulson, I didn't expect it to be you," Clint Barton looked at Coulson with great surprise. "The one who united the Avengers wasn't Captain America, Thor, or Iron Man, but you!"

(End of chapter)

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Check out my Other Projects too:-(Advanced chapter on P@treon)

=>Sailing with Whitebeard: Starting with a Question

=>The day of studying in Hogwarts
