
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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271 Chs

Chapter 236: Reality Gem Found!

In this chapter, Quentin Beck says, "Now, I have both the cape and the lasers. With our technology, combined with Edith, the Mysterious Guest will become the greatest superhero on Earth!"

"Then everyone will listen intently!"

"Not to that drunk old man."

"Not to that horny little brat."

"But to me!"

"To my wealthy advisory team!"

"A toast to us!"

"A toast to the Mysterious Guest!"

"A toast to Peter Parker!"

"Silly kid."

The space darkened, and the video ended there.

After the video ended, the people in the answer space were all dumbfounded.

So the scam was actually like this! They weren't collaborating with villains for a performance, there were no villains in the first place! The so-called villains were just illusions created by technology!

"Tony, from the video, this Quentin was your employee. Don't you remember?" Phil Coulson quickly asked.

"He's probably going to be my employee in the future, but not now," Tony Stark said.

"I think if Tony treated his employees a bit better, this Mysterious Guest might not have turned to the path of a villain," Natasha Romanoff said.

"I agree," Nick Fury strongly agreed with Natasha Romanoff, "Tony, if you didn't have such a big mouth, you'd probably have a lot fewer enemies."

"You all believed that Mysterious Guest's words so deeply. I'm your colleague, shouldn't you have believed me?" Tony Stark retorted.

"This Mysterious Guest is indeed talented. The holographic projection technology reached such a level that it's completely deceptive. Nobody can tell it's fake," Stephen Strange said.

"Holographic projections deceive the eyes, armed drones create real impacts, flawless," Bruce Banner said, "This Mysterious Guest is different from typical villains, very smart."

"But no matter how smart, it's useless. Whether it's the Mysterious Guest himself or his team, they've shown their faces in the video. I'll find them soon," Nick Fury said.

"Tony, what's the deal with those glasses?" Clint Barton asked at this time, "The Mysterious Guest went to such lengths to deceive you for a pair of glasses from Peter?"

"I can only say I don't know. I have no intention of making a pair of glasses right now," Tony Stark said.

"This video once again proves how much Tony values Peter," Steve Rogers said, "That kind of glasses, which he didn't give to anyone, he left them for Peter."

[This round of answering is complete. Prepare to return to the real world.]

Instantly, all the superheroes disappeared without a trace.

[Answering is complete, rewards are being distributed.]

[Host has obtained an upgraded version of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit (Sea Water Resistant).]

[Host has obtained an upgraded version of the Venom-Venom Fruit (Sea Water Resistant).]

"These rewards are pretty good." Li Cheng's face revealed a satisfied smile. If he remembered correctly, both of these Devil Fruits could be considered top-tier in One Piece.

Moreover, the Devil Fruits he received had been improved by the system, without the side effect of the original Devil Fruits fearing sea water.


"I'm back?" Stephen Strange lay in the rudimentary room in Kamar-Taj, somewhat dazed.

"Flash-Flash Fruit, I still don't know what that is, but it seems pretty powerful." Stephen Strange muttered regretfully. After struggling with his question, he still got it wrong.

"Moreover, that TVA, I didn't expect an organization like that to exist in this universe!" Stephen Strange recalled the newly appeared TVA in the recent answer space.

Even now, he still felt amazed. The Infinity Stones that could destroy the universe, and yet, they had a drawer full of them.

No, to be more accurate, what they saw was just a drawer. Who knows how many they actually have? Wasn't that employee saying they use those things as paperweights?

What's the most tragic thing in the world?

Sometimes, the most devastating thing is when something you strive for with all your might is easily available to certain people, and they treat it as garbage!

Stephen Strange was feeling that way now.

Early the next morning, Stephen Strange went to find the Ancient One.

"Teacher, do you know about the TVA?" Stephen Strange asked.

"You went to the answer space again?" the Ancient One asked in response. Given Stephen Strange's level, there was no way he could know about the TVA under normal circumstances. However, now that he knew, the only possibility was that mysterious and unfathomable answer space.

"Yes, teacher. I entered the answer space last night," Stephen Strange said. "It was the first time, and the answer space played a video about the TVA."

"It seems the answer space is an even more formidable presence than the TVA."

"Teacher, did you choose death because of the TVA?"

"That's an important reason, but not the only one," the Ancient One said.

"Then what other reasons are there?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I'm tired," the Ancient One said.


"Stephen, you might think that enemies like Thanos and Dormammu are terrifying foes that you'd give your life to stop," the Ancient One said.

"Aren't they terrifying enough?" Stephen Strange asked.

"What you said isn't wrong, but if you live long enough, you'll realize that they're actually..." The Ancient One paused, expressing it in a nonchalant manner, "They're actually just like that."

"Could it be that you've encountered even more powerful enemies?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Yes," the Ancient One nodded, "Don't limit your perspective to Earth alone. Expand it to the entire universe, and extend your view across tens of thousands and billions of years. Then you'll realize there are too many enemies. Foes like Thanos? You defeat one, and you don't know when another one will appear. In fact, during my time as the Sorcerer Supreme, I've already eradicated and repelled many enemies like Thanos. So, to me, Thanos is not important at all."

