
Chapter 089 Steve Rogers

Chapter 089

Alex got out of the car as it reached the airport. Stepping out of it, he looked around. Shield agents were all around him and for some reason, they were glancing at him with curious but scared gazes.

Like they thought of him as a freak.

"I'm sorry about my agents. They have all been briefed about Loki and are kind of on guard, especially since Loki was able to mind control Clint Barton. He's considered a legendary figure in our organization."

"Ah, I understand. I saw the files."

For record, Alex was briefed about Hawkeye too as he was one of the candidates on the Avengers Initiative program.

Although not a superhuman, Clint had enough skills to stand among them.

"So, why are we here? Are we taking flight?" Alex asked as they walked through the airport.

"Similar. Someone is waiting for us here too. I think you would enjoy meeting him."

Coulson replied with a smile and Alex immediately understood who they were going to meet.

'This must be the scene when Captain America and Coulson would get on a quinjet. Guess, I'm a part of it too now.'

He thought and couldn't help but be a little excited about the prospect of meeting Captain America.

Alex was a fan of him as most people who watched Marvel were. It was similar to when he had first met Peter.

They moved to the runaway and in the distance, Alex was easily able to spot a quinjet. Standing in front of it was a man with blonde hair and a face that looked like God had sculpted it himself.

He kind of resembled Chris Evans, but not by much. 

The atmosphere around him was really calm but Alex could clearly see that the man was prepared for any attack. Even if an unexpected bombing happened on the airport, he would surely survive and maybe even save others.

'Meeting Captain America… guess, I'm really becoming a big deal now.'

Alex chuckled to himself as Coulson shook hands with the blonde man.

After that, the blonde man looked at him and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Steve Rogers."

He put his hand out to shake Alex's. The grip of his hand was strong and he could feel the strength of a super soldier.

"Alex, Alex Krown. It's an honour to meet you, Captain. Been hearing about you since my childhood. Never thought I would get to meet you."

"Just call me Steve. And I heard about you. More like, "I saw your file."

"What does it say?"

"Young, a sense of responsibility, and unexpected. Something I can work with." 

"That's nice to hear."

Alex said and they went inside the quinjet with Coulson. Strangely, there was no pilot and Steve looked at Coulson with confusion.

"Where is the pilot?" He asked.

"I'm the pilot."

Coulson said and for a moment, Alex felt like he was showing off due to the small smirk on his face.

It was then that he realised a plot point he was forgetting.

'Coulson is a Captain America fanboy.'

Thinking that, Alex smiled to himself. Looks like the flight to the Helicarrier would be nice.

* * *

In the underground lab, Several soldiers under Loki's mind control were running around, their eyes hollow, devoid of any life, preparing to initiate whatever Loki had planned. 

They didn't have any control of their actions and were following Loki's orders like puppets controlled by strings.

The god responsible for all this, Loki was sitting down in a corner, watching the humans he was controlling. His gaze lingered on Eric longer who was working with a CMS device.

'Sigh, I have been called again!'

He thought as he suddenly felt someone calling him. He immediately closed his eyes, meditating and focusing his energy on the scepter in his hands.

The scepter glowed with a blue light and in an instant, Loki was materialized back into the throne room of the Other, fully armed in his horned helmet and armor. 

The Other noticed his presence and appeared down the steps.

"The Chitauri grow restless." He said, taking a hard tone but Loki just shrugged.

"Let them go by themselves. I will lead them into a glorious battle."

"Battle? Against the meager might of Earth?" The Other said confused.

For him, Earth was not something that needed to be fought against. Conquering it by sending the army straight to it was the right way.

"Glorious, not lengthy. If your force is as formidable as you claim."

"You question us? You question him?" The Other roared. "He who put the scepter in your hand, who gave you ancient knowledge and new purpose when you were cast out, defeated?"

"I was a king! The rightful king of Asgard! Betrayed!"

Loki didn't back down and fired back. He wasn't someone who would listen to an ugly creature treat him like this.

"Your ambition is little, born of childish need. We look beyond the Earth to greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil."

"You don't have the Tesseract yet."

Loki said and his words managed to anger The Other who prepared to attack him. As he rushed towards Loki, the god of mischief stopped him by pointing the scepter at him.

"I don't threaten, but until I open the doors, until your force is mine to command, you are but words."

His words clearly infuriated The Other more but he was helpless. He was just a mere servant to his master and his master had chosen Loki to bring back the Tesseract.

Until then, he could only nod.

"You will have your war, Asgardian. If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can't find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain."

The Other threatened before placing his hand on Loki's head and transporting him back to Earth.

After finding himself back on Earth, Loki looked around, cautiously.

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