
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Movies
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125 Chs

Golden Core and New Ascendance

Under the shifting dappling shadows of the colossal trees, Thanos sat on a hefty moss-covered rock, observing the world around him through half-closed eyes. The air was filled with a symphony of nature, whispering leaves and a gentle, harmonious choir of insects providing the serene soundtrack to his silent meditation.

Several meters away, the peaceful tranquility was disrupted by the clash of steel against flesh. Lee, Thanos's azure-clad servant, was engaged in a fierce struggle against a formidable beast. Its hulking form bore a resemblance to a gorilla, with an extra layer of thick, rough hide that made it all the more menacing.

The beast roared, each snarl like a gust of wind buffeting against the leaves, rattling the otherwise silent forest. Lee, brandishing his gleaming sword, parried the beast's attacks with masterful precision, his blade cutting through the air and leaving fleeting trails of light in its wake. Every clang of their confrontation reverberated through the air, each blow telling a tale of a fight for survival.

Akin to a ferocious dance, Lee maneuvered, circling the beast, driving it back with a barrage of sword strikes. Sweat trickled down his brow, gleaming on his skin like tiny diamonds under the dappled sunlight. Yet, his azure eyes burned with an unwavering determination, his concentration solely on the beast.

Blow after blow, their struggle seemed endless, the forest their stage, and they the performers in a deadly ballet. Each exchange left the beast with a fresh cut, blood seeping from its hide, staining the earth beneath its feet. The once formidable beast, though resilient, was beginning to falter under the onslaught, its movements growing sluggish.

Seizing the opportunity, Lee lunged forward, driving his sword deep into the beast's chest. The beast bellowed out a final agonizing cry that echoed through the forest before its life extinguished, its body slumping onto the earth.

With a sigh of relief, Lee, drained and panting heavily, collapsed onto the ground beside the beast, a faint smile playing on his lips. His body ached, and minor cuts adorned his form, but they were nothing life-threatening. The moment of respite was broken by a deep voice that carried an approving undertone, "Not bad."

Thanos rose from his spot, a slight smirk on his face as he approached Lee. For the next few hours, they ventured further into the forest, the massive trees their only witnesses. Lee continued to engage in skirmishes with the beasts that lurked in the shadows, his every move watched and assessed by Thanos.

After some time, Thanos motioned for Lee to sit. He knelt in front of him, laying a hand on his servant's forehead, his eyes burning with an unspoken intensity. The instruction was clear - it was time for Lee to awaken his core. Thanos began to guide him through the steps to awaken his core, a feat they had attempted multiple times before to no avail. Awakening a core was an elusive endeavor, rarely successful on the first try. However, this time, something was different. As Lee concentrated under Thanos' guidance, his body began to radiate a warm, golden glow.

Lee's eyes fluttered closed, his mind sinking into a state of tranquil emptiness. And then it happened. Within him, a golden glow emerged, the birth of a radiant core of power - his Golden Core.

Thanos felt a surge of satisfaction at the sight. His young subordinate had just stepped into a new realm of power, his value and potential growing exponentially.

Thanos decided it was time to embark on his own journey of progression. He needed to ascend to the next level - to become a Second Stage cultivator. He stood up, his figure casting a long shadow in the setting sun.

"Now, it's my turn," Thanos declared, his voice echoing through the forest.

Thanos and Lee wandered deeper into the forest, the wild beasts instinctively keeping their distance from the intimidating titan. They found a hidden cave nestled among the forest's thick foliage. "Guard the entrance," Thanos instructed Lee, who nodded in acknowledgment.

Lee took his post obediently, eyes scanning the forest, hand gripping the hilt of his sword. Thanos, in turn, retreated further into the cave, creating a barrier of sheer force at the entrance.

Thanos proceeded further into the cave, its cool interior a stark contrast to the humid forest outside. At the very end, he found a suitable spot and sat down, his back against the cool rock wall. Thanos closed his eyes, shifting his focus inward. As he entered a state of deep meditation, he felt the voice in his head, his ethereal companion, cheer him on.

"Go, big guy! It's time to level up!"

Thus began Thanos's journey towards his next breakthrough, the ascent to the 2nd stage of cultivation. His body hummed with contained power, the air within the cave charged with energy. It was time for the Titan to ascend once again, to reach new heights of power, and reshape the course of his destiny.