"..." Stephen Strange was left speechless. He thought he had seen so much in the answer space, and yet, compared to the Ancient One, his perspective was still narrow.

This wasn't Stephen Strange's fault, nor was it a sign of Tony Stark and others having shallow visions. It's simply because they have limited lifespans.

A person who can only live a few decades versus someone who has lived for hundreds of years – can the former really think about enemies thousands of years in the future?

"Enemies are endless. So, for us, as long as we know there are successors, as long as we know there are people who can carry on our legacy, who can take over guarding the world we've protected, that's enough," the Ancient One said. "Training successors and ensuring our legacy continues, that's what matters to us."

"So, that's how it is?" Stephen Strange murmured. The Ancient One's words today had truly broadened his understanding.

"That's how it is for me, and Odin as well," the Ancient One said.

"You know Odin?" Stephen Strange realized his question was rather pointless the moment he asked it. As close as Asgard and Earth were, with two experts of this caliber living so close, how could they not know each other?

"I do," the Ancient One smiled. "The successor I chose is you, while Odin's chosen successor is Thor."

"I chose you as the successor, and the Ancient One chose Stephen Strange as the successor." In Asgard, Odin said something similar to what the Ancient One had said.

"The successor of Asgard?" Loki glanced at Thor beside him. To be honest, he was quite jealous.

He didn't care about being the successor of Asgard, nor did he think he was as powerful or suitable as Thor. But seeing how much Odin valued Thor, he inexplicably felt uncomfortable.

"Loki, actually, I know everything about you, including things you haven't done yet." At this moment, Odin said to Loki, "Don't you know, I can also glimpse into the future? Although I can't do it as effortlessly as the Ancient One, when it comes to important matters, especially those involving people crucial to me, I can still see."

"Father, do you mean the things shown in the videos, like Loki's attempt to assassinate me, guiding the Dark Elves to destroy Asgard, and killing Mother – you knew about all these things in advance?" Thor was suddenly astonished.

"There aren't that many details, but yes, I've known for a long time," Odin reached out and patted Loki's shoulder. "You, forever the child who won't grow up. How can I ever feel at ease?"

"Father, if you knew that I would cause great trouble in the future, why didn't you stop it?" Loki's heart trembled, unable to help but ask, "You just watched it happen?"

"Because that's a part of your growth," Odin smiled. "Without experiencing these things, you would forever envy Thor, always feel that I treated you less than Thor, always consider yourself inferior to Thor. Only by going through these absurdities, these heartaches, can you truly grow. Only then can you and Thor put aside your grievances."

"Did you just let the Dark Elves destroy half of Asgard for the sake of my growth?" Loki was utterly dumbfounded. The God of Mischief, the master of betrayal, and in the end, Odin had known about everything all along.

"While it's not the only reason, yes, it does contribute to your growth," Odin said with deep earnestness to Loki. "Loki, even though you often proclaim yourself as the king of Asgard, acting like you want to replace Thor, I know deep down you don't really care about that throne. I don't care either. The only thing I care about is that you and Thor can carry on my legacy, guard Asgard, protect Asgard."

"We?" Loki was taken aback.

"Yes, Loki, both of you," Odin said. "Originally, I had only chosen Thor as the successor, but Loki, things are different now. You have the capability to stand against the TVA. Though your strength may never surpass Thor's, if the day comes when we really have to deal with the TVA, a hundred Thors combined wouldn't be a match for you."

"But for the sake of my growth, Mother even sacrificed herself. Isn't the price too high?" Loki couldn't help but ask.

"Loki, do you think your mother wouldn't know? Do you think only I can see the future in Asgard?" Odin said.

This heart-to-heart conversation, in a way, changed Loki. He was still the God of Mischief, but he would never again repeatedly betray Thor and Asgard as he had in those videos. He was now wholeheartedly guarding Asgard alongside Thor.


Somewhere on Earth.

A few children walked along the street, chattering with excitement.

"I lifted a car with just one hand! I'm so amazing!"

"You're just boasting. The car was floating there to begin with; you didn't lift it."

"Both of you are just bragging. How can a car float like that?"

"It's true, I swear. I'm not lying!"

"Want me to take you to see it?"

"No, you're just tricking us."

"I bet four, I'm not lying."

"I believe you." At this moment, a man wearing sunglasses and a suit spoke up, "Take me to see it."

"Who are you?" the children looked up at Phil Coulson.

"I'm a reporter from 'National Geographic,' and I'm very interested in the place you just mentioned." Phil Coulson took out some money from his pocket, "If what you said is true, all of this will be yours. You can buy toy cars, new backpacks, even take your sweetheart to see a movie. Who knows how you'll want to spend it?"

"Sure, sure!" Seeing the money, the children were excited and led Phil Coulson to an abandoned factory.

At first glance, it seemed ordinary inside, with a large truck parked there.

"Where's the floating car you mentioned?" Phil Coulson asked, "I'm afraid I didn't see it."

"It's that one." A black child pointed at the large truck. 'I swear, it was floating just now!'

