
Marvel: All For One

A guy reincarnates in MCU/XMEN with AFO. This takes place in AU with comic elements. (I don't own any character that belongs to MCU or MHA ) this my first time writing . the updates on this fanfic are irregular I am just writing this for fun.

LUCIF3R · Anime & Comics
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CHAPTER-3 Power awakening

After the party, I went back to sleep. In my sleep, ROB informs me about the awakening of my powers.

Next Morning

In the morning I woke up with my powers awakened. I can feel the powers of All for one and rivet stab in my body. I also cut my finger to test my regeneration, it heals the wound almost instantly. I think my regeneration speed is more than Wolverine's regeneration.

I like this feeling of power coursing through my body. It is almost intoxicating. Suddenly I get a massive headache from all sound coming into my head. 'ahh ahh it hurts, it hurts so badly.' I yell while clutching my head. I took some deep breaths to control my thoughts. After some time I manage to stop the noise in my mind. There is still some voice coming into my mind here and there but it is not as bad as before. At first, I need to learn to control my telepathic abilities then I can train my other powers.

The next day I ask my parents to go to the park to play. At the park, while playing I train my telepathic powers on the children playing in the park. I try to read their mind without them knowing or having a headache. I succeded for few times to read their mind. I train for a few hours then I got tried from read all their minds. 'Mom, Dad let's go home I am tired from playing,' I ask my parents.

For a few weeks, I went to the park with my parents and trained my telepathy. Now I can read their mind without them noticing. I can cover a one km area with my telepathy. In the comic Professor X can cover 250 miles with his telepathy and the whole world by using the Cerebro.

I think I can also make cerebro but upgrade it to work on a universal level. With this can almost become nigh-omniscient.


1943 March 14, new york

It's been 14 years since I came into this universe. In the last few years, I have trained my powers to the absolute limits and also train my body to a near superhuman level. I have learned MMA, taekwondo, and other fighting styles. I am also proficient in using most of the weapons.


When I was 8 years old I told my parents that want to learn karate. My mom said,' No, you are still a child you do not need to learn karate until you are older.' I beg my mom to let me learn karate. After begging for a few days my mom said,' Okay you can learn karate but if you get injured or hurt seriously, you quit this.'

From there, I begin my journey to the top.


In the past, I have trained by going out at night to find mutants using telepathy and training AFO by taking their power and giving them back. I have also trained AFO to take powers from multiple people at the same time. But I have not found any suitable mutant power to take for myself.

I spent the past years in the study of scientific knowledge. I have studied physics, chemistry, engineering, and genetics and gained knowledge to rival the world's top scientists. My telepathy makes it easier to gain knowledge as it gave me photographic memory. It helps me remember anything I study very easily.

I was home-schooled by my father and mother. My father is a nuclear scientist who works for the American government. My mother taught me how to read and write. she was very proud that I was very good at studying. While they were teaching me they notice I learn things at a very fast speed so they started teaching me high-level subjects. I learn everything that they could teach me. My parents try their best to satisfy my curiosity and teach me new things.

Present day (1943 April 10)

World War 2 is going around the world, I do not know the exact date of the creation of Captain America. I think that event will happen in a few months or next year. I need to go to Brooklyn in the near future to meet steve rogers, I need to make him loyal to me and get the knowledge of super soldier serum from the mind of Abraham Erskine. I should keep my eyes on Brooklyn in the future to know when they arrived in Brooklyn.

In the evening, my parents with butler went to the party organized by the government. 'Lucas we will come home late tonight so don't for and go to sleep.' my mom told me. ' okay Mom and Dad have a safe journey.' I replied. They also asked me to come with them but I said no because it was very boring. I have gone to parties like this with my parents it was very boring.

after they are gone I went to bed to sleep. When I was sleeping I detect someone coming inside my mansion. I have created a passive telepathic ability that helps me to detect anything within a certain range like an observational haki. I get up from my bed to see who it was.
