
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Movies
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125 Chs

Lingyun vs Thanos (2)

The reverberating echoes of their collision lingered, a testament to the raw power they both possessed. The ground around them bore witness, marred with scorches and cracks. Lingyun and Thanos stood, a distance apart, both showing the wear and tear from their intense battle, their breathing heavier, but determination undimmed. The fleeting silence was punctuated by the roar of the frenzied crowd, their excitement palpable.

"You are strong," Lingyun finally remarked, his voice an admixture of admiration and fatigue.

"You're not bad either," Thanos replied, the edge of amusement in his tone making Lingyun bristle.

And just as the tension reached its peak, they were at it again. Without warning, Thanos unleashed a sudden lateral kick, catching Lingyun off-guard. Lingyun's sword arced quickly to parry, the sharp ring of metal echoing as the blade met flesh. Yet, this defensive move opened him to a flurry of punches and kicks, each delivered with an intensity that sent shockwaves through the air.

The scent of sweat and metal pervaded the arena as the two combatants locked in their dance of destruction. With every shift, the audience tasted the tang of anticipation and felt the rush of wind, every movement resonating with the pulse of battle.

"2nd Form: Overheat!" Thanos aiming for an uppercut muttered, his fists, now ablaze in a golden hue, seethed with potent energy.

Lingyun, using his unparalleled speed, charged at Kai Thanos. His intent was clear – a fatal strike. "Heaven Slash!" he cried, his blade arching upwards, seeking to split the Titan asunder. His blade came alive, radiant and fierce, as it clashed with the heated punch. The very air around them crackled with energy, charged with the magnitude of their powers colliding. A blinding light followed by a thunderous clap silenced the arena, rendering the crowd mute in awe.

Time itself seemed to pause. In that heart-stopping instant, the azure blade met the Titan's defensive stance, bolstered by his qi. The ensuing explosion of light and energy momentarily blinded everyone

The smoke eventually cleared, revealing a gruesome tableau. Thanos, though standing, bore a severe wound on both his arms, the purple hue of his blood contrasting sharply with his gold-toned skin. But what truly sent chills down the spine of onlookers was the sight of Lingyun, impaled by countless daggers. The back of his azure robe was pierced with countless daggers, each embedded deep, making him appear like a fallen porcupine.

The collective gasp of the audience was loud and clear, as was the disbelief on Lingyun's face. As he crumbled, the sound of his body hitting the ground resonated deeply, signifying the end of an epic battle. A pool of crimson began to spread, as the victor's grin grew wider.

"How do you like my flying daggers now?" Thanos' taunt was as sharp as the blades that had sealed his victory.

In the audience, Lee's stoic face held a hint of satisfaction.

Lingyun's blue eyes, once filled with determination, now reflected disbelief. His body trembled before collapsing, defeated. "I-Impossible," Lingyun's voice was but a whisper, drowned by the deafening announcement of Thanos' victory. The arena was alive with shouts of joy, fury, and sheer thrill.

The arena presenter's voice pierced the silence, proclaiming Kai Thanos's victory. The crowd erupted, emotions ranging from elation from the spectators to anger from Lingyun's fangirls. The arena echoed with their combined roars.

The victorious Titan, ignoring his bleeding wounds, strutted out of the arena. Medical attendants rushed to him, administering healing potions. But Kai's thoughts were already on celebrations. He made his way to his familiar spot, where Lee awaited with a feast. Settling down, Kai began devouring the spread as though the intense battle was just another day in the park.

"Master, this is your 12th victory. You might already qualify for the rift," Lee remarked, his voice filled with respect.

"Don't slack off either," Thanos replied, taking a generous gulp of his drink. "Just ensure you're there with me," Kai responded, his tone firm.

Perched on the highest seats, Li Shuang's eyes bore into Thanos, his mind buzzing with thoughts. "I thought I had battled the best in the sect," he mused aloud, "Can't wait to challenge you, Feng."

Beside him, his master's stern voice chastised, "Don't cause a ruckus here."

Li Shuang simply smiled, the thrill of a new challenge evident in his gleaming eyes.

"Just observing the competition."

The warning glare from his master prompted him to look away, but the excitement remained.

(more timeskips to come, I didn't expect to pass so much time wordbuilding a cultivation world, I got carried away sry :)