"Don't worry, I believe you." Phil Coulson walked up to the truck, reached out, and lifted it as if it had no weight, causing it to float.

"This is it!" Phil Coulson was overjoyed, "After searching for so long, I've finally found the Reality Stone."

"Sir, you see, we didn't lie to you!" The black child was delighted to see the truck lifted.

"Yes, kids, you didn't lie to me." Phil Coulson handed the money to the children as promised. "Congratulations, you've earned some money for yourselves."

"Sir, there are even more fun things around here." A little girl was very excited, pointing to the stairs above her head. "There's a fun place up there, do you want to see?"

"Want to earn a second round of money? You're quite business-savvy," Phil Coulson praised.

"No need, sir. You've already given us a lot. We're just showing you the way." The little girl blushed with embarrassment.

"But if you don't show me the way, I might never find this place." Phil Coulson said, "I'm also very interested in what's above."

"Sir, follow me." The little girl dashed ahead, and the other children chattered excitedly, leading Phil Coulson to the stairs.

"Sir, look, this is an ordinary soda can." Once they reached the stairs, the little girl lifted a soda can for Phil Coulson to see.

"It appears to be a normal can, not containing poisonous gas or a timed bomb, and certainly not some slaughter weapon that Asgard carelessly left behind. Yes, it's just an ordinary soda can." Phil Coulson said.

"Sir, watch this." The little girl threw the soda can down the stairs. It fell partway before disappearing suddenly.

"Sir, guess where it went?" The little girl asked playfully.

"I guess it went up there?" Phil Coulson pointed upwards.

"What, you guessed it." The little girl looked a bit disappointed.


Sure enough, after a short while, the soda can fell from the sky. When it reached the point where it had disappeared last time, it vanished again, only to fall from the sky once more, repeating this cycle.

"Sir, I found the Reality Stone." After confirming the situation with his own eyes, Phil Coulson immediately called Nick Fury to confirm.

"After spending so much time, you've finally found it," Nick Fury said.

"What should we do now?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Notify Thor," Nick Fury said. "Tell him to take the Reality Stone."

"Alright." After hanging up, Phil Coulson looked up at the sky. "Hello, Mr. Heimdall. I'm a friend of Thor's. My name is Phil Coulson. Please tell him that I've just detected the trace of the Reality Stone."


Not long after, the Rainbow Bridge descended from the sky, and a golden-haired giant wielding a hammer stepped out. If it wasn't Thor, then who else?

"You've taken even longer than I expected," Thor said as he walked.

"Finding it now is not too late," Phil Coulson asked, "How about the Power Stone? Any news?"

"Not yet, Asgard is doing everything to search for it." Thor said. "Once it's found, I will go and retrieve it."

"At least keeping the stones in Asgard... I don't know if that's right or wrong." Phil Coulson said.

"At least when my father was alive, it was the right decision. Thanos wouldn't dare come." Thor asked, "Where's the Reality Stone?"

"It's around here." Phil Coulson said, "There are two anomalous gravity points here. They are most likely the Reality Stone, but I didn't dare explore further."

"Alright, leave it to me." Thor first wandered around on the ground, gave the large truck a nudge, and then headed to the stairs. He threw his hammer down.

But unlike when he threw the soda can, the hammer disappeared after being thrown and didn't reappear from above.

"Your hammer wouldn't just be lost like that, right?" Phil Coulson couldn't help but ask.

"I've figured out where it is." Thor turned around and looked behind him. He walked over, and after walking about ten meters, he was suddenly caught by a force of attraction.

Thor didn't resist and let the force pull him.

The next moment, he "crashed" into a wall.

In front of him, he saw a red light flickering in the center of a massive stone pillar.

"Reality Stone, I've found you." Thor grinned, stretched out his hand, and the hammer flew back into his hand.



"The language of this mysterious spell has existed since the birth of civilization. Long ago, the Ancient One referred to this language as spells," the Ancient One was teaching Stephen Strange, "If the term makes you uncomfortable, then you can think of it as programming, the source code that constructs the reality of the world."

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable. Spell is very fitting," Stephen Strange said. "But it can indeed be understood as programming; that's the same principle as source code."

"We gather energy, drawing from other spaces in the multiverse." The Ancient One gestured with her hands, and a sparkling golden line appeared in the air. She rotated her hands, turning the line into a circle. "Recite the spell, forge shields and weapons, thus casting spells."

Stephen Strange knelt there, looking at the Ancient One. He seemed to be attentively listening, but he was actually feeling quite flustered.

Damn, I don't understand at all!

I have no idea what she's saying!

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Is this something humans can comprehend?

Is this something humans can learn?

Back in college, it was easier to write a paper with one hand and a love letter with the other than to understand this!

"Calm down, Stephen. You're going to be the Sorcerer Supreme in the future. You surely must have learned all this," Stephen Strange reassured himself in his mind.

"What's the matter, Stephen? Do you have any questions?" the Ancient One asked.

"Even if my fingers can do all this, my hands are shaking so much, and they're wobbling in the air." Stephen Strange extended his trembling hands. "How can I go from being a novice to doing what you just did?"

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