
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Movies
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125 Chs

Swarm Evolution

Far away from the tournament arena, in a desolate wilderness teeming with all manner of wild and magical beasts, a calamity was taking shape. A vast swarm of bug-like creatures—some winged, some crawling, some spitting venom—was converging inside a canyon and assaulted a colossal serpent-like creature that looked like a lesser dragon. The dragon, over 10 meters long, bore a striking resemblance to eastern dragons in folklore, yet it was something less grand, a lesser version. Its scales shimmered in iridescent blues and greens as it unleashed torrents of elemental fury upon its assailants: gusts of wind, walls of fire, and beams of ice.

But the swarm was unyielding, unfazed by death or elemental onslaught. Some got through the lesser dragon's defenses, biting and clawing at its flesh, spitting venom into its wounds. The creature roared in agony, its long, muscular tail thrashing wildly in an attempt to fend off the attackers gnawing at it.

By now, the canyon was almost unrecognizable, marred by scorch marks, chunks of ice, and the charred remains of countless fallen insects. The dragon's body, too, showed signs of wear and tear—scales missing, bleeding wounds, and a tail that was no longer as nimble as it once was.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the dragon began to shift its tactics. It could no longer rely on brute force alone; it needed to be smarter, more calculated. Just as a new wave of the swarm lunged at it, the dragon lifted its tail and slammed it into the canyon wall. The rocks shattered and fell, creating a temporary barrier between it and its attackers. This brief respite allowed the dragon to gather its energies for another elemental attack.

But the swarm was quick to adapt. The insects began to climb over the rubble, their sharp talons and mandibles effortlessly slicing through the rock. Some even started to burrow underneath, intent on reaching the dragon by any means necessary. Realizing its barricade wouldn't hold for long, the dragon focused its energy into its maw, the elemental forces swirling faster and brighter, and released a concentrated beam of fire and ice, incinerating and freezing hundreds of the insects in an instant.

Despite the dragon's efforts, the swarm seemed endless. For every insect it destroyed, two more seemed to take its place. And now, they were angry. The hive-mind's focus sharpened; their attacks became more coordinated. A group broke off and started targeting the dragon's eyes in a synchronized formation. Another cluster aimed for the softer scales under its neck, their venomous stingers ready to inject their deadly toxins.

The dragon roared in anger and pain as some of the insects successfully pierced its eyes, blinding it momentarily. Enraged, it flailed its head wildly, dislodging the pests, and followed it up with another sweep of its tail, sending dozens more insects to their deaths. It then let out a roar so loud that it created a shockwave, momentarily disorienting the swarm and giving it just enough time to unleash another elemental attack. This time, the dragon decided to use lightning, bolts crackling from its open maw, zapping hundreds of insects in mid-air, their charred bodies falling like rain.

By this point, the lesser dragon was visibly exhausted. Its movements were slowing down, its attacks less precise. It knew it was a battle it could not win, but it refused to go down without a fight. Gathering what remained of its strength, it prepared for a final, devastating attack, a last stand against an enemy that would not be deterred.

The air around the dragon began to hum with energy, the ground beneath it quaking as if the very earth recognized the magnitude of what was about to happen. A massive ball of multicolored energy began to form in its mouth, each color representing a different elemental force. Just as it was about to unleash this apocalyptic fury upon the swarm, a blur of motion appeared behind it.

Two deadly slashes echoed through the air, and before the lesser dragon could even register what had happened, its head was severed from its body, landing with a thud beside the swarm, a look of eternal shock frozen on its face.

The swarm, in a frenetic frenzy, descended upon the severed head, each creature wanting to take a piece of the exotic prize. Meanwhile, the shadowy figure stood still, its gigantic scythes shrinking back to their normal form. It had a humanoid figure, black horns protruding from its head, and a mask-like plaque covering its mouth. This was no mere creature; it was an Alpha of the swarm.

Moments later, the Alpha opened its blood-red eyes, now shimmering with newfound power. An oppressive, blood-red aura emanated from its form, briefly freezing the swarm in place. It glanced at its transforming limb, which shifted effortlessly from scythes to claws. The energy level of a Stage 5 cultivator radiated from its body.

With a flick of its hand, it slashed at a nearby boulder. The rock split cleanly in half, as if cut by a master swordsman. Pleased, the Alpha turned to venture deeper into the cave the lesser dragon had been guarding. As it did, the swarm followed, their growls filling the cavern with eerie echoes.

Deep within, they found another lesser dragon, visibly fatigued and surrounded by two baby dragons. The mother dragon growled protectively but the Alpha's scythes began to elongate ominously as they scraped across the floor, it's steps slow yet ominous as it slowly advanced towards its next prey. Another fight, another opportunity for power. The Alpha's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure, and as its scythes swung, a dark decision was made. It was time to annihilate, to kill, to evolve.

Back at the tournament grounds, Thanos sat in meditation, a glowing blue gem—the Space Stone—resting in his lap. Opening his eyes, he murmured, "I didn't expect this, but even Fang Yuan's cultivation arts can be used on the Swarm." Tossing the gem casually from one hand to another, he mused on the newfound potential of his swarm army, their abilities magnified by the cultivation arts he had acquired from another world. "The normal troops have already reached the equivalent of Stage 2, and the Alpha just had a breakthrough."

Thanos's plan was nearing its final stage, the pieces aligning in his favor. As he played with the Space Stone, he continued to manage his swarm remotely, watching as they devoured everything in their path, growing stronger with every kill. He was preparing for the day of reckoning in this world, and as his swarm continued to strengthen, the horizon of that fated day drew ever closer.

The audience at the arena may have thought him merely another contestant, but unbeknownst to them, a maelstrom of death and power was brewing far from their sight, all orchestrated by the cunning and merciless mind of the Titan.