
Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me

youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Li Cheng traveled to the Marvel world and bound a question-and-answer system to conduct prize-winning questions and answers to superheroes. Since then, the entire Marvel world has collapsed. Thanos: Who is it that made my plan public? Damn it! Thor: Why do you want to publish my two hundred catties video? Did I provoke anyone when I was a fat house? Rocky: What did I do wrong, to publish the video of me being thrown around by the Hulk? US team: Who is saying that I cant hold Thor's Hammer on the surface, so I practiced a set of combos secretly? (Not my novel just translating it ) patreon: young_sunlight

young_sunlight · Movies
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Chapter 177: Captain America vs Iron Man Showdown

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In the midst of the intense battle between Captain America, Steve Rogers, and Peter Parker, the boss of the "Iron Man team," Tony Stark, was also busy. He was chasing after Sam Wilson, who was also flying in the air.

This demonstrated that the heroes weren't going all out. Otherwise, Sam Wilson's "crude" equipment wouldn't have been enough for Tony to handle.

"Clint, can you help me shake him off?" Sam Wilson flew while seeking assistance from his teammate.

Clint Barton immediately bent his bow and aimed at Tony Stark.

Of course, he wasn't so audacious as to try shooting down the flying Iron Man. Instead, there was a person the size of an ant clinging to the arrowhead.

"Are you ready?" Clint Barton asked Scott Lang.

"Ready," Scott Lang replied from the arrowhead. "Hawkeye, go for it!"


Clint Barton released the arrow, which in mid-air split into four or five arrows, all aimed at Tony Stark.

This little trick, naturally, wouldn't hit Tony Stark. However, Clint Barton's intention wasn't to hit him. Those arrows were meant to distract Tony Stark's focus. His real move was Scott Lang.

Before the arrowhead exploded, Scott Lang leaped off and landed directly on Tony Stark's armor. He slipped into the gaps of the armor and entered its interior!

Tony Stark was completely unaware of this. He was still using the repulsor beams to attack Clint Barton. After two shots, the repulsor beams unexpectedly went offline. They couldn't be fired anymore.

Tony Stark was surprised and quickly asked Friday, "Friday?"

"Some weapon systems are offline," Friday reported.

"What?" Tony Stark was utterly baffled. How could things suddenly go offline like that?

Meanwhile, Scott Lang was wreaking havoc within the armor.

"Oh, looks like you need to go for repairs!" Scott Lang exclaimed as he rummaged around for a target.

"Who's talking?" Tony Stark somehow heard Scott Lang's words.

"Your conscience," Scott Lang replied, pulling out some kind of pipeline with his hands. "We haven't communicated much lately."

"Friday," Tony Stark called out.

"Activate the fire suppression system," Friday directly activated the fire suppression system. Just then, Scott Lang held up the pipeline and saw a large cloud of white mist spreading behind him. He immediately dropped the pipeline and turned to run.

However, his running speed was clearly slower than the white mist, and he was engulfed by it. Finally, Tony Stark ejected himself from the armor.

"We need to go. That guy's probably heading to Siberia," on the other side, Steve Rogers was hiding behind cover and said to Bucky Barnes, who was hiding nearby.

"We need to divert the flying one's attention," Steve Rogers looked up at the sky and said, "I'll take on Vision. You head to the aircraft."

"Both of you go to the plane. We're trapped here," Sam Wilson, who was flying in the air, said.

"Though I hate to admit it, if we want to win, we need to sacrifice some people," Clint Barton, who had just rolled to dodge an attack, said as he drew his bow.

"This isn't the truly important battle, Steve," Sam Wilson added.

"Alright, Sam. What's the plan?" Steve Rogers asked. He knew what Sam Wilson meant by the "truly important battle"—it was to go to Siberia and prevent the awakening of another super-soldier.

"We need to create a distraction," Sam Wilson said as he evaded pursuit from James Rhodes.

"I have a big move, but I can't keep it up for long," Scott Lang said as he ran. "Wait for my signal, then run like hell! Even if I tear myself in half, don't come back to save me."

