
Marvel: A Titan's Dream (Completed)

Kai was a psychopath, deemed clinically insane by the medical community. He had always been strange, the kind of strange that would make him dance in a dark room with headphones on while chugging down bottles of milk. Yes, he was a milk addict, and he took it to a whole new level. The voice in his head was his only friend, the only constant in his otherwise chaotic life. One day, Kai escaped from the mental asylum where he had been confined for years. He had no idea what he would do next or where he would go, but he was determined to escape his reality. He found an abandoned building and made it his home, but fate had other plans for him. Kai died in that building, but instead of his consciousness fading away, he transmigrated into the body of a young Thanos. When he realized where he was, he had an existential crisis. Thanos was a madman who pursued the concept of death, but Kai was scared of death. It was ironic that he had transmigrated into Thanos' body.

SleepyChaos · Movies
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125 Chs

Follow Me In That Dark Alley

The Old Man's cryptic gaze held steadfast onto Thanos, a gauzy aura of mystery surrounding him like an inscrutable shroud. Thanos, a towering mountain of power, made his way toward the man with cautious determination. Lee trailed behind his master, a bemused expression on his face. His azure attire stood out sharply in the dull, monotonous environment of the dark alley. His youthful eyes darted between the Old Man and Thanos, curiosity overtaking his initial wariness.

Thanos' massive boots echoed in the otherwise quiet street, each step resonating with an unspoken authority. His vibrant purple garments rippled with his every move, displaying a contrast that made the titan even more striking amidst the mundane surroundings.

As Thanos towered over the old man, a glint of intrigue flashed across his obsidian eyes. The old man, seated against the weather-beaten wall, ran a frail hand through his wispy white hair before speaking, "It looks like a full fledged transformation, it must have been a strong cultivation art."

"Indeed," Thanos replied curtly, his deep voice vibrating in the space between them. A brief silence fell, punctuated only by the faint rustling of his robes.

As Thanos reached the man, the Old Man broke the silence once again. "Would you like to become even stronger, I wonder," he asked, his words almost lost in the murmuring wind. The question lingered in the air, stirring curiosity in the titan.

"What do you mean?" Thanos probed, his brow furrowing under the weight of his intrigue. The old man's frail form belied a past of power, the echoes of which still clung to his words. A once formidable presence was now only a shadow, tinted with the color of yesteryears.

"I might not look like it, but I was quite strong in my old days, but fate decided to end my legacy..." The Old Man's voice trailed off, a lonely tone coloring his words. His gaze, fixed somewhere in the distance, seemed to relive moments from a time long gone.

Thanos, while maintaining a passive demeanor, was a hurricane of thoughts within. The voice inside his head was ecstatic, hopping from one speculation to another. "I've seen this trope in that novel with the trash son of a concubine! What was the name! What was the naaaame! Give us some godly weapon or some shit old man!" it yelped, buzzing in the confines of his mind. The titan pushed the voice away, focusing on the moment at hand.

Hmm...Why don't you follow me to that dark alley so that we can have more privacy?" The Old man proposed, his gaze steady on Thanos.

The Titan raised an eyebrow, "Following someone one just met inside a dark alley is not generally recommended," he retorted.

The Old Man smiled, a hint of amusement twinkling in his otherwise somber eyes. "My apologies, I've been quite alone for a while and forgot the basic common sense," he admitted, his words floating in the air between them.

He rose, dusting off his ragged clothes, and began to walk further into the alley, leaving Thanos and Lee to decide their next move. Thanos watched him retreat, his thoughts whirling. The old man's words had planted a seed of curiosity within him, and despite his rationality advising him otherwise, he found himself wanting to discover more.

The darkness of the alley felt like an extension of the Old Man's mystery, tempting and foreboding. The scent of dampness hung in the air, the cobblestone paths were cool underfoot, while the weak light of the distant market was almost completely swallowed by the narrowness of the alley.

After a moment's consideration, he decided to follow, Lee keeping close, his azure attire now blending with the somber hues of the alley.

Their destination was a secluded corner, hidden from the prying eyes of the city. The damp stone walls of the buildings on either side rose to meet the star-studded sky, forming a long corridor of darkness. The dimly lit lanterns suspended from the buildings cast dancing shadows, their whimsical performance only adding to the suspense.

Once they reached the deepest recesses of the alley, the Old Man turned and smiled. "I see that you have made your choice." His gaze then fell on Lee.

"He is a trusted servant," Thanos said, acknowledging the unspoken question. The Old Man gave a slow nod and shifted his gaze back to Thanos.

"What do you know about the Primordial War?" The Old man asked, his question hanging in the heavy silence.

"The orthodox and the unorthodox sides fought a world scale battle so that one of their leader could reach the legendary 10th Stage." Thanos recited, his gaze fixed on the Old Man.

The Old Man's eyes met Thanos's under the scarce light. He sighed deeply, and in the soft glow, Thanos could see the lines of age and wisdom etched deep into his face.

"Indeed," the Old Man replied with a sigh, "What I am about to tell you is a side of the Primordial War that was rarely told. After you know of this truth, you won't be able to turn back from your previous lives."

His words held a grave weight. 'What is it? What is it!' The voice inside Thanos's head repeated with wild excitement. But before he could speak further, the Old Man interjected, "But before I tell you of this... Let us make the Heaven's Oath."

Thanos stiffened. The Heaven's Oath was a binding commitment, its consequences dire if not adhered to.

The alley felt even darker and ominous, the chilly wind whistling past their ears and rustling the littered leaves on the ground. Somewhere in the distance, a cat yowled, the sudden sound echoing in the silent darkness. The faint smell of mildew and rot lingered, enhancing the eerie atmosphere.

The Old Man sat on the cobblestones again, his frail form a stark contrast to the towering titan before him. His sunken eyes bore into Thanos' own, probing, gauging.

"So, What is your choice?" The old man's question reverberated through the alleyway, and for a brief moment, the destiny of Thanos seemed to hang in the balance, waiting for his answer.