"He's going to tear himself in half?" Bucky Barnes asked Steve Rogers, completely puzzled by Scott Lang's words.

"You're okay with this, Scott?" Steve Rogers inquired.

"I've done it before, well, actually only once," Scott Lang explained. "In the lab, and then I passed out."

"I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best," the shrunk Scott Lang muttered to himself. Then, when he saw James Rhodes flying over, he shouted, "I'm the best!" and leaped onto James Rhodes.

Then he adjusted something on a panel on his own arm, gritted his teeth, pressed a button, and suddenly, his body, which had been the size of an ant, expanded rapidly. But it wasn't a normal return to human size; he transformed into a giant dozens of meters tall.

James Rhodes was flying ahead when Scott Lang casually reached out and grabbed James Rhodes' legs, suspending him in mid-air.

"Holy shit!" Peter Parker exclaimed, witnessing this scene, utterly astonished.

"Hahaha!" Scott Lang burst into laughter as if he were intoxicated.

"Alright, the little guy just got big, really big!" James Rhodes tried to fly out of Scott Lang's grasp, but no matter how hard he tried, plumes of smoke began to emit from his armor, and he couldn't break free from Scott Lang's grip.

"I guess that's the signal," Steve Rogers looked up at the scene and commented.

"Nicely done, little bean!" Sam Wilson, flying in the air, shouted in praise.

"Give me back my Rhodes," Tony Stark was also somewhat surprised, but before he could finish speaking, Sam Wilson flew over and kicked him aside.

Scott Lang treated James Rhodes like a shot put, swinging his arm and hurling him away.

"I'll catch him!" Peter Parker extended his hand, and a strand of web shot onto James Rhodes, but due to his weight and the force of the throw, he couldn't hold onto James Rhodes. Instead, he was pulled along and sent flying.

As they flew past a large truck, Peter Parker kicked off it with both hands, using its immense force to flip the truck over. He landed on top of the overturned truck and desperately pulled on his web, while James Rhodes' armor released energy to finally counteract the force of Scott Lang's throw, allowing him to turn and fly back.


Scott Lang delivered a powerful kick to a large bus, as if kicking a pebble. The bus slid sideways on the ground and crashed into T'Challa.

Fortunately, Vision descended from the sky just in time, shielding T'Challa. Vision's body was incredibly resilient, and he stood there, unmoving, as the bus hit him and broke into pieces.

The transformed Scott Lang was a force to be reckoned with. He grabbed a plane's wing and used it as a weapon, swinging it at Tony Stark, who was chasing Sam Wilson in the air.

However, being large had its drawbacks too—his agility was significantly reduced. Tony Stark easily dodged the swing.

"Okay, who else on our side has an amazing skill or ability they want to show off?" Tony Stark yelled loudly. "I'm open to suggestions."

While Tony Stark was talking, he failed to notice that Sam Wilson was flying above him. Sam Wilson's Red Wing shot out and hit Tony Stark on the head with a clang, knocking him to the ground.

Black Panther, T'Challa, saw Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes running toward the aircraft and hurriedly gave chase.

"Do you want to catch them? Get past me first," Scott Lang's massive form stood in the way, and he kicked at T'Challa.

As the saying goes, you can't fight a cannon with a musket, especially when Scott Lang's leg was so massive. T'Challa dared not face it head-on and leaped to the side.

Scott Lang bent down, reaching out with his large hand to grab T'Challa. But just then, boom, boom, boom—several explosions occurred on Scott Lang's body. It was James Rhodes, who had flown over, firing off those explosive rounds.

However, James Rhodes wasn't alone. He had a strand of web attached to him, and the other end of that strand was held by Peter Parker, who had hitched a ride. Together, they were joining forces against Scott Lang.

Meanwhile, on the ground, T'Challa had engaged Clint Barton in combat. Clint Barton shot two explosive arrows at T'Challa, but T'Challa caught them in his hands.

Clint Barton's arrows were quite fancy; they weren't ordinary arrows. They were explosive, and even Loki had fallen victim to them.

However, when these two arrows exploded in T'Challa's hands, they didn't seem to have any effect on him.

"We haven't been properly introduced," Clint Barton transformed his bow into a staff and said, "I'm Clint."

"I don't care," T'Challa extended his claws and engaged in combat with Clint Barton.

Their battle was fierce and intense. Meanwhile, in the air, the battle was just as dynamic. James Rhodes extended his hand, releasing visible shockwaves that struck Scott Lang's head. However, Scott Lang seemed unfazed, and with a wave of his hand, he sent James Rhodes crashing to the ground.

Then, Scott Lang used a truck to try to crush James Rhodes. James Rhodes responded with a barrage of gunfire, and the truck's body disintegrated bit by bit, like snow melting. By the time Scott Lang swung the truck toward James Rhodes, it had turned into rubble.

Scott Lang lifted his foot to stomp on James Rhodes, who managed to dodge out of the way just in time. Scott Lang's foot landed on a car instead, crushing it.

Just when it seemed like no one could subdue this colossal threat, Vision, who had been absent for a while, intervened. He floated in front of Scott Lang and gently pushed forward. The impact caused Scott Lang to stagger, almost falling, and he steadied himself by grabbing hold of a half-dismantled airplane wing beside him.

At this moment, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were almost at their aircraft. T'Challa saw this and, with one swipe of his claws, snapped Clint Barton's bow. Then he lunged forward and gave chase.

Bucky's escape didn't go unnoticed. Vision, in the air, saw it too. He flew forward, even though Scott Lang was standing in his path. However, this had no effect. Vision's form became intangible, and he phased right through Scott Lang's body.

"Something just flew into my body!" Scott Lang was terrified and let out a scream.

After passing through Scott Lang, Vision suspended himself in the air. A beam of light shot from his forehead, slicing through a several dozen-meter-tall building, which collapsed and fell toward Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.

As the collapsing building threatened to bury the path ahead, a layer of crimson energy suddenly appeared, halting the collapse.

No need to ask, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, had intervened.

Steve Rogers glanced back and quickly ran forward with Bucky Barnes.

At that moment, James Rhodes flew over and emitted sonic waves in mid-air, targeting Wanda Maximoff's head. Wanda clutched her head in pain, the crimson energy vanished, and the falling building continued its descent, crashing onto the ground, blocking the way.

However, just before the building could seal off the path, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes managed to pass beneath it.

But someone was already waiting ahead—Natasha Romanoff, with her red hair flowing, stood there, as if she had been waiting for an eternity.

"You won't stop, will you?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"You know I can't," Steve Rogers replied.

"I'm definitely going to regret this," Natasha Romanoff raised her arm. Just as everyone thought she was about to make a move against Steve Rogers, she shifted her arm slightly and launched a small disc at T'Challa, who had quietly approached behind Steve Rogers.

Amidst the flickering blue arcs of electricity, T'Challa stumbled but managed to stay on his feet.

"Go quickly," Natasha Romanoff said to Steve Rogers, and then she continued to fire the electrically charged discs at T'Challa.

T'Challa was momentarily restrained, allowing Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes to successfully board the aircraft.

T'Challa, however, was determined. Even as the plane took off, he leaped high into the air, attempting to catch the aircraft. But the plane's landing gear retracted just in time, evading his grasp.

"I said I'd help you find him, not catch him," Natasha Romanoff said to T'Challa.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the airport, James Rhodes and Peter Parker teamed up to bring down Scott Lang. James Rhodes then flew towards the aircraft, continuing his pursuit in the air.

Tony Stark was also active, joining James Rhodes in pursuit. They flanked the aircraft, one on the left and one on the right.

It was true that flying enemies were quite the challenge—they were like sticky patches that you just couldn't shake off.

Thankfully, the Captain's side also had aerial capabilities, although a bit rudimentary. At least they could take to the skies.

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